Computer Science Seminar
Molecular Underpinning of Postsynaptic Calmodulin-dependent Calcium Signaling
When: Monday, May 8, 2017
Where: PGH 563
Time: 11:00 AM – Noon
Speaker: Prof. Margaret Cheung, University of Houston
Host: Dr. Edgar Gabriel
Calcium (Ca2+) is exquisitely utilized by a cell for transducing external stimuli through its gradient of extracellular (~1000 μM) and intracellular (~0.1 μM) concentration. A broad spectrum of Ca2+ signals are encoded by protein calmodulin (CaM) through specific binding with various targets regulating CaM-dependent Ca2+ signaling pathways in neurons. I will focus on binding between CaM and two specific targets, Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and neurogranin (Ng), as they antagonistically regulate CaM-dependent Ca2+ signaling pathways in neurons. I will show the impact of bound calmodulin (CaM)-target compound structure on the affinity of calcium (Ca2+) by integrating coarse-grained models and all-atomistic simulations with non-equilibrium physics. We discovered the molecular underpinnings of lowered affinity of Ca2+ for CaM in the presence of Ng by showing that the N-terminal acidic region of Ng peptide pries open the β-sheet structure between the Ca2+ binding loops particularly at C-domain of CaM, enabling Ca2+ release. In contrast, CaMKII peptide increases Ca2+ affinity for the C-domain of CaM by stabilizing the two Ca2+ binding loops. Through distinctive structural differences in the bound complexes of apoCaM-Ng13-49 and holoCaM-CaMKII, CaM’s affinity for Ca2+ is delineated by its progressive mechanism of target binding. I will discuss them in the context of evolution and in the crowded environment.
Margaret Cheung is an Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Houston. She graduated from the National Taiwan University with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and received her Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, San Diego. She carried out theoretical biological physics and bioinformatics research as a Sloan Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Maryland and started her lab at the University of Houston in 2006. Professor Cheung’s research is in the field of protein folding inside a cell, calmodulin dependent calcium signaling, and quantum efficiency in artificial photosynthetic materials. She is particularly interested in developing coarse-grained models for protein dynamics in crowded systems, creating multiphysics models that bridge dynamics across wide temporal and spatial scales, and designing computational algorithms that effectively integrate novel high-performance resources. These systems can then be applied for understanding of biological function and for developing therapeutic strategies. She is a fellow of the American Physical Society and a Senior Scientist at the NSF-funded Center for Theoretical Biological Physics at Rice University.