In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science
Will defend her thesis
Nowadays, 3D-graphic technology becomes more popular. 2D photos are not enough for visual perception. More and more people may like to have their own 3D model to be printed out, presented in electronic devices, or even involved in a 3D game. However, most 3D scan devices are too expensive. Since Kinect is released as a motion detection input device by Microsoft, it is known as a webcam-style game platform, which enables players to interact with their Xbox console or computer by physical motion. However, Kinect can be used in many areas besides game, such as real-time 3D scan which has the advantage of the cost.
In this thesis, we present a multiple-Kinect system to scan a real person, generate a 3D model and export the model to MAYA. We also develop a MAYA Plug-in called Scanned Model Customization (SMC). With the help of SMC, user can customize the original model. SMC provides multiple customization options to improve the scanned model. For instance, mesh and texture processing, model quality refining, personal details appending, motion captured animation binding, etc. The SMC plug-in also provides a connection between MAYA and the game engine.
Video games have become an attractive entertainment activity nowadays, especially for children. Active games that combine exercises with game technologies may make contemporary children more likely to enjoy physical activity. Therefore, we develop an active Kinect game which involves a plenty of physical motion. In the game, we set the 3D model that scanned by Kinect and processed with SMC to be the main avatar. So the players can enjoy playing their own avatars with real-time physical motion in a fantasy game world and wonderful game story. The game system can also capture the real-person motion data for further research.
Date: Friday, April 18, 2014
Time: 2:00 PM
Place: PGH 362
Faculty, students, and the general public are invited.
Advisor: Prof. Zhigang Deng