UH Hosts Inaugural Ascending Leaders Forum
July 21, 2022
Junior and senior high school students from around the region converged at the University of Houston for the Ascending Leaders Forum held Wednesday, Nov. 20. Hosted by UH, the Forum provided almost 500 students and educators an up-close introduction to the opportunities for academic and professional growth available to them at the University.
The Forum included presentations from UH offices of University Career Services, Scholarships and Financial Aid, and Admissions. Students also participated in a tour of the campus followed by a lunchtime interactive student panel led by the UH Admissions Ambassadors.
Coordinated by the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, and held in partnership with American Student Assistance, the Ascending Leaders Forum is designed to raise college awareness among first-generation students. More than an awareness program, the Forum is intended to engage and empower participants to achieve post-secondary access and success.
“UH is a leader in providing programs and services specifically aligned to meet the needs of first generation students. Our team at the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services is always looking for ways to showcase to high school students the unique and exemplary opportunities available to them, practically in their backyard, at the University of Houston”, said Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Daniel M. Maxwell.
UH has the distinction of hosting the first of five Ascending Leaders Forums. Subsequent forums are being planned by the Hispanic Association of College and Universities and American Student Assistance for spring 2020 in Arizona, California, New Jersey, and New York.
In combination with university visits, the high school students take career assessments prior to the event and engage in a review of their results.
"The purpose of these forums is to introduce high school students to the variety of careers that can be found on a university campus. Beyond teaching the students, there is the intention of adding to the diversity of these institutions so that they are a more accurate reflection of the student population they serve," explained Jeanette Morales director PK-12 Initiatives for the Hispanic Association of College and Universities.
The following high schools participated in the forum:
- Channelview High School
- Dulles High School
- Elkins High School
- George Bush High School
- Galveston Ball High School
- Marshall High School
- Ridge Point High School
- Travis High School
- Willow Ridge High
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