Qatar Charity hosts food distribution event for UH campus community
July 21, 2022
The state of Qatar’s generous history of charitable contributions to the city of Houston now includes the University of Houston community.
The Qatar Charity has partnered with the University of Houston System to host a free drive-through food distribution for members of the UH campus community.
November 17
2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
TDECU Stadium, Southwest Parking Lot
On November 17, UH Wellness will be giving out hundreds of boxes of food to faculty, staff and students. Any member of the UH community can receive a 30-pound box of non-perishable food items.
This gift is led by UH-Clear Lake’s Diplomacy Institute and is funded by Qatar Charity’s $200,000 gift. The food was purchased through the Houston Food Bank and this distribution is the first event Qatar Charity hopes to host for the UH and Houston community. Across all UH System campuses, Qatar Charity is helping distribute more than 6,000 boxes of food.
“For the first time, Qatar Charity is partnering with a university to launch a food distribution effort,” said University of Houston-Clear Lake’s Associate Vice President of Global Learning and Strategy Gigi Do. “We are proud to work with Qatar Charity to help students and community members in need during such difficult times.”
Participation will be simple: There is no RSVP required, but it is first come, first served. The drive-through food distribution will be held on November 17 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., at the southwest parking lot by TDECU Stadium on Scott Street. To pick up a box of food: Enter the parking lot through the entrance on Cougar Place, sign in, and a staff member will place the box in your car.

UH Wellness is organizing the drive-through food distribution and will be giving out 350 boxes of food. The 30-pound boxes of food will contain non-perishable items like oatmeal, canned vegetables, rice and other pantry items.
“We are thrilled to be part of the UH system Qatar Charity food distribution to improve food security,” said Reuben Parrish, director of UH Wellness. “This opportunity allows the Cougar Cupboard to expand their reach beyond just students but to staff and faculty.”
One of Qatar Charity’s main missions is to offer aid and support to people in need all over the world. “This is part of humanitarian diplomacy, which is the connection between Qatar Charity and the Diplomacy Institute at UH-Clear Lake,” said Diplomacy Institute Assistant Vice President Edmund “Butch” Herod. “The DI, as well as Qatar Charity, are committed to the advancement of humanitarian diplomacy, and we appreciate this new partnership to support our community.”
If you have questions or need accommodations to participate, please contact Jessica Haney at 713-743-5430 or uhcupbrd@CougarNet.UH.EDU.