Campus Recreation and Wellness Center Receives 2018 Grant Funding From USA Swimming Foundation
July 21, 2022
University of Houston, Campus Recreation Center was chosen as one of 78 Make a Splash programs in the U.S. to receive grant money from the USA Swimming Foundation in 2018. The awarded money will go toward UH, Campus Recreation Center’s continued efforts to provide free or reduced cost swim lessons. The USA Swimming Foundation awarded a total of $436,515 to programs across the country that will provide swim lessons to an estimated 16,000 children.
“We are thrilled to be chosen for this grant,” Assistant Director of Aquatics Program & Safety Rodney Rodgers said. “The money we received will be put toward providing 60 kids from our community opportunity to learn to swim.” “Also the Make a Splash grant helps create a bridge between UH and Third Ward community and continue to pass our passion for teaching kids how to swim onto the younger generation in our community.”
The University of Houston Learn to Swim program has been serving children in the community for 15 years and typically has about 100 participants each year. The introduction of this grant has created an additional 60 spots and increased lesson opportunities to individuals who may not have the means to otherwise learn to swim. Campus Recreation has offered the American Red Cross Learn to Swim program to teach children the valuable life skill of swimming and has expanded the reach to adults too through the years. Swimming is not only excellent exercise, but knowing how to swim and be safe around the water can potentially save a child’s life.
The USA Swimming Foundation vetted 200 applications through a competitive annual review process and chose 78 programs to receive funding, 36 of whom are first time Make a Splash grant recipients.
“We are thrilled to be awarding this funding and so proud that it will be used to create a valuable swimming experience for thousands of children who may not have had the opportunity to learn how to swim,” USA Swimming Foundation Executive Director Debbie Hesse said. “These exciting and lifesaving opportunities would not be possible without the support of our USA Swimming Foundation partners and donors, who continue to help us make a difference across this country.”
More than 850 Make a Splash Local Partners promote water safety education in their communities and provide scholarships and transportation for children to participate in their swim lesson programs.
A full list of Make a Splash grant recipients.
More information on University of Houston Campus Recreation & Wellness.
Campus Recreation team provides daily opportunities make a difference in lives of UH students and community participates. Our mission is to provide the UH community and inclusive environment that cultivates the development of life skills through engaging and meaningful recreation programs, facilities and service.