Computer Science in Practice
From Monolith to Microservices: Why Building Smaller Creates Opportunity for Cleaner Code, Scalability
When: Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Where: PGH 563
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Company: Interactive Network Technologies (INT)
Speaker: Thierry Danard and Dr. Steven Reynolds, Interactive Network Technologies (INT)
Host: Dr. Omprakash Gnawali
When developing software, it’s relatively easy to deliver what is asked, but going beyond the question to think what’s best for the project and customer yields better results for the long term. In the past, monolithic applications were the norm, however, mature software now often uses a “modular architecture.” What exactly that means can be unclear until you see it in action, all the way down the code. In this presentation, we’ll use INT’s IVAAP as a real-world example of such design to explain how modules interact with each other without falling prey to the pitfalls common to having too many options.
Thierry Danard is Vice President of Core Platform Technologies at INT. Passionate about engineering and dedicated to creating software that truly helps and inspires clients, Thierry is the driving force behind INTViewer and the architect of INT’s IVAAP backend. Thierry obtained a computer science engineering degree from ENSEEIHT and is an active member of the NetBeans community.
Dr. Steven Reynolds is Senior Product Manager at INT. Highly skilled at software development, middleware, database software, and visualization software, Steven received his BSEE from University of Texas at Austin and his PhD in electrical engineering from Rice University. At INT, Steven guides innovation in microservices architecture, back end data access management, and integration for major oil and gas companies around the world.