CCUS Commercialization Consortia
The mission of the CCUS Commercialization Consortia is to create a consortia of industry and public/private experts to promote the rapid and transformative deployment of CCUS in the US and globally. This consortia will accelerate commercialization of CCUS through policy, legal, business as well as science and technology innovation.
CCME/SSEB Collaboration
Immediate Short Term Goal: Convene identified participants and the experience of industry, academia, and government to accelerate CCUS deployment in the Southern region, and across the US. Leadership Team identified. (12/2020)
First Year Goal: Identify and Address key challenges to commercial risk in the broad marketplace in terms of technologies, transportation and distribution infrastructure, legal and policy and to promote regional knowledge transfer and inform marketplace and government stakeholders.
- Analysis and tactical Roadmap (9/30/21)
- Create a public-private consortium of experts to promote the rapid and transformative deployment of CCUS technologies
- Focus beyond the research and development phase of technology development and center on the commercial deployment needs of industry
Workflow Highlights
- Establish a Leadership Committee and Public-Private CCUS Commercial Deployment Consortium (12/31/20)
- Develop a CCUS Commercial Deployment Consortium Roadmap (FY2021)
- Provide CCUS Facility Design Support to Industry (9/30/21)
- Seek opportunities to provide CCUS facility design support to industry
- Maintain robust Stakeholder Engagement and Workforce Develop strategic and tactical
roadmap (10/1/20 – 9/30/25)
- Directly support commercial CCUS deployment
- Convene, Host and Engage the marketplace through events
- Solicit and assemble ongoing feedback from participants on obstacles to CCUS deployment (10/1/20 – 9/30/25)

Consortia Long-term Goals
A 5-year program will be initiated in Year 1 (2021) with the development of a roadmap of strategic challenges and objectives that is informed by the marketplace participation of our Leadership Team. Our long term goals are:
- Provide facility design support to projects and technologies in development
- Provide a robust set of stakeholder engagement opportunities with symposiums and workshops, conferences, and the establishment of sub groups of experts in key challenge areas
- Provide the workforce development in education and skills training for the existing and future workers in the CCUS market
- Provide a capability and competence for the entire US beyond the SSEB borders to support DOE CCUS partnership CCUS commercialization
Value-Added Consortia Benefits and Ongoing Activities
Participation will enable the interaction and information exchange of challenges and create a constructive environment for knowledge sharing and problem identification and solutions. Multi-disciplined participation will ensure an informed approach to the consideration and solving of CCUS challenges.
- CCUS Facility Design Support to Industry (full performance period):
- Seek opportunities to provide CCUS facility design support to industry
- Collaborate with Regional Initiatives and other DOE and NETLfunded carbon management projects
- Stakeholder Engagement and Workforce Development (full performance period):
- Directly support CCUS deployment
- Host and support events
- Solicit and assemble feedback from participants on obstacles to CCUS deployment (can feed findings into the Regional Initiatives)
Consortia Support
The UH CCME will serve as the convener and host for the events and knowledge-sharing and take advantage of not only the rich array of campus disciplines, students and research – but also to capitalize on the city of Houston and our ability to effectively connect members of the energy community. Our reach will extend to all of the US CCUS partnership efforts supported by DOE and the SSEB reach to international markets as well.
SSEB Overview
The Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) is a non-profit interstate compact organization created in 1960 and established under Public Laws 87-563 and 92-440. The Board’s mission is to enhance economic development and the quality of life in the South through innovations in energy and environmental policies, programs, and technologies. Sixteen southern states and two territories comprise the membership of SSEB:
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia, West Virginia
Each jurisdiction is represented by the governor and a legislator from the House and Senate. A governor serves as the chair and legislators serve as vice-chair and treasurer. Ex-officio non-voting Board members include a federal representative appointed by the President of the United States, the Southern Legislative Conference Energy and Environment Committee Chair, and SSEB’s executive director, who serves as secretary.
SSEB was created by state law and consented to by Congress with a broad mandate to contribute to the economic and community well-being of the southern region. The Board exercises this mandate through the creation of programs in the fields of energy and environmental policy research, development and implementation, science and technology exploration, and related areas of concern. SSEB serves its members directly by providing timely assistance designed to develop effective energy and environmental policies and programs and represents its members before governmental agencies at all levels.