Reservations - University of Houston
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Submitting a Reservation Request for the Games Room

Student Center Games Room is currently accepting reservations for university and non-university (guest rates apply) groups.

Reservation Requests for the Games Room can be made in person or online. If submitting online, please complete required Reservation Request and return using the following email:

If claiming Sales Tax Exemption, a Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification and the Exemption Verification Letter from the Comptroller's Office for the vendor must be provided with the Reservation Request.

Upon confirmation of a Reservation Request, an Invoice Number will be assigned. You will need this invoice Number when making payment in person or online. An Invoice Number will not be issued until the responsible party’s signature is obtained on Reservation Request and returned.

Payment Online or in Person

Payment for a Games Room Reservation must be made online or in person. Payments over the telephone cannot be accepted. Payments in full are due 72 hours (3 days) prior to the event. Failure to make payment by this deadline will result in the cancellation of the Reservation Request. Once payment is made, NO REFUNDS can be processed.

Student Center Games Room Reservations Office is located adjacent to the Student Center Games Room Student Center - South, RM. 40B (lower level of Student Center – South).

Office Hours:

Monday – Friday 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Tel: 832-842-6201


Once Payment is made, Payment is NON-REFUNDABLE

Reservations are based upon time and will Start & Stop based upon the time reserved

Reservations will be canceled 30 minutes after the scheduled Start Time has passed if no one has shown (NO REFUND will be issued)

Reminders and Additional Information


The Student Center Games Room will try to accommodate special requests, but Games Room staff have the right to assign/change lane numbers, table numbers, and/or other arrangements as they see best fit the needs of the Games Room and all reservations for that day/time.

Safety Comes First

  • For your safety and the protection of our lanes and approaches, BOWLING SHOES ARE REQUIRED when bowling.
  • When youth are present, we request adequate adult supervision be provided.
  • Horseplay (i.e. throwing two balls, intentional lofting of bowling balls, etc.) will not be tolerated.
  • Damage to lanes or equipment through inappropriate use will be passed on to the group’s listed contact/organizer.

Payment Form

Payment in full is required at this time.

Clicking next here confirms that I agree to all conditions mentioned here and in the original Reservation request.

Choose your affiliation for pricing details.

UH Registered Student Organization
Bowling $16.00 /hour/lane
Glow Bowling $18.00 /hour/lane
Billiards $5.00 /hour/table
Table Tennis $3.25 /hour/table
Exclusive Use $275.00 /hour
Exclusive Use w/ Glow Effects $300.00 /hour
UH Department
Bowling $20.00 /hour/lane
Glow Bowling $22.00 /hour/lane
Billiards $6.50 /hour/table
Table Tennis $4.25 /hour/table
Exclusive Use $350.00 /hour
Exclusive Use w/ Glow Effects $375.00 /hour
Bowling $25.00 /hour/lane
Glow Bowling $27.00 /hour/lane
Billiards $8.50 /hour/table
Table Tennis $5.00 /hour/table
Exclusive Use $400.00 /hour
Exclusive Use w/ Glow Effects $425.00 /hour