Dr. Driss Benhaddou, Associate Professor
Department of Engineering Technology, College of Technology
Areas of expertise
- Optical networking
- Sensor networks
- Switching system design
- Routing protocols
- Performance analysis
- Optical instrument development for defect recognition of semiconductors
- Best paper candidate in the 15th international conference on computer communications and networks, 2006 (ICCCN 2006).
- 2004 Travel award by FASEB/MARC for gransmanship training program.
- 2002 Second finalist in the VPI Systems Speed Up Photonics Award. This award attracted more than 50 participants from 15 countries, 19 universities and 5 corporations.
- 1998-99 Chancellor’s Interdisciplinary Ph. D. Fellowship, University of MissouriKansas City.
- 1998-99 Electrical Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Award, University of Missouri.
- 1997-98 Interdisciplinary Ph. D. Scholar Fee Remission Award, University of Missouri-Kansas City.
- N. Ghani, V. M. Muthalaly, D. Benhaddou, W. Alanqar, "Layer 1 VPN Services in Distributed Next-Generation SONET/SDH Networks With Inverse Multiplexing," OSA Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 367-382, May 2006.
- D. Benhaddou, G. Chaudhry, and R. J. Runser, "Design and scalability analysis of a fastfrequency-hopping optical CDMA switch architecture," OSA Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 3, pp. 694-706, 2004. Available: http://www.osa-jon.org/abstract.cfm?URI=JON-3-9-694
- Driss Benhaddou and Ghulam Chaudhry, "Photonic Switching Techniques and Architecture for Next Generation Optical Networks," Cluster Computing (CLUS) Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 281-291, 2004.
- D. Benhaddou, P. C. Montgomery, D. Montaner and J. Bonnafe, “Burred interface characterization in optoelectronic materials by interference microscopy,” Journal of Modern Optics, vol. 48, No. 3, pp 533-547, 2001.
- P. Montgomery, D. Benhaddou and D. Montaner, “Interferometric roughness measurement of ohmic contact/III-V semiconductor interfaces,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 71, No. 13, pp 1768-1770, 1997.
- O. Perrot, D. Benhaddou, P. C. Montgomery, R. Rimet, B. Boulard and C. Jacoboni, “Optical investigation of PZG glass waveguide by vapor phase deposition,” J. Non Crys. Solids., vol. 184, pp. 257-262, 1994.
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Funded Research
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Curriculum Vitae
Driss Benhaddou, Ph. D.
Engineering Technology Department
College of Technology
Tel: (713) 743-5818
Email: dbenhaddou@uh.edu
Ph.D., Interdisciplinary in Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications Networking, October
University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO.
Thesis Topic: Skylight Switch: New Multicast WDM Access Switch Architecture using
Photonic Fast Frequency-hopping OCDMA Technique.
Ph.D., Opto-Electronic Engineering, April 1995.
University of Montpellier II, Montpellier, France.
Thesis Topic: Phase Stepping Microscopy: Defects in Semiconductors and Transparent Layers.
M.S., Opto-Electronics, July 1991.
University of Montpellier II, Montpellier, France.
Thesis Topic: Perfection of Phase Stepping Microscopy for Studying Epitaxial Layers of
B.S., Electronics, June 1990.
University of Abdelmalek Esaadi, Tetouan, Morocco.
- Certified Performance Analyst/Ethernet (CPA/E) from Netcom systems, 05/2000.
- Best paper candidate in the 15th international conference on computer communications
and networks, 2006 (ICCCN 2006).
- 2004 Travel award by FASEB/MARC for gransmanship training program.
- 2002 Second finalist in the VPI Systems Speed Up Photonics Award. This award
attracted more than 50 participants from 15 countries, 19 universities and 5
- 1998-99 Chancellor’s Interdisciplinary Ph. D. Fellowship, University of MissouriKansas
- 1998-99 Electrical Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Award, University of
- 1997-98 Interdisciplinary Ph. D. Scholar Fee Remission Award, University of
Missouri-Kansas City.
08/03-Present: Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology Department, University of Houston,
Houston, TX.
03/03-06/03: Adjunct Professor, Electronics Engineering Technology Department, DeVry University,
Arlington, VA.
10/97-05/99: Research/Teaching Assistant, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,
University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO.
08/95- 03/97: Research Associate, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of
Colorado, Boulder, CO.
09/91-07/95: Research/Teaching Assistant, Centre d'Electronique de Montpellier, University of
Montpellier II, Montpellier, France.
09/00-08/03: Senior Member of Technical Staff (team lead), System Integration Group, Lambda
Optical Systems, Inc., Reston, VA. Developing state of the art all-optical dense wavelength
division multiplexing (DWDM) switching system for metro-core telecommunication
06/99-09/00: Network Engineer III, Consumer Technologies Laboratory, Sprint Inc., Kansas City,
- Developed a broadband test bed for research and development, and vendor equipment
05/97- 08/97: Member of Technical Staff/Summer Intern, Technology Planning and Integration,
Sprint, Inc., Kansas City, MO. Object oriented modeling of telecommunications
information network architecture (TINA) for Sprint’s needs improvement.
Teaching Interests include digital communication systems, optical communications, computer networks,
digital system design and Verilog HDL, Embedded systems, electronic and optoelectronic components,
fiber optics, digital logics, computer design, microprocessor architecture and interfacing, client server
Courses Taught
- ELET 3325: Embedded systems
- ELET 4315: Telecommunications
- ELET 4398: Optical Circuits
- ELET 6300: Computer network programming
- ELET 6314: Project management for communications
- ELET 6397: Network Routing Protocols
New Course Developed
- ELET 6397: Network routing protocols
- ELET 3325: Embedded systems
- ELET 4398: Optical circuits
Academic Development
- Contributed to the curriculum review during fall 2003 by proposing an embedded system
course. This course became soon one of the core courses in computer engineering technology
- Collaborating with the University of Colorado on online laboratory development.
- Co-PI of the CLAB (Computer Engineering Technology Laboratory) project proposal and
actively involved in the implementation of the CLAB project initiatives. The purpose of the
CLAB project is to revamp the undergraduate laboratory education. New laboratory for ELET
1100 was developed during summer and fall 2004 and pilot tested during Spring 2005. The
team is actively developing new laboratories for ELET 1101 and ELET 2103.
Student Mentoring
Master theses and projects guided:
- Mark Meso, thesis, Performance analysis of codes used in optical code division multiple
access, Spring 2004.
- Ram Tadepalli, project, Frame work design and protection algorithm for waveband switched
optical networks, Spring 2004.
- Muhammed Rahman, project, Network security, Fall 2004.
- Vino Zachariah, thesis, resource management in layer one virtual private networks (L1-VPN),
Summer 2005.
- Sergio chacon, project, An approach to more secure voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) using
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec), summer 2005.
- Saheed Olajide, project, performance evaluation of video over IP VPN, Fall 2005.
- Vinod Mulani, thesis, Optical CDMA (Electrical Engineering), expected to graduate Spring
- Satish Dandu, thesis, Routing in optical networks (Computer Science), expected to graduate
Spring 2006.
Masters Committee member:
- Master thesis, committee, ET department, Veravat Wongvilaivarin, fall 2004.
- Master thesis, committee (co-advisor with computer science department), Satish Varma.
- Master thesis, committee (co-advisor with Electrical Engineering department), Vinod Mulani.
- Master Thesis, committee member, ET Department, Robert Glen Escalante, Spring 2005.
Professional Development
08/28/2006-08/31/2006: Participated in OPNETwork 2006 conference and technical training on the
OPNET simulation software.
04/07/2004: Participated in a presentation at the Hilton Hotel on teaching strategies for special
populations. Dr. Julie Padgett of the University of Arizona has been instrumental in developing some
teaching strategies in cooperation with the University of Houston. UH is a part of a grant award that
she represents and from which she intends to report to our faculty.
09/16/2004-09/18/2004: Participated in the workshop in excellence in teaching program (ExcEEd).
10/23/2004-10/24/2004: ETLI conference, moderator assistant for the session “ReEngineering
Engineering Technology for Faculty - Part 4 Increasing Importance of Publications for Engineering
Technology Faculty”
Dr. Benhaddou’s areas of expertise include optical networking, sensor networks, switching system design,
routing protocols, performance analysis, and optical instrument development for defect recognition of
semiconductors. He is an expert in the area of multi-protocol internetworking (SONET, ATM, IP, optical) and
also has a solid background in software development with applications in routing/signaling protocols and
network simulation.
During his first Ph. D. to the mid 90’s his research effort was concentrated on defect recognition for
semiconductors using optical instruments and image processing resulting in journal publications and conference
proceedings. During his post-doc tenure at the University of Colorado he built a laser scanning tomography
(LST) instrument to investigate defects in Lithium Niobate. He was working on a project funded in part by the
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) and the United States Missile Command in cooperation with
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Research Administration (DARPA). Recently, he started collaborative
efforts with Dr. Abdelhak Bensaoula at the TcSAM center to implement laser scanning tomography and phase
stepping microscope to investigate defects in III-Nitride materials. This effort resulted in submitting two
proposals to NSF and DoD.
Recently, Dr. Benhaddou’s area of research focused more on optical networking and optical switching design
resulting in a second Ph. D. from the University of Missouri. During his earlier tenure at Sprint, Dr. Benhaddou
implemented an extensive broadband test-bed for vendor equipment certification and research/development
activities. This experience gave him detailed practical knowledge about the deployment, operation, and
interoperability of differing network technologies. Additionally, he also helped develop hierarchical PNNI
routing solutions for ATM networks along with interconnection strategies for packet-over-SONET networks.
Subsequently, Dr. Benhaddou was a senior technical staff member at Lambda Optical Systems Inc, where he
played a key role in protocol development and systems integration activities. In particular, he was leading
system integration for an OSPF routing and signaling implementation for GMPLS-based optical domains and
proposed various protocol extensions. Additionally, Dr. Benhaddou headed system test/integration activities for
the Advanced Technology Demonstration Network (ATDNet) test-bed project and worked closely with the
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences (LTS) at the National
Security Agency (NSA). Overall, this comprehensive background has given Dr. Benhaddou a solid
understanding of many of the theoretical and practical aspects of optical network and protocol
Dr. Benhaddou is spearheading the development of a new state-of-the-art networking research laboratory within
the department using a start up and GEAR grants from UH. His work is also supported by Sprint and SBC
In addition, he is actively involved in research in education where he is developing remote laboratories for
optical circuits in collaboration with Dr. Deniz Gurkan and Prof. Alan Mickelson at the University of Colorado.
His work was recently supported by an FDIP grant for Fall 2005, the International Society for Optical
Engineering grant, and NSF (DUE-0536823).
Funded Proposals ($1.17 M)
- University of Houston, Start up grant, Fall 2003, Optical Networking research lab (ONRL)-
phase I. ($102,700)
PI: Driss Benhaddou
- Grants to Enhance and Advance Research (GEAR), University of Houston, 9/2004-8/2005.
“Application of Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) in high-speed optical
switching systems”. The purpose of this project is to investigate a potential application of
OCDMA in backplane and switching systems for high speed communications networks
PI: Driss Benhaddou
III. SPRINT, 4/04-4/05, “Unified End-to-End Provisioning in Multi-Domain Metro-Core
Networks”. The purpose of this project is to perform comparative analysis of different optical
network control plane architectures for Sprint networks ($112,812.00).
PI: D. Benhaddou
Co-PI: Nasir Ghani (TN Tech. University)
- Southwestern Bell Corp. (SBC), Fall 2005, “COT/SBC technology alliance” ($250,000).
PI: D. Benhaddou
Co-PI: S. Chacon, D. Gurkan, X. Yuan, J. Lustberg
- The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2005, Educational Grant in Optical
Science and Engineering ($2,000).
PI: D. Gurkan
Co-PI: D. Benhaddou,
- FDIP, University of Houston, fall 2005, Distributed Online Laboratory Instruction for Optical
Communication Circuits Courses ($4,000).
PI: D. Benhaddou
Co-PI: D. Gurkan,
VII. NSF (DUE-0536823), “Collaborative Research: An Online Laboratory for optical Circuits
Courses” ($125,000)
PI: Driss Benhaddou
Co-PI: Deniz Gurkan, Alan Mickelson (University of Colorado), and Zhongqi Pan
(University of Louisiana)
VIII. ILX Lightwave (instrument grant), 2006, Laser Instrument for remote optical circuits
laboratory ($10,000).
PI: D. Gurkan
Co-PI: D. Benhaddou
- GEAR, 1/31/06, “An Affordable Personalized Chronic Illness Management System Based on a
Distributed Biomedical Sensor Network” ($60,000)
PI: Xiaojing Yuan
Co-PI: Deniz Gurkan and Driss Benhaddou
- NASA, “Intelligent Sensor Network Testbed for ISHM” ($493,000)
PI: Deniz Gurkan
Co-PI: Xiaojing Yuan, and Driss Benhaddou
Research laboratory
Optical Networking Research Lab is being set up using the start up fund.
- N. Ghani, V. M. Muthalaly, D. Benhaddou, W. Alanqar, "Layer 1 VPN Services in Distributed
Next-Generation SONET/SDH Networks With Inverse Multiplexing," OSA Journal of Optical
Networking, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 367-382, May 2006.
- D. Benhaddou, G. Chaudhry, and R. J. Runser, "Design and scalability analysis of a fastfrequency-hopping
optical CDMA switch architecture," OSA Journal of Optical Networking,
Vol. 3, pp. 694-706, 2004. Available: http://www.osa-jon.org/abstract.cfm?URI=JON-3-9-694
- Driss Benhaddou and Ghulam Chaudhry, "Photonic Switching Techniques and Architecture for
Next Generation Optical Networks," Cluster Computing (CLUS) Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 281-291,
- D. Benhaddou, P. C. Montgomery, D. Montaner and J. Bonnafe, “Burred interface
characterization in optoelectronic materials by interference microscopy,” Journal of Modern
Optics, vol. 48, No. 3, pp 533-547, 2001.
- P. Montgomery, D. Benhaddou and D. Montaner, “Interferometric roughness measurement of
ohmic contact/III-V semiconductor interfaces,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 71, No. 13, pp
1768-1770, 1997.
- O. Perrot, D. Benhaddou, P. C. Montgomery, R. Rimet, B. Boulard and C. Jacoboni, “Optical
investigation of PZG glass waveguide by vapor phase deposition,” J. Non Crys. Solids., vol.
184, pp. 257-262, 1994.
- M. Anan, G. Chaudhry, and D. Benhaddou “Promises and Challenges of Optical Burst Switching (OBS)
for Next-Generation Optical Networks,” 2006 GLOBECOM, San Francisco, CA., USA, Nov. 27-Dec.
1, 2006.
- D. Benhaddou, N. Ghani, W. Alanqar, S. Dandu, K. Amimireddygari, and V. Zakariah, “Performance
evaluation of resource management models in Layer 1 VPN Services in multi-domain hierarchical
networks," IEEE ICCCN 2006 proceedings, Arlington, Virginia, USA, Oct. 9-11, 2006 (made it to the
best paper candidate list).
- M. Anan, G. Chaudhry, and D. Benhaddou “Architecture and Performance of A Next-Generation
Optical Burst Switch (OBS),” 2006 International Workshop on Optical Burst/Packet Switching (WOBS)
West (In conjunction with IEEE/CreateNet BROADNETS 2006), San Jose, CA., USA, Oct. 2nd, 2006.
- N. Ghani, D. Benhaddou, W. Alanqar, “Performance of Dynamic Shared Layer 1 VPN Services
in Next-Generation SONET/SDH Networks,” in 2006 IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC 2006), Turkey, June 2006.
- Driss Benhaddou, Deniz Gurkan, Harshita Kodali, Ed McKenna, Alan Mickelson and Frank
Barnes “Online Laboratory for Optical Circuits Courses: Effective Concept Mapping,”
Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Baton Rouge-LA, 2006.
- F. Attarzadeh, D. Benhaddou, D. Gurkan and R. Khalili, “Innovative Improvements to
Engineering Technology Laboratory Education to Engage, Retain and Challenge Students of
the 21st Century,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Baton RougeLA,
- need to add the publication with Deniz and Attarzadeh…
- Sergio Chacón, Driss Benhaddou and Deniz Gurkan, “Experimental Design of a Laboratory for
Voice Over IP using SIP,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Baton
Rouge-LA, 2006.
- Cheryl Willis, Susan Miertschin, and Driss Benhaddou, “Instructional Uses of Tablet PC’s in
STEM Learning Environments,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference,
Baton Rouge-LA, 2006.
- N. Ghani, D. Benhaddou, W. Alanqar, K. Amimireddygari, S. Dandu, “Dynamic Shared Layer
1 VPN Provisioning in Next-Generation SONET/SDH Networks,” in Proceeding of the 14th
International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE IC3N'05), San
Diego, 2005, pp. 549-554.
- Edward McKenna, Randal Direen, Frank Barnes, Deniz Gurkan, Alan Mickelson, and Driss
Benhaddou, “E-learning Environmental Design of a Distributed Online Laboratory for Optical
Circuits Courses,” in Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education
Annual Conference & Exposition (ASEE’05), Portland-OR, 2005.
- N. Ghani, C. Assi, A. Shami, M. Ali, D. Benhaddou, “Inverse-Multiplexing in Multi-Layer
Optical Grooming Networks,” in Proceeding of the IEEE/Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in
Wired and Wireless Communication, Princeton-NJ, 2004, pp 75-78.
- D. Benhaddou and G. Chaudhry, “Fiber Bragg Grating based Fast frequency-hopping optical
CDMA switching to access WDM networks,” in the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando-FL, 2002, Vol. X, pp 590-595.
- D. Benhaddou, A. I. Alfuqaha, G. Chaudhry, “New Multiprotocol WDM/CDMA-Based
Optical Switch Architecture,” in Proceedings of the 34th annual Simulation Symposium, 2001,
- 285-291.
- M. Guizani and D. Benhaddou, “Design of ATM Switch Architectures using Optical Systems,”
in Proceedings of the International Conference of Parallel and Distributed Processing and
Applications (PDPTA'99), pp. 2463-2469, June 1999.
- Alfuqaha, D. Benhaddou, M. Guizani, and M. Chaudhry, “Design and simulation of a New
Fault-Tolerant multicasting ATM Switch,” in Proceedings of the Symposium on Performance
Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'98), 1998, Reno-NV, pp.
- D. Benhaddou and A. R. Mickelson, “Laser scanning tomography studies of Lithium Niobate
crystals,” in Proceedings of the Defect recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors
and Devices conference, Boulder-CO, 1995, pp. 139-142.
- P. C. Montgomery, J-M Lussert, P. Vabre and D. Benhaddou, “Super-resolution 3D optical
imaging of semiconductors using coherent microscopy,” in Proceedings of Three Dimensional
Microscopy: image acquisition and processing II (SPIE), Ed A. Wilson, vol. 2412, 1995.
- P. C. Montgomery, D. Montaner, D. Benhaddou, P. Vabre, “Characterization of relief of
semiconductor surface using digital interference microscopy,” In Proceedings of the Defect
Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors and Devices conference, Santader,
Spain, 1993.
- R. Tadepalli and D. Benhaddou, “Framework Design And Protection Algorithm For
Waveband-Switched Optical Networks,” poster presented in research and scholarship day
2004, organized by the university of Houston.
- V. Mulani and D. Benhaddou, “Fiber Optic Code Division Multiple Access based Switch
Design,” poster presented in research and scholarship day 2005, organized by the university of
- S. Dandu and D. Benhaddou, “Dynamic K-optimal path computation algorithms in optical
multi-domain networks” poster presented in research and scholarship day 2005, organized by
the university of Houston.
- D. Benhaddou and D. Gurkan, “online laboratory for optical circuits,” experiment and poster
presentation in UH research day 2006 to show how students can conduct online experiment.
- Sergio, Driss, and Deniz, “voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP): security issue,” experiment
presentation in UH research day 2006 to demonstrate VOIP technology.
- D. Benhaddou, “performance evaluation of dynamic multidomain routing protocol in optical
networks”, oral presentation in LEARN meeting.
- D. Benhaddou, “Skylight Switch: New multicast WDM access switch architecture using
photonic fast frequency-hopping OCDMA technique,” Ph. D. diss., University of MissouriKansas
City, 2002.
- D. Benhaddou, “Phase Stepping Microscopy: Defects in Semiconductors and Transparent
Layers,” Ph. D. diss., University of Montpellier II, France, 1995.
- D. Benhaddou, “Perfection of Phase Stepping Microscopy for Studying Epitaxial Layers of
Semiconductors,” Master’s thesis, University Montpellier II, France, 1991.
- Driss Benhaddou, “Application of Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) in highspeed
optical switching systems,” University of Houston, GEAR proposal report, Jan. 2006.
- Driss Benhaddou, “Optical Networking Research Laboratory,” University of Houston, College
of Technology start up fund report, Aug. 2005.
- Nasir Ghani, Driss Benhaddou, and Wesam Al-Anquar, “Value-Added Proposition for Optical
Services: a Mutli-Domain OSS/Control Plane Perspective,” University of Houston, Quarterly
Progress report, Jul. 2004.
- Nasir Ghani, Driss Benhaddou, and Wesam Al-Anquar, “Value-Added Proposition for Optical
Services: a Mutli-Domain OSS/Control Plane Perspective,” University of Houston, Quarterly
Progress report, Sept. 2004.
- Nasir Ghani, Driss Benhaddou, and Wesam Al-Anquar, “Value-Added Proposition for Optical
Services: a Mutli-Domain OSS/Control Plane Perspective,” University of Houston, Quarterly
Progress report, Nov. 2004.
- Nasir Ghani, Driss Benhaddou, and Wesam Al-Anquar, “Value-Added Proposition for Optical
Services: a Mutli-Domain OSS/Control Plane Perspective,” University of Houston, Quarterly
Progress report, December. 2004.
- Technical Reports for CNET France, Littons inc., Sprint Telecommunication inc. and Fistwave
Intelligent Optical Networks inc.
Professional development
09/24/04: Participated in the intellectual property seminar organized by the DOR
10/01/04: Participated in the COT seminar on research organized by the DOR
11/04/04-11/06/04: Participated in the grantsmanship training program in Tucson, Arizona.
- DAC committee member: reviewed the bylaws. Met more than 3 times a year.
- New faculty search Committee, Fall 2003
- ASC faculty advisor 2003-Current.
- IEEE COT student chapter advisor: motivated IEEE student officers to increase student
joining IEEE. Won the first student chapter that increased most on student enrollment
(2006). Organized a list of series on VOIP by Sergio and people from Nortel.
- Library liaison for Engineering Technology, 2003-2005.
- Technical Program Committee member of OptiComm conference (2003).
- Technical Program Committee member of IEEE International Conference on
Communications, ICC 2005
- International Program Committee (IPC) member for the International Association of
Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) international conference on optical
communication systems and networks (OCSN 2006).
- Reviewer of IEEE Communication letters.
- Reviewer for ASEE national conference 2004.
- Reviewer for InfoCom.
- Member, IEEE Communications Society, 1997- present.
- Member Optical Society of America (OSA), 1997-present.
- Member of American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), 2004-present.
- TPC member Globecom’06-ATPON
- TPC member
- Member of T&P committee to review promotion of different levels of faculty (Spring 2006,
Fall 2006 (may be)
- University Graduate Committee (start Fall 2006)
- TPC member for 2007 IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC
- TPC member for 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007-
- The technical program committee for ICC 2007 CCN (ICC 2007 Computer and
Communications Network Security Symposium).
- Member of the Biotechnology Academic Advisory Committee (since Fall 2006)
Professional development
03/24/04, Participated in “Faculty Referrals: Minefield or Opportunity,” seminar Organized by the
University career services.
Contact information