Colloquium Schedule
Colloquia are scheduled on Tuesdays at 2:30 PM in SR1 634.
Date | Title | Host |
08/26/25 |
09/02/25 |
09/09/25 |
09/16/25 |
09/24/25 |
09/30/25 |
10/07/25 |
10/14/25 |
Prof. Ajay Kandada, Wake Forest University | Bittner |
10/21/25 |
Prof. Federico Rosei, University of Trieste | Varghese |
10/28/25 |
Prof. Mingda Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | S. Chen |
11/04/25 |
11/11/25 |
11/18/25 |
11/25/25 |
12/02/25 |
Date | Title | Host |
01/14/25 |
The Hunt for Perpendicular Magnetic Field Measurements in Plasma Dr. Elizabeth Jensen, Planetary Science Institute |
Bering |
01/21/25 |
01/28/25 |
Safe Machine Learning in Mission Critical Systems Prof. Jianyi Yang, UH |
S. Chen |
02/04/25 |
Enhancing Optical Transparency in Biological Tissues Using Photonics Engineering Prof. Zihao Ou, University of Texas, Dallas |
Gunaratne |
02/11/25 |
Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond: A New Lens to See Through Superconductivity at Both Ambient and High Pressures Prof. Chong Zu, Washington University, St. Louis |
Deng |
02/18/25 |
Imaging the Structure of Visible Matter: A Journey from Fixed Target to Collider Experiments Dr. Barak Schmookler, University of Houston |
Bellwied |
02/25/25 |
Complementing Nuclear and Particle Experiments with First Principles Computation Dr. Aaron Meyer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Cherdack |
02/27/25 Thursday |
Probing QCD Systems with Heavy Quarks: From Quark-Gluon Plasma in Heavy-Ion Collisions to Future Studies at the EIC Dr. Zhaozhong Shi, Los Alamos Laboratory |
Bellwied |
03/04/25 |
Creating a Hot, Dense Soup: Quark Gluon Plasma and the Final Years of RHIC Dr. Cameron Dean, MIT |
Bellwied |
03/06/25 Thursday |
Revealing the Microscopic Structure of QCD Matter Dr. Raymond Ehlers, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory |
Bellwied |
03/11/25 |
(Spring Break) | |
03/18/25 |
03/25/25 |
Prof. Vladislav Yakovlev, Texas A&M University | Das |
04/01/25 |
Prof. Marvin Doyley, University of Rochester | Das |
04/08/25 |
The Pursuit of Label-free Detection of Diseases with High Accuracy Prof. Felicia Manciu, UT El Paso |
Gunaratne |
04/15/25 |
From Neutrons to FLASH RT: Why Medical Physics is so Hot Dr. Julianne M. Pollard-Larkin, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center |
Women in Physics (WiPS) |
04/22/25 |
Prof. Yimo Han, Rice University | S. Chen |
Date | Title | Host |
08/20/24 |
08/27/24 |
Cutting-Edge Optical Imaging Technologies for Advancing Medical Diagnostics Prof. Rohith Reddy, UH |
Das |
09/03/24 |
Toward Quantum Imaging of Nuclei Prof. Miguel Arratia, UC Riverside |
Bellwied |
09/10/24 |
Quantum Information Informed Quantum Algorithms Dr. Yu Zhang, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Bittner |
09/17/24 |
Infrared Optics Using Emerging Optical Materials Prof. Mikhail A. Kats, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Das |
09/24/24 |
Quantum Vacuum Dressed Materials Prof. Junichiro Kono, Rice University |
Ordonez |
10/01/24 |
Low-Cost, In Vivo Microscopy Prof. Dongkyun Kang, University of Arizona |
Das |
10/08/24 |
Promises and Challenges in Designing Metal-Organic Chalcogenides for Optoelectronic Applications Prof. Yeongsu Cho, UH |
Bittner |
10/15/24 |
In Vivo Microscopy of Microvasculature Following Brain Injury Prof. Andrew Dunn, UT Austin |
Das |
10/22/24 |
Modeling Structural Ensembles Of Genomes Dr. Vinicius Contessoto, Rice University |
Morrison |
10/29/24 |
11/05/24 |
Electrocatalysts of Complex Oxides for Oxygen Evolution Reaction Prof. Hong Yang, UIUC |
S. Chen |
11/12/24 |
Italian Delicacies Served Up in a Neutron Star Crust Prof. Jorge A. López, University of Texas at El Paso |
Ordonez |
11/19/24 |
Evolving Devices for Superconducting Qubit Technology Dr. Katarina Cicak, NIST |
Miller |
11/21/24 Thursday |
Observation of Relaxation Stages In an Out-Of-Equilibrium Closed Quantum System Prof. Vanderlei S. Bagnato, Texas A&M University |
Ordonez |
11/26/24 |
For ML and With ML: The New Normal in System Design Prof. Lizy Kurian, UT Austin |
Varghese |