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News from CLASS
CLASS welcomes new 2016 faculty appointments
The new faculty members joining the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences this academic year bring with them cutting-edge research, broad teaching experience, and impeccable professional credentials. CLASS Interim Dean Steven Craig welcomed the new faculty members during a luncheon, an event where they had the opportunity to meet one another and learn about each other’s research interests and educational backgrounds. read more
John P. McGovern Endowed Lecture in Family, Health, and Human Values features Dr. Mark Anthony Neal
The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences has invited noted expert on masculinity and culture Dr. Mark Anthony Neal to give the 2016 Dr. John P. McGovern Endowed Lecture in Family, Health, and Human Values on October 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the UC Theater. Dr. Neal is professor of African & African American Studies and the founding director of the Center for Arts, Digital Culture and Entrepreneurship (CADCE) at Duke University. His topic for this lecture is Black Masculinities in American Culture. The 2016 McGovern Lecture is arranged and hosted by UH’s Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program and is a collaborative effort with university partners, including the Center for Diversity and Inclusion, to present a week of events exploring masculinity. read more
History professor presents at U.S. State Department event
Dr. Nancy Beck Young was one of three invited scholars to present at a ceremony at the State Department honoring the 40th anniversary of the Truman Scholarship Program. As a participant, Dr. Young and the other panelists discussed President Harry S. Truman's career and legacy. Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, was also present at the event. read more
CLASS economist examines relationship between recessions and traffic deaths
New research in the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty by CLASS’s Vikram Maheshri, assistant professor of economics, and Brookings Senior Fellow Clifford Winston, suggests a relationship between deadly car crashes and the jobless rate. Fewer people die in car crashes; it turns out when the economy is hurting. read more
CLASS students “study and sail” abroad
From July 20 until August 20, several CLASS students sailed aboard the world’s largest Topsail Schooner, the Wylde Swan, living and working alongside the ship’s full-time crew. The experience was the first “study and sail” abroad experience offered at the University of Houston, and one of the first lessons students learned was that the wind and weather – not your well thought out itinerary - determines where you go. read more
‘Storied’ exhibit opens at UH Libraries
In 1979, the University of Houston founded its Creative Writing Program under the co-directorship of poets Cynthia Macdonald and Stanley Plumly. Within a short time, it would become a leading program for teaching the craft of writing, and one of the few to offer a PhD in literature and creative writing. Now, UH Libraries welcomes visitors to the new exhibit, Storied: The First Ten Years of the Creative Writing Program. read more
Student Spotlight: Student’s journey from Colombia to CLASS allows her to pursue multiple interests
Just prior to her senior year in high school, Camila Escobar took a leap of faith and left her home in Bogota, Colombia to move to Houston and continue her education in the United States. Thanks to CLASS, she is able to pursue her two academic interests simultaneously – political science and religious studies. read more