Dr. Stanko Brankovic, Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cullen College of Engineering
Areas of expertise
- Electrocatalysis
- Electrochemical sensors
- Electrochemical material science and nanofabrication
- Corrosion
- The Electrodeposition Research Award of The Electrochemical Society, 2017
- The Faculty Early Career Development Award , National Science Foundation, 2010
- University of Houston Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship, University of Houston, 2010
- Cullen College of Engineering Junior Faculty Research Award, Cullen College of Eng. Univ. of Houston, 2009
- Finite Size Effects in Submonolayer Catalysts Investigated by CO Electrosorption on PtsML/Pd(100), Q. Yuan, H. A. Doan, L. Grabow and S.R. Brankovic, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 13676 (2017)
- Editors' Choice—Reaction Kinetics of Metal Deposition via Surface Limited Redox Replacement of Underpotentially Deposited Monolayer Studied by Surface Reflectivity and Open Circuit Potential Measurements, E. Bulut, D. Wu, N. Dole, H. Kilic, S R Brankovic, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164, D159 (2017).
- The Role of Citric Acid in Perfecting Platinum Monolayer on Palladium Nanoparticles during the Surface Limited Redox Replacement Reaction, S. Zhu, J. Yue, X. Qin, Z. Wei, Z. Liang, R. R. Adzic, S. R Brankovic, Z. Du, M. Shao, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 163, D3040 (2016).
- Electrochemical Deposition as a Surface Controlled Phenomenon-Fundamentals and Applications, S. R. Brankovic, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 163, Y21 (2016).
- A Theoretical and Experimental In-Situ Electrochemical Infrared Spectroscopy Study of Adsorbed CO on Pt Dendrimer-Encapsulated Nanoparticles, R. M. Anderson, L. Zhang, D. Wu, S. R. Brankovic , G. Henkelman, and R. M. Crooks, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 163, H3061 (2016)
- Novel 2D RuPt core-edge nanocluster catalyst for CO electro-oxidation,Lars C. Grabow, Qiuyi Yuan, Hieu A. Doan and Stanko R. Brankovic in Surface Science, 640 (2015) 50–58.
- Chapter 3: Electrochemical Surface Professes and Opportunities for Material Synthesis, Stanko R. Brankovic and Giovanni Zangari in Electrochemical Engineering Across Scales: From Molecules to Processes, Editors: R. C. Alkire, P. N. Bartlett, J. Lipkowski, Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering, vol. 15, Willey-VCH (2015) p. 59-107.
- Nucleation of Pt Monolayers Deposited via Surface Limited Redox Replacement Reaction, D. Gokcen, Q. Yuan, and S. R. Brankovic, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161, D3051 (2014).
- Ethanol Electro-Oxidation on Ternary Platinum−Rhodium−Tin Nanocatalysts: Insights in the Atomic 3D Structure of the Active Catalytic Phase, N. Erini, R. Loukrakpam, V. Petkov, E. A. Baranova, R. Yang, D. Teschner, Y. Huang, S. R. Brankovic, and P. Strasser , ACS Catal., 4, 1859 (2014).
- Efficient C–C Bond Splitting on Pt Monolayer and Sub-monolayer Catalysts During Ethanol Electrooxidation: Pt Layer Strain and Morphology Effects, R. Loukrakpam, Q. Yuan, V. Petkov, L. Gan, S. Rudi, R. Yang, Y. Huang, S. R. Brankovic and P. Strasser, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 16, 18866 (2014).
- Electrocatalysis: Novel Synthetic Methods, S. R. Brankovic, Encyclopedia of Applied Electrochemistry, Springer Reference –online, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013), 19:11.
- Oxide/Hydroxide Incorporation into Electrodeposited CoFe Alloys-Consequences for Magnetic Softness, J. George, S. Elhalawaty, A. J. Mardinly, R. W. Carpenter, D. Litvinov, and S. R. Brankovic, Electrochimica Acta, 110, 411 (2013).
- Development of Pinhole-Free Amorphous Aluminum Oxide Protective Layers for Biomedical Device Applications, Julia Litvinov, Yi-Ju Wang, Jinnie George, Pawilai Chinwangso, S.R. Brankovic, Richard C. Wilson, Dmitri Litvinov, Surface & Coatings Technology, 224, 101, (2013).
- Lead Underpotential Deposition on Pt-submonolayer Modified Au(111), Qiuyi Yuan, Ashish Tripathi, Milan Slavkovic, and S.R. Brankovic, Z. Phys. Chem., 226, 965 (2012).
- CO Tolerant Electrocatalyst with Low Platinum Loading and a Process for its Application, S. R. Brankovic , J. X. Wang, and R. R. Adzic, US Patent 132154 , (2002 ).
- Wet Etch For Selective Removal of Alumina, S. R. Brankovic , B. W. Crue. US Patent Pending 11029 (2003).
- Patterned Thin Films and Use of Such Films as Thermal Control Layers in Heat Assisted Magnetic recording Media, J. Hohlfeld, Y. Kubota, D. Weller, S.R. Brankovic , X.M. Yang, E.C. Johns, US Patent Pending 11568 (2005).
Funded Research
- NSF-CBET #1605331, Monolayer Catalyst as Transformative Concept for Efficient Electrolytic Hydrogen Isotope Separation, S. R. Brankovic (PI-60%), L. Grabow, and O. Miljanic (co-PIs-40%), ($388.526), 09/01/2016-08/31/2019.
- American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Foundation – Gift Grant: Crack Formation During Electrodeposition and Post-deposition Ageing of Thin Film Coatings, S. R. Brankovic (PI-100%), ($100,001), 01/05/2016-12/31/2019
- Baker Hughes, - Gift Grant: New Sensing Concepts for Oil and Gas Exploration, S. R. Brankovic (PI-100%), ($43,000), 06/01/2015-12/30/2015.
- Lam Research Corporation,-Gift Grant: Nucleation of Electroless Co-films as a Function of Substrate Treatment, S.R. Brankovic (PI-100%), ($160,000), 06/30/2015-present (4x40,000$).
- National Semiconductor Corporation/Texas Instruments – Gift Grant: Development of Electrodeposited CoFeNiX Films with Low Magnetic Losses for Power Application, S. R. Brankovic (PI-100%), ($145,000), 01/01/2011-12/31/2012.
- Finite Size Effects on Electrosorption Properties of Monolayer Catalysts, S.R. Brankovic (PI), Grant to Enhance and Advance Research, University of Houston, ($29,116), 06/01/2013-05/30/2014.
- Strained Annealing for Cu Grain Growth in sub-50 nm Interconnect, S. R. Brankovic (PI-100%), Semiconductor Research Corporation 2012-IN-2339, ($76,000), 09/01/2012-08/31/2013.
- Electrochemical Nanofabrication-The Transformative Concept towards Synthesis of Novel Materials. Functional surfaces and Nanostructures. S.R. Brankovic (PI-100%), NSF CAREER CHE # 0955922, ($540,000) 07/01/2010-06/31/2015.
- Development of Electrodeposited CoFeNiX Films with Low Magnetic Losses for Power Application, S. R. Brankovic (PI-100%), National Semiconductor Corporation/Texas Instruments — Gift Grant, ($160,000), 01/01/2011-12/31/2012.
- Surface Limited Redox Replacement of Cu UPD Monolayer with Pt ions, S. R. Brankovic (PI-100%), Private Funding, ($110,000), 10/01/2011-09/31/2012.
- Electrochemical Nanofabrication of High-Anisotropy Bit-Patterned Magnetic Arrays using Self-Limiting Ion Milling Fabricated Templates, D. Litvinov (PI), S. R. Brankovic (co-PI), D. Weller (co-PI), NSF CMMI #0927786, ($280,000), 09/01/2009-09/31/2012.
- Characterization of Morphology Transformation of Niobium Surfaces by Electropolishing, S.R. Brankovic (PI-100%), DOE/Jefferson Laboratory, PO#10-P0733, ($145,000), 01/01/2010-12/31/2011.
- Phase Separated Ferromagnetic Metal-Metal Oxide/Hydroxide Nanomaterials as a Transformative Concept for Magnetic Field Sensors. S.R. Brankovic (PI), Dmitri Litvinov (Co-PI), Ray Carpenter (Co-PI) and Nils Gokemeijer (Co-PI), NSF ECCS # 0824215, ($450,000), 09/01/2008-08/31/2011.
- Structure Property Relation of Monolayer Catalysts Obtained by Galvanic Displacement of Underpotentially Deposited Monolayers, S.R. Brankovic (PI), PRF# 47849-G5, ($50,000), 05/01/2008-04/30/2010.
- Stress Control in Electrodeposited NiFe Alloys, S.R. Brankovic (PI), National Semiconductor Corporation — Gift Grant, ($130,000), 10/01/2008-09/30/2010.
Curriculum Vitae
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