UH Gaming Program Recognized by the Texas Film Commission and the Entertainment Software Association
Recent successes in the Microsoft U.S./World Imagine Cup competitions have propelled University of Houston’s Gaming Program into one of most competitive gaming programs in the nation. In 2010, UH gaming teams won second and third place in the U.S. Imagine Cup competition, and four teams were selected in the top 150 teams in the World Imagine Cup competition. In 2011, four UH teams advanced to the U.S. final, with three teams winning first, second, and third place for their categories. In addition, six UH teams were selected as top 50 teams in the 2011 World Imagine Cup competition.
"My colleagues have developed an outstanding gaming education coursework. With increasing national and international recognition, we hope to attract the best students from around the world and help fill the need for trained and talented professionals in the gaming and entertainment industries," said Jaspal Subhlok, chairman of the UH Department of Computer Science.
UH gaming is now recognized by both the Texas Film Commission (TFC) in the Governor’s Office and the Entertainment Software Association. The film commission was created in 1971 by Texas Governor Preston Smith to “encourage the orderly development of the film, television, and multi-media production industry in Texas in order to utilize the state’s vast array of natural, human, and economic resources which are uniquely suitable for that industry.” Since then, the TFC has expanded to include the film, television, commercial, video game, and animation industries. The Entertainment Software Association is the U.S. association exclusively dedicated to serving the business and public affairs needs for companies, such as Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and Electronic Arts (EA), publishing computer and video games for video game consoles, personal computers, and the Internet.