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I’m interested in applying for a grant, but I’m not sure what opportunities are available. How can I find out?

Help is all around you. Ask colleagues in your department, and talk to other people in your field. Consult the Pivot funding opportunities database, which allows you to refine searches in numerous ways. You can also post a profile on Pivot that helps put you in touch with other professionals who share your expertise. For assistance with funding opportunities, please use our Consultation Request form to schedule an appointment.

Can I apply for more than one grant at a time?

Yes. Multiple submissions are encouraged. You can get more mileage out of your work on a single grant proposal if you, possibly with some revision to meet different sponsors’ guidelines, submit your application to various agencies.

What internal grant funding is available from UH?

Through the Division of Research, Small Grants, New Faculty Research Grants, Grants to Enhance and Advance Research (GEAR), and Faculty Development Leaves are offered to faculty.

I’m submitting an application to a program I’ve never applied to before. Are any sample applications available?

Few private sponsors make available copies of successful applications. On the other hand, all federal agencies are required by law to provide sample grants. Many state and local agencies have similar policies on samples. Contact Denise McGuire at for further assistance.

What do I need to do in order to start the proposal submission process?

The first step is notifying your Research Liaison Officer that you intend to submit a proposal while also providing them with a copy of the sponsor’s funding opportunity announcement. Then you will need to fill out a Transmittal Request Form.

Why do I have to include Indirect Costs (Facilities and Administration Costs) in my grant’s budget?

The University has negotiated a flat rate with the federal government (specifically, in our case, the Department of Health and Human Services) for the use of UH facilities and administrative support (including general use office supplies and computers, secretarial assistance, etc.). Because of this, you don’t have to calculate the real amount for each of these services — which would be enormously complex and time-consuming, so you can just include the negotiated flat rate. For a more detailed description of IDC rates click here.

I’m applying for a grant, and the sponsor says payment will be made only to individuals, not their institutions. Does this mean I can bypass the Dean’s Office and the Office of Contracts and Grants?

It depends. Certain situations may involve oversight from the Dean’s Office or the Office of Contracts and Grants. Please contact Denise McGuire at for further information.

Why do proposals have to be facilitated through the Dean’s Office?

The Dean’s Office should always be your first stop when you’re applying for a grant — either looking for funding opportunities, beginning to prepare an application, or getting ready to submit a grant. Research Development and Research Administration for CLASS are housed in the Dean’s Office. We verify that any internal university, state, and federal grant requirements have been met. We can check to make sure there are no conflicts with proposals (in the instances of limited submission proposals, among others) that could result in an application not being reviewed.

I’ve been awarded a grant. Who do I communicate with to assist me with the administration of the grant?

For assistance with the post award administration of your grant, first contact your Department Business Administrator. They should be able to assist you with most of your post award administration questions.