Geoffrey Roth - University of Houston
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Faculty Bio

Geoffrey Roth

Professor of Practice
Office: Communication Bldg
Email: groth2@Central.UH.EDU

Geoffrey Roth has been working as a journalist and news manager for more than 40 years. After getting his Bachelor’s and Master's degrees from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, he started out his career in politics as a press and legislative aide for U.S. Congressman Lee Hamilton of Indiana.

He then joined the staff that started the Cable News Network, working as a producer in Atlanta and the network's Washington bureau.

He moved into local television news and spent the bulk of his career as a writer, producer, executive producer, and News Director at stations across the country. He has also done multimedia consulting for NPR stations.

He has excelled in innovation, starting up the first digital news department in the country in San Diego and the first all IP-based mobile journalism news department in Charlotte, NC. As part of these startups, he developed news websites and social media strategies for the stations. One of his passions is mobile journalism- using smartphones and apps to shoot, edit and distribute content to multiple platforms with small, lightweight mobile journalism kits.

He has recently been experimenting with using drones for news gathering and is an FAA-licensed drone pilot.