NSM Career Center - University of Houston
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NSM Career Center

The NSM Career Center offers a wide variety of services and resources to empower our students and alumni as they develop a rewarding career. We’re here to help you obtain internships, undergraduate research and full-time positions upon graduation.

In addition, employers can access customized recruitment planning and services to build a pipeline of talented science, math and computer science candidates.

HireNSM for Students

Through the HireNSM online platform, the Career Center offers students a variety of relevant interview preparation opportunities and online job postings specific to NSM fields of study.

Learn more about HireNSM for Students

HireNSM for Employers

HireNSM allows you to post internships, research opportunities and full-time professional job openings. Employers can also request to hold an information session or special event, schedule on-campus or virtual interviews, and obtain resume books.

Learn more about NSM and HireNSM for Employers


Science & Research 2, Room 114

Contact Us

NSM Career Center
Dawnelle Prince, Director
Science & Research 2, Room 114
dsprince@central.uh.edu or HireNSM@uh.edu

Upcoming Events

NSM Emergency Preparedness Day

NSM Emergency Preparedness Day

Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Time: 9 AM–4 PM
Location: Various Campus Locations
Registration: Register in HireNSM (in AccessUH) by March 18

The event will feature dynamic instruction and hands-on experiences designed to help strengthen students medical care knowledge and eligibility for medical and other healthcare schools. The event will feature the landing of a medivac rescue helicopter, a professional healthcare panel, and an exploration experience in one of the largest mobile medical units in the U.S. The event will also feature the simulation of a natural disaster response to allow students, accompanied by a professional medic, to apply their critical thinking and medical skills in an immersive high-pressure scenario where victims will have life-like cosmetic injuries.

For more information, contact HireNSM@uh.edu.