Albert Cheng Presenting Tutorial and Paper During CPSWeek
Event Brings Together Five Conferences
Professor Albert Cheng will present an invited tutorial at the international Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPSWeek) in Philadelphia on April 8.
CPSWeek 2013 brings together five conferences – the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, the International Conference on Hybrid Systems, the International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, the International Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems, and Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS).
Cheng’s tutorial is titled “Developing Embedded/Real-Time and Cyber-Physical Systems: Functional Reactive Programming, RTL-Based Formal Verification, Response Time Analysis, and Power-Aware Scheduling.” Read Tutorial Description.
The tutorial covers the following topics:
- Introduction to embedded/real-time and cyber-physical systems
- Functional reactive programming
- Formal specification methodology and requirements analysis
- Analysis tools for performance evaluation
- System decomposition, multiprocessor scheduling, and resource partitioning
- Development tools
- Real-time operating systems
- Formal analysis, verification, and validation techniques based on Real-Time Logic
- Power-aware scheduling
- Response time analysis
- Optimization and synthesis
- Case studies of actual systems
While in Philadelphia, Cheng also will present a paper at RTAS entitled, “Optimizing the Linear Real-Time Logic Verifier.” Following the conference, he will travel to New York to give an invited seminar on developing embedded real-time and cyber-physical systems to the faculty in the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University.
- Kathy Major, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics