Thesis Defense
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science
Zeinab Kazemi
will defend her thesis
Timing Analysis of the Abort-and-Restart Paradigm on a Scratchpad Memory-Based Execution Platform
Priority-based Functional Reactive Programming (P-FRP) is a new variant of FRP to model reactive applications in real-time systems. In P-FRP, when the currently running task is preempted by an arriving higher-priority task, the lower-priority running task is aborted and the higher-priority task will execute. The lower-priority task restarts when the higher-priority one completes. However, unlike the preemptive model, when a task aborts, all the changes made by this task are discarded. That is to say, when an aborted task restarts, it should execute from the beginning. In order to provide a realistic Worst-Case Response Time (WCRT) of the tasks in P-FRP, it is therefore mandatory to derive a realistic Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) of each task.
Previous studies have ignored memory latency in the derivation of the WCRT, making the resulting estimate inaccurate and unrealistic. Furthermore, these studies have also assumed that the WCET of each task is known a priori. In this thesis, a scratchpad memory (SPM)-based platform for executing P-FRP tasks and an approach to determine the WCET of the tasks by considering the memory cost of the aborted tasks is introduced. The WCET of a task in a P-FRP system is first computed, and then the memory penalty caused by preemption is derived. In the next step, the WCRT of the task sets in P-FRP is calculated by considering memory latency in the proposed platform. Experimental results from the derivations of the WCET and WCRT using task sets from the SNU real-time benchmarks and randomly generated tasks are presented to validate this approach.
Date: Friday, July 2, 2015
Time: 11:00 AM
Place: PGH 501
Advisor: Prof. Albert M.K. Cheng
Faculty, students, and the general public are invited.