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MSW/PhD Child & Family Study Awards

In August and January each year, when funding is available, the Child & Family Center for Innovative Research (CFCIR) accepts Student Research Awards applications. These awards support PhD students’ dissertation research (at any stage) and MSW research (in independent studies or study abroad). We do not set application deadlines. Before submitting an application, please email Dr. Monit Cheung ( to check if funding is available, indicating the type of research they plan to conduct as related to children/families (dissertation, thesis, independent studies research, or study abroad study).


Click Here for Application Form



Alejandra Hernandez (2025) — MSW Research Award: Cross-Cultural Approaches to Mental Health Prevention and Intervention for Children and Families: A Comparative Study of India and the United States

Alexandra N. Hood (2024) — Dissertation Proposal Award: Collaborative Partnership Empowering Black Girlhood: Unveiling Strengths in the Social Identity Development of Black Girls within Multiple Youth-Serving System Courts

Jazlyn Young (2024) — MSW Research Award: Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Mental Health Interventions for Marginalized Youth in India and the U.S.A.

Christina Tahtouh (2024) — MSW Research Award: Experiential Comparative Analysis of the Factors Influencing Mental Health in Taiwan vs. The United States of America

Christopher McDonald (2023-2024) — MSW Research Award: A Comparative Analysis of Quality of Life in LGBTQ Populations in the United States and Taiwan

Emily Jackson (2023-2024) — MSW Research Award: A Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Systems in the United States and Taiwan

Helen Spencer (2023) — Dissertation Proposal Award: “When there is no after: Exploring contextual factors affecting alternative family structures in an era of compounding stress”

Elena Ionescu (2023; 2025) — Dissertation Proposal Award: “Dementia Friendly Community: Building Stigma-Free Environments for Older Adults with Dementia”

Gabbie Aquino-Adriatico (2022) — Dissertation Award: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Filipina Mothers: A Mixed Methods Study

Wen Xu (2021) — Conference Presentation: Re-examining the Mediating Process of Parental Assets, Expectation, and Children's Academic performance