2023 TIEEP Water Forum

Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization in the Industrial Use of Water

Thursday, May 7, 2023
4:00-6:00 pm (Central)
San Jacinto College Center for Petrochemical, Energy and Technology, 7901 Fairmont Parkway, Pasadena, TX 77507

Industrial utilities are the giant, “Frankensteined”, site-spanning monsters that keep the proverbial lights on for the myriad of processes at a refinery or chemical plant. Years of expansion, increasing demands, and tighter budgets have left utility systems strained but abundant with opportunity for energy savings. This presentation will discuss the cultural and technical foundation of a continuous improvement approach, ensuring utility engineers have the right tools, data, and expertise at their fingertips to streamline the search for saving energy and water.

PDH certificates available.


Clayton Harris, Engineering Manager at Hydrus Works, LLC

Clayton joined Hydrus in 2018 and has overseen and directly worked on over forty utility improvement, troubleshooting, and operational improvements projects for steam, air, cooling water, firewater, and other utility systems during his time with the company. He is a licensed Professional Engineer for thermal and fluid systems.

Speaker Presentation Slides

Matthew C. DernerManager, Business Development, Education & Training Resources, Hydraulic Institute / Pump Systems Matter

Matthew holds a leading role in promoting pump system related programs that deliver energy efficiency in commercial and industrial settings. Additionally, he is responsible for managing Pump Systems Matter (PSM), HI’s training subsidiary, and for the overall promotion and growth of the Hydraulic Institute’s portfolio of training and certification programs that focus on pump system optimization, and efficiency. Matthew has a strong background in global sales of pumps, drives and various rotating equipment in both the manufacturing and distribution segments, with an emphasis on energy efficiency and total cost of ownership.

Speaker Presentation Slides

Jack Highberger,Managing Director, Hatenboer-Water Americas

Hatenboer Water has been in the fresh water business since 1906, and Jack took over the US branch in Houston last year after 20 years in the upstream oil & gas and maritime industries. He manages the sales and market growth of Hatenboer’s freshwater production, treatment, and distribution systems in the Americas.

Speaker Presentation Slides