UH Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Selected to Serve Locally and Nationally
July 21, 2022
Dan Maxwell, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs has been invited to become a member of the Society of Fellows of the Honors College at the University of Houston and has been appointed to serve on the NASPA AVP Steering Committee.
The Honors College Society of Fellows Program recognizes UH faculty, staff and friends of the College for their contributions to Honors education. Honors College Fellows contribute to undergraduate excellence through various curricular and co-curricular programs and activities including serving on thesis committees, mentoring students who are pursuing undergraduate research in the Provost’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, or other programs sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research. Members also serve as knowledgeable sources in their home departments and colleges about policies and goals of the Honors College and seek opportunities of partnerships throughout the UH community.
"Dan has been working in partnership with the Honors College since the day he arrived on campus. It's exciting to have collaboration between academics and student affairs, and it's more important than ever. The Society of Fellows is a way to encourage and organize joint programming that encourages student success. We are thrilled that Dan is officially an Honors Fellow."
On a national level, Maxwell has been chosen to serve as a member of the NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education AVP Steering Committee, which is comprised of 15 AVPs who serve at different institution types throughout NASPA’s seven regions.
In this two-year term, Dan will partner with NASPA staff to shape the ongoing development of NASPA’s AVP initiatives and ensure that AVP-relevant programs are offered during regional and national events. This committee advocates for the varying needs of those at the AVP level through professional development, knowledge creation and sharing, networking opportunities, and recognition aimed at the unique role of AVPs.
“Participation at the local and national level is highly encouraged throughout the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services and we are pleased to recognize Dan Maxwell for his involvement and contributions.”
About the Society of Fellows of the Honors College
Established during the 2009-10 academic year, the faculty of the Honors College created the Society of Fellows in order to give key University faculty, staff and community partners an opportunity to provide support and guidance to undergraduate students while serving as Honors ambassadors in their colleges and departments.
About the AVP Steering Committee
In November, 2012, NASPA established the AVP Steering Committee to partner with NASPA staff to shape the ongoing development of NASPA’s AVP initiatives. The Steering Committee works to ensure that AVP-relevant programs are offered during regional and national events.