AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition 2013
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
May 19-22, 2013
For details, go to https://www.aapg.org/pittsburgh2013/index.cfm
Presentations with UH EAS faculty/students as (Co-)Authors
Monday, May 20, 2013 | |||
Author(s) | Title | Time | Location |
Bryan Ott**; Paul Mann*; Mike Saunders | Crustal Provinces of the Nicaraguan Rise as a Control on Source Rock Distribution and Maturity (Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Kyle Reuber**; Paul Mann*; Mike Saunders | Buried Cretaceous Delta of the Barreirinhas Basin, Offshore Brazil: Potential Source of Structural and Stratigraphic Traps in Deepwater Sandstone? (Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Luis Carlos Carvajal Arenas**; Paul Mann*; Mike Saunders | Petroleum Prospectivity of the Southwestern Nicaraguan Rise (Colombian Caribbean) Based on Regional Integration of Seismic and Well Data (Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Richard A. Socki; Denet Pernia**; Michael Evans; Qi Fu; Adry Bissada*; Joseph Curiale; Paul Niles | Compound Specific Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Type II and III Kerogen Extracted by Pyrolysis-GC-MS-IRMS (Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Oyebode A. Famubode**; Janok Bhattacharya* | Floodplain Facies in a Paleo-coastal Wetland: Cretaceous Ferron-Notom Delta, Utah. (Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 | |||
Author(s) | Title | Time | Location |
Janok Bhattacharya* | Ancient Backwaters and Baylines: Slope Magnitude and its control on deltaic facies partitioning in ancient deltaic systems | 10:50AM - 11:10AM | Room 408/409/410 |
Carlos J. Sanchez**; Paul Mann*; Peter A. Emmet* | Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic Deformation at North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary in Northern Central America and its Effects on the Origin and Migration of Hydrocarbons(Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Lucia Torrado**; Paul Mann*; Janok Bhattacharya* | Fluvial Geomorphology Changes Linked to Tectonic Effects during the Late Eocene -Oligocene in the Northern Llanos Foreland Basin of Colombia (Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Alex Dale**; Paul Mann*; Dale Bird* | Crustal Structure of the Central Atlantic Rifted-Passive Margin from South Carolina to the Southeastern Bahamas: A First Step to Understand its Petroleum Potential(Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Luis F. Pachon**; Paul Mann*; Nestor Cardozo | Structural Evolution and Petroleum Potential of Putumayo Foreland Basin, Colombia, From Subsurface Mapping and 3-D Flexural Modeling(Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Johnathon Osmond***; Paul Mann*; Stephen Pierce | Petroleum Potential of Onland Basins in Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) Based on Integration of Vintage Well and Seismic Reflection Data with Geochemical Data(Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Paul Mann*; Naila Dowla*** | Worldwide Trends in the Discoveries of Giant Fields from 2006-12 with Predictions on the Locations and Numbers of Future Giants(Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Benjamin D. Hilton**; Janok Bhattacharya*; Shuhab Khan*; Cameron Griffen**; Kivanc Biber** | 3D Mapping of Vertical and Lateral Facies Heterogeneity of a Compound, Tributive Incised Valley, Turonian Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, South-Central Utah (Poster) | 8:30AM - 12:00PM | Exhibition Hall |
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 | |||
Author(s) | Title | Time | Location |
Martin M. Cassidy*; Chris Ballentine; Marc Hesse | Loss of CO2 Gas into Formation Water at the Natural CO2 Deposit of Bravo Dome, New Mexico, USA | 10:30AM - 10:50AM | Room 407 |