Thesis Defense
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science
Yashwanth Reddy Venati
will defend his thesis
Counting Nodes In Ethereum Blockchain
Blockchains are a distributed peer-to-peer network which facilitate the interaction between two or more non-trusting parties in a verifiable manner. Smart contracts are software programs that run on a blockchain and form the basis of many of the new blockchain applications and schemes. They are automated systems that can provide services in exchange for cryptocurrency. A node is a device on a blockchain network which maintains a copy of a blockchain and participates in the consensus. The more nodes participating in the consensus, the more copies there are of the blockchain, and the more resilient and low latency in sharing the blocks. The amount of research currently available in determining the number of nodes in a blockchain is minimal. In this thesis, we study the node-counting techniques and their overhead on the public blockchains. We count the nodes in Ethereum private network and Ethereum public network using a method proposed in the literature. We then modify the counting techniques to perform connections at a higher rate and measure its impact on the network. We perform our study and present results both from the public Ethereum network and a large private Ethereum testing network.
Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Place: PGH 501D
Advisor: Dr. Omprakash Gnawali
Faculty, students, and the general public are invited.