MATH 4315 - Graph Theory with Applications
***This is a course guideline. Students should contact instructor for the updated information on current course syllabus, textbooks, and course content***
Prerequisite: MATH 3330 or 2305, and three additional hours at the MATH 3000-4000 level.
Course Description: Introduction to basic concepts, results, methods, and applications of graph theory.
Textbook: Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a, Highly Connected World, by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg. ISBN: 9780521195331
*Note: Some assignments will require use of Matlab. Some knowledge of Probability is assumed.
Additional Course Details: This is a course about how to model the interconnectedness we see around us using the tools of graph theory. We will study complex systems of interacting agents which occur in biology, physics, and the social sciences. We will ask: How should one describe the structure of social networks? How do diseases and rumors spread along different types of networks, and how does network structure affect the speed and reach of information, memes, and diseases? Using network structure only, how can one determine which Web pages are the most important ones? Course topics include basic structural features of networks, generative models of networks, centrality, random graphs, clustering, and dynamical processes on networks. Some of the assignments will have a computational component. These problems can be solved using Matlab, although I will accept solutions using any other programming language. A successful student will develop sound knowledge and appreciation of some of the tools,concepts, and computations used in the study of networks.
Grading & Make-up Policy/Assignment & Exam Details: Please consult your instructor's syllabus regarding any and all grading guidelines.
Justin Dart Jr. Center Accommodations:
Academic Adjustments/Auxiliary Aids: The University of Houston System complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, pertaining to the provision of reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids for students who have a disability. In accordance with Section 504 and ADA guidelines, University of Houston strives to provide reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids to students who request and require them. If you believe that you have a disability requiring an academic adjustments/auxiliary aid, please visit Justin Dart Jr. Student Accessibility Center website at for more information.
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