Computer Science Distinguished Seminar
Material Appearance Modeling
When: Monday, November 21, 2016
Where: PGH 232
Time: 11:00 AM
Speaker: Dr. Holly Rushmeier, Yale University
Host: Dr. Thamar Solorio
The field of computer graphics has seen significant advances in modeling material appearance. In this talk I will review the advances in this area with particular emphasis on applications in biology, industrial design and cultural heritage. I will outline areas where more research is needed including authoring material appearance models, search techniques for materials, and combining appearance and geometric properties of materials.
Holly Rushmeier is a professor and of Computer Science at Yale University. She received the BS (1977), MS (1986), and PhD (1988) in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University. Since receiving the PhD she has held positions at GeorgiaTech, NIST and IBM TJ Watson Research. Her area of interest is computer graphics. Her current research focuses on scanning and modeling of shape and appearance properties, and on applications in cultural heritage. Her past projects include a project to create a digital model of Michelangelo's Florence Pieta and models of Egyptian cultural artifacts in a joint project between IBM and the Government of Egypt. She is coauthor of the text "Digital Modeling of Material Appearance." Dr. Rushmeier has served as the co-chair of the ACM Publications Board, the Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Graphics and as papers chair or co-chair for several conferences including the ACM SIGGRAPH conference and IEEE Visualization. She is an ACM Distinguished Engineer, a Fellow of the Eurographics Association and recipient of the 2013 ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award.