Physics Demos - Electricity & Magnetism
Click on each demo title below to expand.
- Electrostatics kit
- Balloons
Worksheet available upon request.
- Vernier computer-based laboratory system
- 2 current probes
- 2 voltage probes
- ILD experiment configuration files
- Circuit board with battery, bulb socket and bulb and provision for second identical bulb in series
- Circuit board with battery, two bulb sockets, two identical bulbs and a switch
- 6 V lantern battery (very fresh)
Worksheet available upon request.
- Assorted magnets, including a horseshoe magnet
- Magnetic field indicator
- Electrostatics kit
- Balloons
- Cathode ray tube with fluorescent screen
- Induction Coil power supply for CRT
- 6V lantern battery
Worksheet available upon request.
- Relatively strong bar magnet
- 2 coils of wire with large number of closely wound turns
- Sensitive projection analog ammeter or galvanometer
- Connecting wires
- DC power supply
Worksheet available upon request.