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Faculty Profile

Seamus CurranSeamus Curran

Department of Physics

Office: SR1 525
Contact: sacurran@uh.edu

Education: Ph.D., B.A., Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin

Google Scholar Profile

Associate Director of the Advanced Manufacturing Institute (2019–Present)

Prof. Curran’s focus is in the field of nanotechnology. He has spent decades trying to gain an understanding and consequently developing new materials and systems in the fields of hydrophobicity, nanomaterials and recently exploring virology transmission. Combining science and engineering enables the development of new photonic and electronic systems, while also gaining a deeper knowledge of bio-nanofluidics.

Much of his research from 1995-2009 has been looking at morphological, spectroscopic and electronic characteristics of materials. It is only with that understanding can better applied systems can be built. Most of his IP portfolio is testament to this as the majority have been granted between 2010 to 2021.

Most recently, on the academic side he has worked in Non-linear optics, specifically Optical Limiting. With the developments of self-driving vehicles, the threat lasers pose to CCD cameras used for navigation is considerable. Mechanical shuttering is not a viable option, so using non-linear optical systems is the only real way to combat this threat. This goes beyond terrestrial based transportation; consider also security camera’s, drones and satellites threatened by high powered lasers.

On the virology side, he has successfully developed coatings that allow airflow through regular filters in buildings, but remove the threat of SARS-CoV-2 from spreading from room to room. Currently, these coatings are sprayed on filters used in schools (ISD’s), universities, office blocks and warehouses, courthouses, apartment blocks and across the US and Canada. It is also being introduced into many different countries to combat the threat of the current pandemic and also counter the possibility of future threats of other similar viruses in an easy to use and cheap manner.

Research Accomplishments

  • Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (2019)
  • Published or accepted for publication to date 85 ISI cited papers, 3 SPIE articles, 1 book chapter and 22 conference proceedings, which have been cited according to Google Scholar over 7,140, h index of 37, i10-index of 71
  • Federal (PI or Co-PI), venture and Industrial funding to date $7,890,215 (2003-2021)
    Previous European funding includes Venture Capital Investment ($450,000) EU-CRAFT Program ($405,000)(1998-2001)
  • Finalist of MassChallenge Competition for Curran Biotech fight against the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (Oct 2020)
  • Finalist in NC Tech’s Industry Driven Healthcare awards for Curran Biotech’s fight against the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (Nov 2020)
  • Winner of two entrepreneurship competitions at the beginnings of Integricote’s (formerly known as C-Voltaics) development winning $57,500 in funds (2013)
  • IP generated has been licensed to Curran Biotech (Texas), Integricote (Texas), Unidyme (California)
  • Technologies developed by Curran can now be found in homes and business across 23 US states, all of Canada, UK, Ireland and being introduced into Northern Europe, North Africa and Australia
  1. “Resolving Nanocomposite Interfaces via Simultaneous Submicrometer Optical-Photothermal Infrared-Raman Microspectroscopy”, Alexander J Wang, Eoghan P Dillon, Surendra Maharjan, Kang‐Shyang Liao, Brian P McElhenny, Tian Tong, Shuo Chen, Jiming Bao and Seamus A Curran, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 8, 6, 2001720 (2021)
  2. “Self-cleaning hydrophobic nanocoating on glass: A scalable manufacturing process”, S Maharjan, K-S Liao, AJ Wang, K Barton, A Haldar, N.J Alley, HJ Byrne, SA Curran, Materials Chemistry and Physics 239, 122000 (2020)
  3. “Highly effective hydrophobic solar reflective coating for building materials: Increasing total solar reflectance via functionalized anatase immobilization in an organosiloxane matrix”, S Maharjan, KS Liao, AJ Wang, SA Curran, Construction and Building Materials 243, 118189 (2020)
  4. “Sol-gel synthesis of stabilized silver nanoparticles in an organosiloxane matrix and its optical nonlinearity”, S Maharjan, KS Liao, AJ Wang, Z Zhu, BP McElhenny, J Bao, SA Curran, Chemical Physics 532, 110610 (2020)
  5. “Poly(octadecyl acrylate)-Grafted Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composites for Wearable Temperature Sensors”, AJ Wang, S Maharjan, K-S Liao, BP McElhenny, KD Wright, EP Dillon, R Neupane, Z Zhu, S Chen, AR Barron, OK Varghese, J Bao, SA Curran, ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (3), 2288-2301 (2020)
  6. “Bacterially synthesized tellurium nanostructures for broadband ultrafast nonlinear optical applications”, K. Wang, X. Zhang, I.M Kislyakov, N. Dong, S. Zhang, G. Wang, J. Fan, X. Zou, J. Du, Y. Leng, Q. Zhao, K. Wu, J. Chen, S.M Baesman, K-S. Liao, S. Maharjan, H. Zhang, L. Zhang, S.A Curran, R.S Oremland, W.J Blau, J. Wang, Nature Commun 10, 3985 (2019)
  7. “Percolating conductive networks in multiwall carbon nanotube-filled polymeric nanocomposites: towards scalable high-conductivity applications of disordered systems’, A.J Wang, K.S Liao, S. Maharjan, Z. Zhu, B. McElhenny, J. Bao, S.A. Curran, Nanoscale 11 (17), 8565-8578 (2019)
  8. “Fabrication of ink-jet printed organic photovoltaics on flexible Ag electrode with additives” Haldar A.; Liao, K-S.; Curran, S. A. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 125, 283-290 (2014)
  9. “Carbon black instead of multiwall carbon nanotubes for achieving comparable high electrical conductivities in polyurethane-based coatings using surfactant-free water-based solvent” Andreoli, E.; Liao, K-S.; Cricini, A.; Zhang, X.; Soffiatti, R.; Byrne, H. J.; Curran, S. A. Thin Solid Films 550, 558-563 (2014)
  10. “PPy:PSS as alternative to PEDOT:PSS in organic photovoltaics” Andreoli, E.; Liao, K-S.; Haldar A.; Alley, N. J.; Curran, S. A. Synthetic Metals 185-186, 71-78 (2013)
  11. “Investigation of recombination dynamics for ITO-free organic photovoltaics by illumination dependence study” Zhang, X.; Liao, K-S.; Haldar A.; Alley N. J.; Curran S. A. Journal of Applied Physics 114, 053103, (2013)
  12. “p-n junction organic photovoltaics fabricated by all solution processing”, Zhang, Xin; Liao, Kang-Shyang; Yambem, Soniya, Curran. S, Synthetic Metals, 162, 15-16(2012)
  13. “Effect of printing parameters and annealing on organic photovoltaics performance”, Haldar, Amrita; Liao, Kang-Shyang; Curran, Seamus A., J. Mats. Research, 27, 16, 2079-2087 (2012)
  14. “Enhancing current density using vertically oriented organic photovoltaics”, Yambem, Soniya D.; Liao, Kang-Shyang; Curran, Seamus A, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 101, 227-231 (2012)
  15. “Nonlinear optical properties of carbon nanotube hybrids in polymer dispersions”, Wang, Jun; Liao, Kang-Shyang; Fruechtl, Daniel, Curran. Seamus and Werner Blau,, Mats. Chem and Phys., 133, 2-3,Pages: 992-997(2012)
  16. “Fabrication, characterization, and optical modeling of a new architecture for organic photovoltaics: The vertically orientated stack device”, Alley, Nigel J.; Dias, Sampath; Liao, Kang-Shyang, Seamus Curran, J. Appl. Phys., 111, 6,(2012)
  17. “Stable organic photovoltaics using Ag thin film anodes”, Yambem, Soniya D.; Liao, Kang-Shyang; Alley, Nigel J. and S. Curran, J. of Materials Chemistry, 22, 14, 6894-6898(2012)
  18. “The effect of printing parameters and annealing on organic photovoltaic's performance” Haldar A.; Liao, K-S.; Curran, S. A. accepted by Journal of Materials Research (2012)
  19. “Nonlinear optical properties of carbon nanotube hybrids in polymer dispersions” Wang, J.; Liao, K-S.; Früchtl, D.; Tian, Y.; Gilchrist, A.; Alley, N. J.; Andreoli, E.; Aitchison, B.; Nasibulin, A. G.; Byrne, H. J.; Kauppinen, E. I.; Zhang, L.; Blau, W. J.; Curran, S. A. Materials Chemistry and Physics (DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.02.003) (2012)
  20. “Trapping incident light using a vertical OPV- enhancements in current density” Yambem, S. D.; Liao, K-S.; Curran, S. A. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells (DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2012.02.004) (2012)
  21. “Stable organic photovoltaics using Ag thin film as electrode” Yambem, S. D.; Liao, K-S.; Alley, N. J.; Curran, S. A. Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 6894-6898 (2012)
  22. “Effect of carbon nanotube-Fullerene hybrid additive on P3HT:PCBM bulk-heterojunction organic photovoltaics” Alley, N. J.; Liao, K-S.; Andreoli, E.; Dias, S.; Dillon, E. P.; Orbaek, A.; Barron, A. R.; Byrne, H. J.; Curran, S. A. Synthetic Metals 162, 95-101 (2012)
  23. “p-n junction organic photovoltaics fabricated by all solution processing” Zhang, X.; Liao, K-S.; Yambem, S. D.; Alley, N. J.; Curran, S. A. Synthetic Metals 161, 2798-2802 (2012))
  24. Wang, J.; Liao, K-S.; Früchtl, D.; Gilchrist, A.; Tian, Y.; Alley, N. J.; Andreoli, E.; Byrne, H. J.; Kauppinen, E. I.; Blau, W. J.; Curran, S. A, “Optical limiting properties of carbon nanotube hybrids in polymer dispersions”, accepted by Applied Physics B (2011)
  25. Yambem, S. D.; Liao, K-S.; Curran, S. A, “Flexible Ag electrode for use in organic photovoltaics”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 95, 3060-3064 (2011)
  26. Wang, J.; Chen, Y.; Li, R.; Dong, H.; He, J.; Fan, J.; Wang, K.; Liao, K-S.; Zhang, L.; Curran, S. A.; Blau, W. J, “Graphene and carbon nanotube polymer composites for laser protection” accepted by Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials (2011)
  27. Andreoli, E; Rooney, D. A.; Liao, K-S.; Alley, N. J.; Curran, S. A.; Breslina, C.B “Electrochemical conversion of copper-based hierarchical micro/nanostructures to copper metal nanoparticles and their application to nitrate sensing” Electroanalysis 23, 2164-2173. (2011)
  28. Tria, M. C. R.; Liao, K-S.; Alley, N. J.; Advincula, R. C.; Curran, S. A , “P3HT:PCBM based organic photovoltaics using surface grafted PVK brushes as the hole transport layer” Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 10261-10264 (2011) – Journal Cover
  29. Yambem, S. D.; Haldar, A.; Liao, K-S.; Dillon, E. P.; Barron, A. R.; Curran, S. A. “Optimization of organic photovoltaics with thin film Au as anode”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 95, 2424-2430.(2011)
  30. Haldar, A.; Yambem, S. D; Liao, K-S.; Alley N. J.; Dillon, E. P.; Barron A. R.; Curran, S. A., “Organic photovoltaics using thin gold film as an alternative anode to Indium Tin Oxide”, Thin Solid Films 519, 6169-6173. (2011)
  31. Liao, K-S.; Dias, S.; Alley, N. J.; Yambem, S. D.; Haldar, A.; Curran, S. A. “Design and fabrication of linear pixel arrays for organic photovoltaic modules to achieve scalable power output”, Thin Solid Films, 519, 3264-3267 (2011)
  32. Liao, K-S.; Dias, S.; Alley, N. J.; Yambem, S. D.; Haldar, A.; Curran, S. A., ‘Design and Fabrication of Linear Pixel Arrays for Organic Photovoltaic Modules to Achieve Scalable Power Output’, Thin Solid Films, 519, 3264, (2011)
  33. J. Talla, D.H Zhang, M. Kandadai, A. Avadanula and S. Curran, ‘A resonance Raman study of carboxyl induced defects in single-walled carbon nanotubes’, Physica B-Cond. Matt., 405, 21, 4570, (2010)
  34. K.S Liao, S.D Yambem, A. Haldar, N.J Alley, S.A Curran, ‘Designs and architectures for the next generation of organic solar cells’, Energies, 3, 1212 (2010)
  35. K.S Liao, J. Talla, S. Yambem, L. Ci, G.Chen, F Coldren, D.L Carroll, D. Zhang, P. M Ajayan and D. Birx and S. A Curran,, ‘Formation of highly conductive composite coatings and their applications to broadband antennas and mechanical transducers’, J. Mats. Research 25, 9,1741 (2010)
  36. K.S Liao, J. Wang, D. Früchtl, N.J Alley, E. Andreoli, E.P Dillon, A.R Barron, H. Kim, H.J. Byrne, W.J Blau and S.A Curran, ‘Optical limiting study of double wall carbon nanotube-fullerene hybrids’, Chem. Phys. Lett., 489, 4, 207 (2010)
  37. K.S Liao, J. Wang, S. Dias, J. Dewald, N.J. Alley, S.M. Baesman, R.S Oremland, W.J Blau and S.A Curran, ‘Strong nonlinear photonic responses from microbiologically synthesized tellurium nanocomposites’, Chem. Phys. Lett, 484, 4, 242 (2010)
  38. K.S Liao, T.E Sutto, E. Andreoli, P. Ajayan, K.A. McGrady and S.A Curran, ‘Nano-sponge ionic liquid-polymer composite electrolyte for solid-state lithium power sources’, J. Power Sources, 195, 3, 867 (2010)
  39. S. A. Curran, S. Dias,D. Zhang, D.L Carroll, D. Birx and J. Talla, ‘AC and DC Electrical Transport Measurements of Highly Conductive Carbon Nanotube / Poly(bisphenol A carbonate) Composite’, J. Appl. Physics, 105, 073711 (2009)
  40. S. Curran, J. Talla, S. Dias and J. Dewald, ‘Micro- Concentrator Photovoltaic Cell (the m-C Cell): Modeling the Optimum Method of Capturing Light in an Organic Fiber Based Photovoltaic Cell’, J. Appl. Physics 104, 064305 (2008)
  41. I.Vassiliev and S.A Curran, ‘Cross linking of thiolated carbon nanotubes: an abnitio study’, J. Appl. Physics, 102, 2, 24317 (2007)
  42. J. Cech, M. Kalbac, S.A. Curran, D. Zhang, U. Dettlaff-Weglikowska, L. Dunsch, S. Yang and S.Roth, ‘HREM and EELS investigation of functonalized carbon nanotubes’, Physica E, 37, 1-2, 109 (2007)
  43. S. M. Baesman, T. D. Bullen, J. Dewald, D. Zhang,S. Curran, Farhana S. Islam, T. J. Beveridge, and R. S. Oremland, ‘Formation of Tellurium Nanocrystals with Anaerobic Growth of Bacteria that use Te-Oxyanions as Respiratory Electron Acceptors’, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73, 7, 2135 (2007)
  44. J. Čech, S. A. Curran, D. Zhang, J. L. Dewald, A. Avadhanula, M. Kandada, and S. Roth, ‘Functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Direct proof of sidewall thiolation’, Phys. Stat. Sol. (B) 243, 13, 3221–3225 (2006)
  45. D.H Zhang, M.A Kandadai, J. Cech, S. Roth, S.A Curran, ‘Poly(L-lactide) (PLLA)/multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composite: Characterization and biocompatibility evaluation’, Journal of Phys. Chem. B, 110, 26, 12910-12915, (2006)
  46. I. Vasiliev and S. Curran, ‘Ab initio study of the self-assembly of phenosafranin on carbon nanotubes’, Phys Rev B 73, 165420 (2006)
  47. S. A. Curran, D. Zhang, W. T. Wondmagegn, A. V. Ellis, J. Cech, D. L. Carroll and S. Roth, ‘Dynamic electrical properties of polymer Carbon Nanotube Composites: Enhancement through covalent bonding’, Journal of Materials Research, 21, 4, 1071 (2006)
  48. S. A. Curran, D. Zhang, W. Wondmagegn and W. Blau, ‘Spectroscopic studies of CSA-doped, poly [C-hydroxyl-(4-N-dimethylamino) phenyl] dithienylmethine and doping effects on ionic, conductivity’, Synthetic Metals, 156 482–487 (2006) (Cover feature)
  49. W. T. Wondmagegn and S. A. Curran, ‘A study of C(60)-PmPV poly(m-phenylenevinylene-co-2,5-dioctoxy-p-phenylenevinylene) nanocomposite’, Thin Solid Films, 515, 2393 – 2397 (2006)
  50. S. Curran, J. Dewald and D. L. Carroll, All Optical Nanoscale read/write Bit Formation’, Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems (JM 3) 5, 1, 011013 (2006) (Cover feature)
  51. S. A. Curran, J. Cech, D. Zhang, J. L. Dewald, A. Avadhanula, M. Kandadai and S. Roth, ‘Thioation of Carbon Nanotubes and Sidewall Functionalization’, J. Mater. Res., 21, 4, 1012 (2006)
  52. Y.J Jung, S. Kar, S. Talapatra, C. Soldano, G. Viswanathan, X.S Li, Z.L Yao, F.S Ou, A. Avadhanula, R. Vajtai, S. Curran, O. Nalamasu, P.M Ajayan, ‘Aligned carbon nanotube-polymer hybrid architectures for diverse flexible electronic applications’ Nano Letters; 6, 3, 413-418 (2006)
  53. S.A.Curran, D.Zhang, S.Dundigal and W.Blau, ‘Doping Properties of Polydithienylmethine: a study on the correlation between polymer chain length, spectroscopy and transport’, J. Phys Chem. B 110, 9, 3924-3929 (2006)
  54. K. Park, M. R. Pederson, L. L. Boyer, W. N. Mei, R. F. Sabirianov, X. C. Zeng, S. Bulusu, S. Curran, J. Dewald, Ellen Day, ‘Electronic Structure and Vibrational spectra of B 10C 2 Based Clusters and Films,’ Phys. Rev. B, 3, 035109, (2006)
  55. T. Pietraß, J.L. Dewald, C. F. M. Clewett, D. Tierney, A. V. Ellis, S. Dias, A. Alvarado, L. Sandoval, S. Tai, and S. A. Curran, ‘Electron spin resonance (ESR) and Raman scattering spectroscopy analysis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes: A function of acid treatment’, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., Vol. 6, No. 2, (2006)
  56. M. Reyes-Reyes, K. Kim, J. Dewald, R. López-Sandoval, A. Avadhanula, S. Curran and D. L. Carroll, ‘Meso-Structure Formation for Enhanced Organic Photovoltaic Cells’, Organic Letters, 7, 26, 5749-5752, (2005)
  57. K. Shen, S. Curran, H. Xu, S. Rogelj, Y. Jiang , J. Dewald and T. Pietraß, ‘Single-walled carbon nanotube purification, Pelleting and Surfactant-Assisted Dispersion: A combined TEM and Resonant Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Study’, J. Phys. Chem. B, 109(10); 4455-4463 (2005)
  58. S.A.Curran,J.A.Talla, D. Zhang, and D.L.Carroll, ‘Defect Induced Vibration Response of MWCNT using Resonance Raman Spectroscopy’, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 20, No. 12, (2005)
  59. K.Shen, S. Curran, H.F Xu, Y.B Jiang, J. Dewald, J. Talla and T. Pietrass, ‘Hydrogen absorption of carbon nanotubes under high pressure: A combined magnetic resonance and Raman study’, American Chemical Society, 229 (2005)
  60. J. L. Dewald, A. V. Ellis, W. T. Wondmagegn, and S. A. Curran, ‘Enhanced rectification through polymer–gold nanoparticle interaction’, Synthetic Metals, 155, 1, 39, (2005)
  61. S. Curran, A.V Ellis, A. Vijayaraghavan and P.M Ajayan, ‘Functionalization of carbon nanotubes using phenosafranin’, J. Chem. Phys., 120, 4886 (2004)
  62. R. S Oremland, M.J Herbel, J. Switzer Blum, S. Langley, T.J. Beveridge, P. M. Ajayan, T. Sutto, A. V. Ellis, and S. Curran, ‘Structural and Spectral Features of Selenium Nanospheres Produced by Se-Respiring Bacteria’, Applied and Environmental Microbiology., 70, Vol. 52, (2004)
  63. E. Lahiff, A. I. Minett, S. Curran, C. Y. Ryu, W. J. Blau and P. M. Ajayan, ‘Controlling the position and morphology of nanotubes within a polymer thin film’, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 782, (2004)
  64. E.Lahiff, C.Y. Ryu, S. Curran, A.I. Minett, W. Blau, P.M Ajayan, ‘Selective positioning and density control of nanotubes within a polymer thin film’, Nano Lett.; (Communication) 3, 10; 1333, (2003)
  65. N. Chakrapani, S. Curran, B. Wie, P.M Ajayan, A. Carrillo and R.S Kane, ‘Spectral fingerprinting of structural defects in plasma treated carbon nanotubes, J. Mater. Res. 18, 2515 (2003)
  66. J. Coleman, A. Dalton, S. Curran, A. Rubio, A. Davey, A. Drury, B. McCarthy, B. Lahr, P. Ajayan, S. Roth, R. Barklie, and W. Blau, ‘Phase Separation of Carbon Nanotubes and Turbostratic Graphite using a Functional Organic Polymer’, Adv. Mat. 12, 213, (2000)
  67. B. McCarthy, J.N. Coleman, S.A. Curran, A.B. Dalton, A.P. Davey, Z. Konya, A. Fonseca, J.B. Nagy, and W.J. Blau, ‘Observation of site selective binding in a polymer nanotube composite’, J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 19, 2239, (2000)
  68. J.N. Coleman, S. Curran, A.B. Dalton, A.P. Davey, B. McCarthy, W. Blau, and R.C. Barklie., ‘Physical Doping of a Conjugated Polymer with Carbon Nanotubes’, Synthetic Met 102, 1174, (1999)
  69. S. Curran, A.P. Davey, J. Coleman, A. Dalton, B. McCarthy, S. Maier, D. Gray, M.Brennan, K. Ryder, M.L. de la Chapelle, C. Journet, P. Bernier, H.J. Byrne, D. Carroll, P.M. Ajayan, S. Lefrant, and W.J. Blau, ‘Evolution and Evaluation of the Polymer Nanotube Composite’ Synthetic Met. 103, 2559 (1999)
  70. A.B Dalton, H.J Byrne, J.N Coleman, S.Curran, A.P Davey, B. McCarthy and W. Blau, ‘Optical absorption and fluorescence of a multi-walled nanotube-polymer composite’, Synthetic Met.; 102, 1176 (1999)
  71. S. Curran, P. Ajayan, W. Blau, D. Carroll, J. Coleman, A. Dalton, A.P. Davey, B. McCarthy, and A. Strevens., ‘Composite from Poly(m-phenylenevinylene-co-2,5-dioctozy-p-phenylenevinylene) and Carbon Nanotubes: a Novel Material for Molecular Optoelectronics’, Advanced Materials, 10 1091, (1998) (Cover feature)
  72. S. Roth, S. Blumentritt, M. Burghard, E. Cammi, D. Carrol, S. Curran, G. Düsberg, K.Liu, J. Muster, G. Philipp, and T. Rabenau’, Molecular Rectifiers and Transistors Based on p-conjugated Materials’, Synthetic Metals 94, 105, (1998)
  73. H. Jantoljak, U. Kuhlmann, C. Thomsen, S. Curran, S. Roth, W. Maser, C. Journet, and P. Bernier, ‘Micro-Raman Spectra of Single- and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes’, Mol. Mat. 10, 145, (1998)
  74. J.N. Coleman, S. Curran, A.B. Dalton, A.P. Davey, B. McCarthy, W. Blau, and R.C. Barklie, ‘Percolation-dominated Conductivity in a Conjugated-polymer-carbon-nanotube Composite’, Physical Rev. B, 58, 7492, (1998)
  75. S. Curran, D.L. Carroll, P.M. Ajayan, Ph. Redlich, S. Roth, M. Rühle, and W. Blau, ‘ Picking Needles from Nano-Haystacks’, Advanced Materials 10, 311, (1998)
  76. S. Roth, S. Blumentritt, M. Burghard, O. Jaschinski, K. Liu, J. Muster, G. Philipp, F. Zha, P. Redlich, D.L. Carrol, P.M. Ajayan, S. Curran, and G. Düsberg, ‘Density of States and Tunneling Spectroscopy on Molecular Nanostructures’, Thin Solid Films 331, 45, (1998)
  77. D.L. Carroll, Ph. Redlich, X. Blase, J.C. Charlier, S. Curran, P.M. Ajayan, S. Roth, and M. Ruehle, ‘ Effects of Nanodomain Formation on the Electronic Structure of Doped Carbon Nanotubes’, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2332, (1998)
  78. D.L. Carroll, P. Redlich, P.M. Ajayan, S. Curran, S. Roth, and M. Ruehle, ‘ Spatial Variations in the Electronic Structure of Pure and B-Doped Nanotubes’ Carbon 36 753, (1998)
  79. D.L. Carroll, S. Curran, and P.M. Ajayan, ‘Local Electronic Structure in Ordered Aggregates of Carbon Nanotubes: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Study’, Journal of Materials Research, 13, 2389, (1998)
  80. S. Curran, S. Roth, A.P. Davey, A. Drury, and W. Blau. Photoconduction and Photovoltaic Effects from a Conjugated Polymer Poly-Tert-Butyl-Isothionaphthalene’, Synthetic Metals, 83, 239, (1996)
  81. T. Kamata, S. Curran, S. Roth, T. Fukaya, H. Matsuda, and F. Mizukami, ‘Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Evaporated Thin Films of Platinum-Alkyldionedioxime Complexes: Effects of Metal-Metal Distance’ Synthetic Metals. 83, 267 (1996)
  82. J. Kastner, T. Pichler, H. Kuzmany, S. Curran, W. Blau, D.N. Weldon, M. Delamesiere, S. Draper and H. Zandbergen, ‘Resonance Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes’, Chem. Phys. Lett. 221, 53, (1994)
  83. E. Bourdin, S. Curran, A. Davey, W. Blau, G. Blöchl, R. Becker and H. Bräunling, ‘Electronic Properties of Polydiheteroarlyenemethines: Electrical Conductivity’, Adv. Mater. for Optics and Electronics, 4, 43, (1994) [cit: 2]
  84. J. Kastner, H. Kuzmany, S. Curran, A.P. Davey, W.J. Blau and H. Bräunling, ‘Spectroscopic Investigation of Acid Polymerised Poly(Tetrathiophenemethylidene), a Heteroaromatic Polymer with a Degenerate Ground State’, Cond. Matt. & Mater. Commun. 1, 263, (1994)
  85. E. Bourdin, S. Curran, W. Blau, G. Blöchl and R. Becker, ‘Electrical Conductivity of Acid Doped and Iodine Doped Polydiheteroary-lene-methines’, Synthetic Metals 55-57, 5052, (1993)

Book Chapter

  1. S. Curran, A. Stark-Hauser, and S. Roth. ’Polyacetylene’ In Handbook of Organic Molecules and Polymers: Vol 2. Conductive Polymers: Synthesis and Electrical Properties, H.S. Nalwa, ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York, 1-59 (1997)

SPIE Publications

  1. S.Curran, D.L. Carroll and J. Dewald, ‘Cascade solar cell increases efficiency’, SPIE, DOI: 10.1117/2.1200608.0324 (2006)
  2. D. Carroll and S. Curran, ‘Nanocomposites and High Efficiency Organic Photovoltaics’, SPIE, [10.1117/2.1200604.0151] (2006)
  3. S. Curran, D. Weldon, W. Blau, H. Zandbergen, J. Kastner and H. Kuzmany, Spectroscopic Study of Carbon Nanotubes, SPIE 2284 33-47 (1994)

Conference Proceedings 

  1. “The disruptive nature of organic photovoltaic technology”, Steven T Walsh, Yorgos D Marinakis, Seamus Curran, Regan Stinnette, Proceedings of PICMET'12: Technology Management for Emerging Technologies, 393-399 (2012)
  2. K-S Liao, S. Dias, N.J Alley, S. D Yambem, A. Haldar, S.A Curran, “Design and fabrication of linear pixel arrays for organic photovoltaic modules to achieve scalable power output”, Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Jun 20-25, Hawaii, USA (2010)
  3. A. Haldar, S.D Yambem, K.S Liao, S.P Dillon, A.R Barron, S.A Curran, “Organic photovoltaics using thin gold film as an alternative anode to Indium Tin Oxide” Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Jun 20-25, Hawaii, USA (2010)
  4. S.A Curran, J. Glennie, J. Dewald, S. Dias, S. Yambem, N.J; Alley, A. Haldar, K-S Liao, “New microscale vertically oriented organic photovoltaics cells”, Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Jun 20-25, Hawaii, USA (2010)
  5. J. Cech, M. Kalb, S. A. Curran, D. Zhang, U. Dettlaff-Weglikowska, L. Dunsch, S. Yang, S. Roth, ‘ HRTEM and EELS investigation of the functionalized carbon nanotubes’, Elsevier Science, EMRS (2006)
  6. A. Avadhanula, W. Wondmagegn, M. Kandadai, D. Zhang and S. A. Curran, ‘ New Polymer Nanotube Design from Graft Polymerization’, H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, and S. Roth, eds., Kirchberg Proceedings (2005)
  7. K. Shen, S. Curran, J. Dewald and T. Pietraß, ‘ NMR Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Adsorption on Carbon Nanotubes’, H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, and S. Roth, eds., Kirchberg Proceedings (2005)
  8. J. L. Dewald, J. Talla, T. Pietrass and S. A. Curran, ‘ Defect Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes’ H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, and S. Roth, eds., Kirchberg Proceedings (2005)
  9. M. A. Kandadai1, D. Zhang, J. Dewald, A. Avadhanula and S. A. Curran, ‘ Tethering Carbon Nanotubes’, H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, and S. Roth, eds., Kirchberg Proceedings (2005)
  10. V. Ellis and S. A. Curran, ‘ Selective Thiolation of Carbon Nanotubes’, Proceedings of the ICSM, Wollongong Australia (2004)
  11. S.A. Curran, A.V. Ellis, S. Langley, T.J. Beveridge, M.J. Herbel, J. Switzer Blum, Ajayan, T. Sutto and R.S. Oremland, ‘ Morphological and Spectral Studies of Selenium Nanospheres Produced by Se-Respiring Bacteria’, Proceedings of the ICSM, Wollongong Australia (2004)
  12. J. L. Dewald, A. V. Ellis, W. Wondmagegn and S. A. Curran, ‘ Composite formation and Electronic Properties of gold-polymeric nanocomposite based on poly(m-phenylenevinylene-co-2, 5-dioctoxy-p-phenlenevinylene)’, Proceedings of the ICSM, Wollongong Australia (2004)
  13. Controlling the position and morphology of nanotubes within a polymer thin film’, E Lahiff, AI Minett, S Curran, CY Ryu, WJ Blau, PM Ajayan, MRS Proceedings 782, A5. 11 (2003)
  14. C. Stéphan , T. P. Nguyen , S. Curran , B. Lahr , and S. Lefrant, ‘ Characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes-PMMA composites’, AIP Conf. Proc. 486, 466 (1999)
  15. J.N. Coleman, A.B. Dalton, S. Curran, A.P. Davey, B. McCarthy, A. Drury, H.J. Byrne, and S. Roth. ‘ Optical and Electrical Properties of a Polymer-Nanotube Composite’, Electrochemical Society Proceedings Vol. 98-25. (1998)
  16. 100. Electronic structure: Wide-band, narrow-band, and strongly correlated systems-Percolation-dominated conductivity in a conjugated-polymer-carbon-nanotube composite’, JN Coleman, S Curran, AB Dalton, AP Davey, B McCarthy, W Blau, RC Barklie, Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter 58 (12), R7492 (1998)
  17. 101.S. Curran, S. Roth, P. Kinlen, S. Raman, D.L. Carroll, Ph. Redlich, M. Rühle, and P.M. Ajayan. In Molecular Nanostructures , H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, and S. Roth, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 423-426 (1997)
  18. 102.D.L. Carroll, P. Kinlen, S. Raman, Ph. Redlich, M. Rühle, X. Blase, J.-C. Charlier, S. Curran, S. Roth, and P.M. Ajayan, In Molecular Nanostructures , H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, and S. Roth, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 477-481 (1997)
  19. 103.H. Jantoljak, C. Thomsen, S. Curran, S. Roth, W. Maser, C. Journet, and P. Bernier, ‘ Raman Spectroscopy on Carbon Nanotubes’, In Molecular Nanostructures, H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, and S. Roth, eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 459-462 (1997)
  20. 104.S. Roth, S. Blumentritt, M. Burghard, S. Curran, C.M. Fischer, G. Düsberg, C. Müller-Schwanneke, and J. Muster. ‘ π -Conjugated Materials for Molecular Electronics’ In Polymers and Organic Solids, L. Shi, ed., Science Press, Beijing, 263 (1997)
  21. 105.S. Curran and S. Roth, ‘ The Complex Nature of Fullerenes’ In Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures, H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, and S. Roth, eds. World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 3-13 (1996)
  22. 106.S. Curran, D.N. Weldon, A.P. Davey, T. Eickelkamp, W. Blau, and S. Roth, ‘ Doping and Photoconductive Behavior Induced by C 60 in an Insulating Polymer Matrix’, In Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures, H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, and S. Roth, eds. World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 468-474 (1996)
  23. 107.T. Eickelkamp, S. Curran, and S. Roth. Electron Spin Resonance Dependent ‘ Photoconductivity of Undoped Polycrystalline C 60 and C 70 Films’, In Fullerenes and Fullerene, Nanostructures, H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring, and S. Roth, eds. World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 564-568 (1996)
  24. 108.S. Curran, J. Callaghan, D. Weldon, E. Bourdin, K. Cazzini, W.J. Blau, E. Waldron, D. McGoveran, M. Delamesiere, Y. Sarazin, and C. Hogrel., Characterisation of Fullerene Schottky Diodes Electronic Properties of Fullerenes Eds. H. Kuzmany, J. Fink, M. Mehring and S. Roth, Springer Ser. Solid State Sci. 117 427-433 (1993)

Companies Founded

Selected Honors, Awards & Activities

  • Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (2020)
  • Silicon Valley Global Awards 2020 top fifty Irish and Irish-American executives (2020)
  • Top 10 Technologies for UCIA Advanced Manufacturing Technology Roadshow in China (2016)
  • Winner of the International Entrepreneurship Competition hosted by MANCEF at COMS ‘Young Technology Award’ in Enschede, Netherlands (2013)
  • Winner of the Entrepreneurship Competition ‘Goradia Innovation Award' in Houston, (2013)
  • Member of the Global Irish Network, a 400 diaspora group made up of political, business and academic leaders around the world, selected by the Irish government to help in the economic recovery of Ireland and build links to the US (2009 – 2015)
  • Included in NSF’s ‘best of the best’ research nuggets for work done on organic photovoltaics (2005 – 2006)
  • COMS 2006 ‘ Best paper award’ (2006)
  • ‘New Mexico All Star in Micro and Nanotechnology’ (2005)
  • Represented the State of New Mexico as the scientific adviser for Governor Richardson’s international trade mission to Japan for the 13 Nation Asia-Pacific Forum (2004)
  • NAMITECH EU Scholarship for research at the CNRS, Nantes and Trinity College Dublin (1997-1999)
  • Monsanto Scholarship while at the Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart (1996)
  1. 11,421,317: ‘Fixed and portable coating apparatuses and methods’, Curran; Seamus, Alley; Nigel, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Haldar; Amrita (2022)
  2. 11,345,821: ‘Weather-resistant, fungal-resistant, and stain-resistant coatings and methods of applying on wood, masonry, or other porous materials’, Curran; Seamus, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Alley; Nigel, Haldar; Amrita, Wang; Alexander (2022)
  3. 11,142,867: ‘Soil-resistant, stain-resistant fluorine-free coatings and methods of applying on materials’, Curran; Seamus, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Alley; Nigel, Haldar; Amrita, Wang; Alexander (2021)
  4. 10,741,708: ‘Vertically stacked photovoltaic and thermal solar cell’, Curran; Seamus, Dias; Sampath, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Yambem; Soniya Devi, Haldar; Amrita, Alley; Nigel (2020)
  5. 10,704,191: ‘Soil-resistant, stain-resistant coatings and methods of applying on textile or other flexible materials’, Curran; Seamus, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Alley; Nigel, Haldar; Amrita, Wang; Alexander (2020)
  6. 10,589,316: ‘Waterproof coating with nanoscopic/microscopic features and methods of making same’, Curran; Seamus, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Alley; Nigel, Haldar; Amrita (Houston, TX), Wang; Alexander, Tatarin; Renat (2020)
  7. 10,435,785: Fixed and portable coating apparatuses and methods, Seamus Curran, Alley; Nigel Alley, Kang-Shyang, Liao and Amrita Haldar (2019)
  8. 10,266,702: Self-cleaning coatings and methods for making same; Curran; Seamus, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Barton; Killian (2019)
  9. 10,240,010: Graphitic nanocomposites in solid state matrices and methods for making same; Curran; Seamus, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Wang; Alexander (2019)
  10. 10,208,172: Graft polymerization initiated on graphitic nanomaterials and their nanocomposite formation; Curran; Seamus, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Wang; Alexander (2019)
  11. 10,170,650: Vertically stacked photovoltaic and thermal solar cell; Curran; Seamus (Houston, TX), Dias; Sampath (Houston, TX), Liao; Kang-Shyang (Houston, TX), Yambem; Soniya Devi (Houston, TX), Haldar; Amrita (Houston, TX), Alley; Nigel (Houston, TX) (2019)
  12. 10,053,388: Multifunctional compositions and material laminates with graphitic or other nanomaterials; Curran; Seamus, Alley; Nigel, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Haldar; Amrita, McAlpin; Jennifer, McElhenny; Brian (2018)
  13. 9,790,336: Graphitic nanocomposites in solid state matrices and methods for making same; Curran; Seamus, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Wang; Alexander (2017)
  14. 9,705,103: Wrapped optoelectronic devices and methods for making same; Curran; Seamus, Dias; Sampath, Alley; Nigel, Haldar; Amrita, Yambem; Soniya Devi, Kang-Shyang; Liao, Chaudhari; Prajakta (2017)
  15. 9,694,388: Waterproof coating with nanoscopic/microscopic features and methods of making same; Curran; Seamus, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Alley; Nigel, Haldar; Amrita, Wang; Alexander, Tatarin; Renat (2017)
  16. 9,688,538: Graft polymerization initiated on graphitic nanomaterials and their nanocomposite formation; Curran; Seamus, Liao; Kang-Shyang, Wang; Alexander (2017)
  17. 9,046,281: Portable, self-sustained solar deployment; Curran; Seamus (2015)
  18. 8,772,629: Fiber photovoltaic devices and applications thereof; Curran; Seamus A., Carroll; David L., Dewald.; James Lee(2014)
  19. 8,431,640: Composites comprising biologically-synthesized nanomaterials; Curran; Seamus, Dias; Sampath, Blau; Werner, Wang; Jun, Oremland; Ronald S., Baesman; Shaun (2013)
  20. 8,248,305: Antennas based on a conductive polymer composite and methods for production thereof; Curran; Seamus, Talla; Jamal, Dias; Sampath (2012)
  21. 8,247,688: Fiber photovoltaic devices and methods for production thereof; Curran; Seamus (2012)
  22. 7,713,508: Thiation of carbon nanotubes and composite formation; Curran; Seamus A. (Las Cruces, NM), Ellis; Amanda V. (Kohimarama, NZ) (2010)
  23. 7,673,521: Embedded nanotube array sensor and method of making a nanotube polymer composite; Ajayan; Pulickel, Lahiff; Emer, Stryjek; Paul, Ryu; Chang Y, Curran; Seamus (2010)
  24. 7,358,291: Nanocomposite for enhanced rectification; Curran; Seamus A, Ellis; Amanda V, Wondmaqegn; Wudyalew T, Dewald; James L. (2008)
  25. 6,576,341: Composition; Davey; Andrew, Curran; Seamus, Blau; Werner (2003)

We are a group of scientists and engineers that have backgrounds in physics, chemistry, biology, chemical and electrical engineering. In total, as of the end of March 2025, there are 12 science and engineering students and two successful entrepreneurs in the fields of banking, energy, and material science, led by Prof. Curran. That number is expected to climb by another five researchers this summer, making it one of the largest research teams on campus.

Curran Research Group Photo

The projects the team is involved in ranges in materials science that has been developed at the nanoscale, including graphene, carbon nanotube, fullerenes, conjugated polymers (conjugated and non-conjugated), and our latest host material solgel science. The research group over the last few decades has developed over 25 patents (another three are in-process), over 100 publications, citations of close to 8,000 and an h value of 40. Included in the intellectual property are eight patents that have been licensed by industry.

Funding for the group has been from federal agencies including NSF, DOD, and DOE, while industrial/state customers include Integricote, Camden Properties, Comcast, Dallas Correctional system, over 30 Home Owner associations in the greater Houston area, New York City, University of Houston, University of New Hampshire, and DOW. The total generated over 25 years where Prof. Curran has been PI or Co-PI has been $6 Million.

Graduate students including undergraduate, masters and Ph.D. students have found employment in the financial, energy, and semiconductor industries, as well as faculty positions in the U.S., Europe, and North Africa.

Contact Us

Contact us sacurran@uh.edu, and a team member will reach out.