Bill Fitzgibbon, Professor
Engineering Technology, College of Technology
Areas of expertise
- Partial and ordinary differential equations
- Applied mathematics
- mathematical biology
- Grand Marshall, University of Houston Commencement, 1999
- Omicron Delta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Beta Delta, Pi Mu Epsilon, Tau Alpha
Traineeship, Vanderbilt University, 1968-1972 - Academic Merit Scholarships, Vanderbilt University, 1963-1967
- ―Nonlinear Cauchy problems in Banach spaces,‖ Dissertation, Vanderbilt University, 1972.
- ―Time dependent nonlinear Cauchy problems‖:, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 36 (1972),525-530.
- ―Weakly continuous accretive operators,‖ Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 79 (1973), 473-474.
‖Approximation of nonlinear evolution equations,‖ Journal Math. Society, Japan, 25 (1973), 211-221. - ―Weakly continuous accretive operators in reflexive Banach spaces,‖ Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc. 41 (1973),
229-236. - ―Nonlinear differential equations in reflexive Banach spaces,‖ Bull. Australian Math.
Soc. 10 (1974),
31-37. - ―Nonlinear perturbation of m-accretive operators,‖ Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 44 (1974), 359-364.
- ― Ordinary Differential Equations in Reflexive Banach Spaces,‖ Proceedings of Fourth
Annual USL
Mathematics Conference, Research Series 28 (1974), 13-18. - ―Time Dependent Perturbations of Linear Accretive Operators,‖ III Simposio Mexico-Estados
Sobre Educaciones Differenciales, Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, Mexico 1976, 195-191. - ―Time dependent second order differential equations in Hilbert Spaces,‖ Funkcialaj
Ekvacioj, (1) 19
(1976), 27-34. - ―Nonlinear perturbation of linear evolution equations in a Banach Space,‖ Annali Di
Matematica Pura
Ed Applicata, Vol. CX (1976), 279-294. - ―Stability for abstract nonlinear Volterra equations involving finite delay,‖ Journal
Analysis and Applications, 60 (1977), 429-434. - ―Product integration in reflexive Banach spaces,‖ Montashefte fur Math., 83 (1977), 113-119.
- ―Abstract Volterra equations with infinite delay,‖ Nonlinear Systems and Applications,
Academic Press,
New York, 1977, 513-525. - ―Abstract functional differential equations,‖ Proceedings of Seventh Annual USL Mathematics
Conference, Department of Publications, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette,
Louisiana, 1976, 1-12.
Nonlinear Diffusion (editor with H. F. Walker), Pittman Press, London, 1977. - ―Nonlinear evolution operators and delay equations,‖ Partial and Ordinary Differential
Dundee 1977, Springer Lecture Series, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1977, 106-113. - ―Nonlinear Volterra equations with infinite delay,‖ Montshefte fur Math., 84 (1978),
―Semilinear functional differential equations in Banach spaces,‖ Journal of Differential Equations, 29
(1979), 1-14. - ―Delay equations of parabolic type in Banach space,‖ Nonlinear Equations in Abstract
Spaces, V.
Laksmikanthan, ed., Academic Press, New York, 1978, 81-93. - ―Representation and approximation of solutions to semilinear Volterra equations with
delay,‖ Jour. Diff.
Equations, 32 (1979), 233-249. - ―Product integral representation of solutions to semilinear Volterra equations with
delay,‖ Applied
Nonlinear Analysis, Academic Press, New York, 1979, 161-173. - ―Semilinear integrodifferential equations in Banach space,‖ Journal of Nonlinear Analysis:
TMA, 4
(1980), 745-760. - ―Integrodifferential Equations in Banach Space,‖ Integral Equations and Functional
Equations, Marcel Decker, Paris, 1981, 173-184. - ―Abstract integrodifferential equations,‖ Proceedings Tenth Annual U.S.L. Mathematics
Department of Publications, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana, 1979. - ―Strongly damped quasilinear evolution equations,‖ Journal of Mathematical Analysis
and Applications,
79 (1981), 536-550. - ―Representations and asymptotic behavior of strongly damped quasilinear evolution
Nonlinear Phenomena in Physical Sciences, Academic Press, New York, 1982, 389-385. - ―Global existence and boundedness for the extensible beam equation,‖ SIAM Journal
Analysis, 13 (1982), 739-744. - ―Abstract hyperbolic integrodifferential equations,‖ Journal Math. Analysis and Applications,
(1981), 299-310. - ―Initial boundary value problems for the Carleman equations,‖ Computers and Mathematics
Applications, Vol., 9 (1983), 519-525. also appeared Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations:
Populations, Reactors, Tides and Waves, Advances in Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations,
(M. Witter, ed.) Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1983, 519-525. - ―Fluid dynamic limit of the Carleman equations,‖ Journal of Nonlinear Analysis: TMA,
7 (1982), 695-
702. - ―A Two Dimensional Model for Turbulence,‖ Proceedings International Conference on
Phenomena, Marcel Decker, New York, 1984, 177-184. - ―Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems,‖ (editor), Pitman Press, London, 1984.
- ―A Semigroup approach to Burgers System,‖ Differential Equations, Elsevier Science
Publishers, New
York, 1984, 213-217. - ―A variation of parameters representation for Burgers System, Infinite-Dimensional
Systems, Lecture
notes in Mathematics, 1976, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984, 78-85. - ―Asymptotic behavior of nonlinear functional evolution equations in fading memory
spaces‖ Trends in
the Theory and Practice of Nonlinear Analysis, North Holland Math. Stud. 110, Elsevier Science
Publishers, New York, 1985, 85-89. - ―Convergence theorems for semilinear Volterra equations with infinite delay,‖ J. Integral
Equations, 8
(1985), 264-272. - ―Global existence for a particular convection diffusion equations,‖ Nonlinear Analysis
TMA, 10 (1986),
1077-1081. - ―A hyperbolic system from a neural transmission model,‖ Comput. Math. 13 (1987), 767-769.
- ―Asymptotic behavior of solutions to a class of Volterra integrodifferential equations,‖
Journal Math.
Anal. and Appl. 46 (1990), 241-253. - ―Asymptotic stability for a class of integrodifferential equations,‖ Czechoslovak
Mathematic Journal, 38
(113), 1988, 618-622.
Mathematical and Computational Methods in Seismic Exploration and Reservoir Modeling (editor),
SIAM, Philadelphia, 1986. - ―Longtime behavior for a class of convection diffusion systems,‖ Differential Equations
Mathematical Physics, (ed. Knowles and Saito), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Mathematics
1285, 1987, 119-125. - ―Longtime behavior for a class of abstract integrodifferential equations,‖ Dynamics
of Infinite
Dimensional Systems, Springer-Verlag, Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 37, 1987, 105-112. - ― Weakly continuous accretive operators in general Banach spaces, Bull. Australian
Society, 41 (1990), 185-200.
Existence of solutions for a class of weakly coupled semilinear elliptic systems (with J. Morgan), J. Diff.
Equations, 77 (1989), 351-368.
Steady State Solutions for certain reaction diffusion systems (with J. Morgan), Nonlinear Analysis TMA,
15 (1990), 27-37. - ―A diffusive epidemic model in a bounded domain of arbitrary dimension,‖ (with J.
Morgan), J. Diff.
and Integral Equations, Vol 1 (1988), 125-132. - ―Positive solutions for semilinear elliptic systems,‖ (with J. Morgan) Nonlinear Semigroups,
Differential Equations and Attractors, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1392, Springer-Verlag, 1989.
56-67. - ―Semigroup methods for two component systems of semilinear hyperbolic equations,‖
Trends in
Semigroup Theory and Application, (ed. Clement, Invernizzi, Mitidieri, Vrabie), Marcel Decker,
New York, 1989, 163-170. - ―Spatial decay estimates for reaction diffusion systems,‖ (with J. Morgan and L. T.
Wheeler), Quarterly
of Applied Mathematics, 47 (1989), 529-538. - ―Multicomponent diffusion systems,‖ (with J. J. Morgan) Proc. Ohio Conference on Theory
Applications of Partial Differential Equations, Ohio Univ. Press, 1988, 288-293. - ―A priori bounds for a class of stationary diffusion systems (with J.J. Morgan, S.J.
Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 14 (1989), 1243-1249. - ―Weakly coupled semilinear parabolic evolution systems,‖ (with J.J. Morgan and S.J.
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Application, CLXI (1992), 213-229. - ―Generalized Lyapunov structure for a class of semilinear parabolic systems,‖ (with
J.J. Morgan, S.J.
Waggoner), JMAA, 152 (1990), 109-130. - ―Forward containment for semilinear parabolic systems,‖ (with J.J. Morgan and S.J.
Waggoner), Journal
of Differential Equations, 97 (1992), 233-245. - ―Limiting behavior of the strongly damped extensible beam equations,‖ Journal Differential
and Integral
Equations, Vol. 3 (1990), 1067-1076. - ―Asymptotic convergence for a class of autocatalytic chemical systems‖ (with W. Farr,
J. Morgan, and
S. Waggoner), Differential Equations and Applications in Biology, Physics and Engineering,
Marcel Dekker, New York, 1991, 121-128. - ―Generalized Lyapunov Methods for interactive systems in biology‖ (with J. Morgan
and S.J.
Waggoner). Mathematical Population Dynamics (ed. Arino, Axelrod, Kimmel), Marcel Dekker,
New York, 1991, 177-188. - ―Quaslinear reaction diffusion systems‖ (with J. Morgan and S. Waggoner, Semesterbericht
Analysis, Summer-semester 89, Tubingen, 1989, 59-68. - ―Linearized stability of semilinear delay equations in fractional power spaces‖ (with
M. Parrott), J.
Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 16 (1991), 479-487. - ―Estimates for spatio-temporally dependent reaction diffusion systems‖ (with J. Morgan,
R. Sanders and
S. Waggoner), Delay Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, (S. Busenberg and M.
Martelli, eds.) Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1475, Berlin 1990, 130-146. - ―A quasilinear system modeling the spread of infectious disease‖ (with J. Morgan and
S. Waggoner),
Rocky Mountain J. Math., 22 (1992), 579-592. - ―Global existence and boundedness for a class of inhomogeneous semilinear parabolic
systems‖ (with J.
Morgan, R. Sanders), Nonlinear Anal TMA, 19 (1992), 885-899. - ―Boundedness and asymptotic convergence for a class of autocatalytic chemical systems‖
(with W.W.
Farr, J.J. Morgan, and S.J. Waggoner). J. Diff. and Int. Equations. - ―The longtime behavior of solutions to a quasilinear combustion model‖ (with C.B.
Martin). Nonlinear
Anal TMA, 19 (1992), 947-961. - ―A semilinear parabolic system modeling an exothermic chemical reaction‖ (with C.B.
Martin). JMAA,
178 (1993), 165-175.
Computational Models in Geosciences (ed. With M. Wheeler), SIAM, Philadelphia, 1992.
Modeling and Analysis of Advective and Diffusive Processes in Geoscience (ed. with M. Wheeler),
SIAM, Philadelphia, 1992.
Wave Propagation and Inversion (ed. with M. Wheeler), SIAM, Philadelphia, 1992. - ―Convergence of Singularly Perturbed Hodgkin-Huxley Equations‖ (with M.E. Parrott)
J. Nonlinear
Analysis TMA, 22 (1994), 363-379. - ―Hodgkin Huxley Models‖ (with C.B. Martin and M.E. Parrott) Seminar Notes LSU Functional
and Partial Differential Equations, 1992, 1991-1992, 96-105. - ―Quasilinear Reaction Diffusion Models for Exothermic Reaction‖ (with C.B. Martin),
Equations with Applications to Mathematical Physics, (W.F. Ames, E.M. Harrell II, J.V. Herod,
ed.) Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Vol 192, Academic Press, San Diego, 1993, 69-78. - ―Lyapunov Stability for Diffusive Interactive Biological Systems‖ (with S.L. Hollis
and J.J. Morgan),
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mathematical Population Dynamics (ed,
Arino, Axelrod and Kimmel), Marcel Dekker,1991,177-189. - ―Locally Stable Dynamics for Reaction Diffusion Systems‖ (with S.L. Hollis and J.J.
Semigroups of Linear and Nonlinear Operators and Applications, (ed. G.R. Goldstein and J.R.
Goldstein), Kluwer Academic Pub., Dordrecht, NL. 1993, 143-157. - ―Stability and Lyapunov Functions for Reaction Diffusion Systems,‖ UH Research Report
(with S.
Hollis and J. Morgan), SIAM J. Math. Anal.,28 (1997),595-610. - ―The Global Dynamics of Singularly Perturbed Hodgkin Huxley Systems,‖ (with M.E. Parrott
and Y.
You) Semigroup of Linear and Nonlinear Operators and Applications (ed. G.R. Goldstein and J.A.
Goldstein), Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht, NL, 1993, 159-176. - ―Global Dynamics of Coupled Systems Modeling Nonplanar Beam Motion,‖ (with M.E. Parrott
and Y.
You), Evolution Equations (ed. Ferreya, Goldstein, Neubrander) Marcel Dekker, New York, 1994,
187-200. - ―Uniform Bounds and Asymptotic Behavior for a Diffusive Epidemic Model with Criss
Dynamics‖ (with C.B. Martin and J.J. Morgan) JMAA, 184 (1994), 399-414. - ―Diffractive Diffusion Systems with Locally Defined Reaction‖ (with J. J. Morgan),
Evolution Equations
(ed. Ferreya, Goldstein and Neubrander), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1994, 177-186. - ―Diffusion Epidemic Models with Incubation and Criss Cross Dynamics‖ (with M. Parrott
and G.
Webb), Mathematical Biosciences, 128 (1995), 131-155. - ―Steady State Solutions for Systems for Balanced Reaction Diffusion Systems on Heterogeneous
Domains,‖ (with S. Hollis and J. Morgan), Journal of Differential and Integral Equations, 1999,
205-225. - ―Diffusion Epidemic Models with Spatial and Age Dependent Heterogeneity,‖ (with M.E.
Parrott and
G.F. Webb), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 1995, 35-57. - ―Convergence of Singular Perturbation of Strongly Damped Nonlinear Wave Equations‖
(with M.E.
Parrott), Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 28 (1997), 165-174. - ―Approximation of strongly damped string equations by strongly beam equations‖ (with
M.E. Parrott),
Proceedings 1994 Conference on Semigroups, Strathclyde Univ., Scotland, appeared in Recent
Developments in Evolution Equations, A.C. McBride and G.F. Roach (Eds.), Pitman Research
Notes in Math. Series 324, Longman Sc. and Tech., 1995, 123-133. - ―A diffusive epidemic model for a host-vector system‖ (with M.E. Parrott and G.F.
Webb), Differential
Equations and Applications to Biology and Industry (ed. M. Martelli, K. Cooke, E. Cumberbatch,
B. Tang and H. Thieme), World Scientific Press, Singapore, 1996, 410-409. - ―Time dependent weakly coupled systems with diffractive diffusion,‖ (with S.L. Hollis
and J.J. Morgan),
preprint. - ―Finite dimensionality and upper semicontinuity for the global attractor of singularly
perturbed HodgkinHuxley
systems,‖ (with M. Parrott and Y. You), Journal of Differential Equations, 129 (1996), 193-
237. - ―A diffusive system with age dependence modeling FIV‖ (with M. Langlais, M.E. Parrott,
and G.F.
Webb), Nonlinear Analysis: TMA, 25(1995), 975-989. - ―A diffusive age-structured SEIRS model epidemic model‖ (with M. Parrott and G. Webb),
Methods and
Applications of Analysis, 3 (1996), 358-369. - ―Drug resistance in diffusive epidemic population models‖ (with J. Morgan and M. Parrott,
and G.
Webb), Advances in Mathematical Population Dynamics - Molecules, Cells and Man (eds. Arino,
Axelrod and Kimmel). World Scientific, Singapore, 1998, pp. 613-628. - ―Periodicity in diffusive age structured SEIR models‖ (with J. Morgan and M. Parrott),
Methods and
Applications of Analysis, 5 (1998), 195-216. - ―Diffusive SEIR models with logistic population control,‖ (with M. Langlais), Comm.
Nonlinear Anal. 4 (1997), 1-16. - ―An age dependent regularization of Martin's Problem,‖ (with J. Morgan, M. Parrott,
and G. Webb),
Reaction Diffusion Systems, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker, New
York, 1998, 131-139.
Computational Science for the 21st Century (ed. with M.O. Bristeau, G. Etgen, J. L. Lions, J. Periaux,
and M.F. Wheeler), John Wiley and Songs, Ltd., Sussex, 1997. - ―The description of the geographic spread of disease‖ (with M. Langlais), Computational
Science for the
21st Century (ed. with M.O. Bristeau, G. Etgen, J. L. Lions, J. Periaux, and M.F. Wheeler), John
Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Sussex, 1997, 791-799. - ―Weakly coupled hyperbolic systems modeling the circulation of FeLV in structured
feline populations‖
(with M. Langlais), Mathematical Biosciences, 165 (2000), 79-95. - ―Eventually uniform bounds for a class of quasipositive balanced reaction diffusion
systems,‖ (with M.
Langlais, J. Morgan), Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 16 (1999), 225-241. - ―Analysis of a Two Component Reaction Diffusion Model on a Heterogeneous Domain‖ (with
Morgan), Mathematics in the Medical and Health Sciences(ed Horn, Simonett, Webb), Vanderbilt
University Press, Nashville, 1999, 139-145. - ―A Diffusive S.I.S Model Describing the Propagation of F.I.V.,‖ Communications in
Applied Analysis,
(with M. Langlais), 7 (2003), 387-404. - ―Martin’s Problem for Systems with Compartmental Diffusion,‖ Journal of the Egyptian
Society (with M. Langlais and J. Morgan), 2001, vol. 9(1) 59-67. - ―Modeling the Spread of Feline Leukemia in Heterogeneous Habitats,‖ Fields Institute
(with M. Langlais and J. Morgan), 29 (2001), 133-146. - ―A mathematical model of the spread of Feline Leukemia Virus Through a Highly
Heterogeneous Domain‖(with M. Langlais and J. Morgan), SIAM J. Mathematical Analysis, 33
(2001), 570-588. - ―Epidemic Models with Compartmental Diffusion‖ (with M. Langlais and J. Morgan),
Parabolic and Elliptic Problems, Rolduc and Gaeta (eds. Bemelmans, Brighi, Brillard, Chipot,
Conrad, Shafir, Valente, Vergara-Caffarelli), World Scientific, London, 2001, 389-399. - ―A system of partial differential equations modeling the geographic spread of Feline
Leukemia Virus in
heterogeneous habitats‖ (with M. Langlais and J. Morgan), Semnaire D’Analyse Ceremath M.I.P
UT1, expose 12. - ―On a fast solvers for reaction-diffusion-convection systems: application to air quality
models‖ (with
M. Garbey and F. Dupros), Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Theory and Practice (P.Wilders,
A. Ecer, J. Periaux eds), Elsevier Science, 2002, 111-118. - ―Mathematical Modeling in Ecology‖ (with M. Kimmel), Proceedings of the International
Long Term
Ecological Research Council, Mandralin, Poland. - ―Fast solvers for reaction diffusion systems: application to air quality models‖ (with
M. Garbey),
ECCOMAS CFD, Proceedings, Swansea 2001. - ―Longterm dynamics for a simple air quality model (with M. Garbey, J. Morgan),‖ preprint.
- ―A degenerate reaction diffusion system modeling atmospheric distribution of pollutants‖
(with M.
Langlais, J. Morgan), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 307 (2005), 415-
432. - ―Strong solutions to a class of Air Quality Models (with M. Langlais, J. Morgan),‖
C.R. Acad. Sci.
Paris, Ser. I 336 (2004), 843-847. - ―Periodic Solutions to Spatially Dependent Epidemic Models‖ (with R. Berry), preprint.
- ―An application of homogenization techniques to population dynamics models‖ (with
B.E. Ainseba, M.
Langlais, J.J Morgan), Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1 (2002), 19-33. - ―High Speed Flow Field Databases‖ (with J.A. Desideri), Fluid Dynamics and Aeronautics:
Challenges (eds. J. Periaux, M. Champion, J. Gagnepain, O Pironneau, B. Stoufflet, P. Thomas),
CIMNE Barcelona, 2003, 547-551.
William E. Fitzgibbon, III
Page 25 - ―An age dependent model describing the spread of panleucopenia virus within feline
populations (with
M. Langlais, J. Morgan, D. Pontier, C. Wolf), Mathematical Population Dynamics, Banach
Center Publications, Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Science, Volume 63 (2004),
197-207. - ―A reaction diffusion system on noncoincident spatial domains modeling the circulation
of a disease
between two host populations‖ (with M. Langlais and J. Morgan), Journal of Differential and
Integral Equations, Volume 17 (2004), 781-802. - ―A reaction diffusion system modeling direct and indirect transmission of diseases
(with M. Langlais
and J. Morgan), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Volume 4 (November 2004), 893-
910. - ―Convergence of an iterative scheme for a prototypical atmospheric advection reaction
system‖ (with M. Langlais, J. Morgan), Numerical Methods for Scientific Computing, (eds. E.
Heikkola, Y. Kuznetsov, P. Neittaanmaki, O Pironneau), CIMNE, Barcelona, 2003, 55-66. - ―Stabilization of an explicit treatment of diffusion in the time integration of a
system of reaction
diffusion equations: an application to 3D air quality solvers‖ (with M. Garbey and F. Dupros).
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Domain Decomposition, Mexico City, 2002. - ―Fast solvers for reaction diffusion systems: Application to Air Quality‖ (with M.
Garbey), Proceedings
ECCOMAS 2001, Swansea. - ―On a fast parallel solver for reaction diffusion equations‖ (with M. Garbey, F. Dupros),
Computational Fluid Dynamics—Theory and Practice (eds. P. Wilders, A. Ecer, J. Periaux, N.
Satofuka, P. Fox), Elsevier, Amsterdam 2002, 111-118. - ―A mathematical model for criss-cross and indirectly transmitted diseases‖ (with M.
Langlais and J.
Morgan), Journal of Mathematical Biosciences (in press). - ―Modeling the circulation of a disease between two host populations on non coincident
spatial domains‖
(with M. Langlais F. Marpeau, and J. Morgan), Journal of Biological Invasions 7 (2005), 863-
875. - ―Toward an Interdisciplinary Degree in Technology‖ (with E. Barbieri, M. Gibson and
H. Malki),
Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference 2006, Chicago,
June 2006. - ―A Filtering Technique for a System of Reaction-Diffusion Equations‖ (with F. Dupros
and M. Garbey),
International Journal for Numerical Mathematics in Fluids, 52 (2006), 1-29.
Advances in Numerical Mathematics (editor with R. Hoppe, J. Periaux, O. Pironneau, Y. Vassilevski),
Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 2006. - ―A Brief Overview of the Mathematical Odyssey of Prof. Yuri Kuznetsov‖ (with J. Periaux),
in Numerical Mathematics ( W. Fitzgibbon, R. Hoppe, J. Periaux, O. Pironneau, Y. Vassilevski
editors), Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 2006, ixxi. - ―Mathematical Models for the Spread of Infectious Disease with Animal Populations‖
(M. Langlais and
J. Morgan), Numerical Analysis Scientific Computing for PDE’s and their Challenging
Applications (J. Haataja, R. Stenberg, J. Periaux, P. Raback, P. Neittaanmaki), CIMNE,
Barcelona (in press). - ―Simple Models for the Transmission of Microparasites between Host Populations Living
on Non
Coincident Spatial Domains‖ (with M, Langlais), Structured Population Models in Biology and
Epidemiology (P. Magill and S. Ruan, eds), Lecture Notes Mathematics: Biomathematics Sub
Series 1936, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008, 115-164. - ―A Transformational Paradigm for Engineering and Engineering Technology Education‖
(with E.
Barbieri), preprint. - ―A Cooperative Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Engineering Technology‖ (with
M. Gibson and
H. Malki), INTERTECH 2008: Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology and
Engineering Education, San Paulo, Brazil, to appear. - ―Research-Based University Quality Enhancement Plan,‖ (with F. Attarzadeh, E. Barbieri,
M. Ramos),
- Content here
- Content 1
- Content 2
- Content 3
- Content 4
Funded Research
- Co-Principal Investigator (with H.F. Walker) NSF-CBMS Regional
- Conference on Non-Linear Diffusion, June-July, 1976 --
- Principal Investigator NSF Grant, No. SMI 76-81845
- UH-UP Energy Laboratory Grant, 1986
- Principal Investigator, NSF Grant DMS 8803151, 1988-89
- Co-Principal Investigator, Texas Advanced Research Program
- Grant \#1100, 1988-89 (with M. Golubitsky, D. Luss)
- Principal Investigator, ONR Grant N00014-89-J-10011, 1989-90
- William E. Fitzgibbon, III
- Principal Investigator, UH-Energy Laboratory Grant, 1988-89
- Principal Investigator, UH-Energy Laboratory Grant, 1990-91
- Principal Investigator, NSF Grant, DMS 9207064, 1992-94
- Principal Investigator, UH-Energy Laboratory Grant, 1994
- Principal Investigator, ISSO-UH Grant, 1994.
- Principal Investigator (with R. Glowinski), ISSO-UH Grant.
- Principal Investigator (with R. Glowinski), DMS Grant 9520899.
- Principal Investigator, IMA Grant, Participating Institutions Grant, 1995.
- Principal Investigator (with R. Sanders), NASA JSC RUG Grant, 1996-1998
- Principal Investigator (with M. Kimmel Rice University) NSF Grant NSF INT 9802770
- Principal Investigator, Environmental Institute of Houston, 1998-1999
- Principal Investigator, Mathematical Models in Epidemiology and Immunology, PEER
- Co-Principal Investigator I NSF DEU Grant, Scholar’s Research and Development Grant, 1999-
- Principal Investigator, NSF/CNRS Grant DMS 0089590.
- Principal Investigator Medical Informatics Training Grant, Rice University, 2001
- Principal Investigator Environmental Institute of Houston, 2001
- Principal Investigator Environmental Institute of Houston, 2002
- Principal Investigator, Congressionally-Directed Grant P116Z020239, US Department
of Education,
2003 - Principal Investigator, Wagner Peyser Grant-- US Department of Labor (administered
and passed
through the Texas Workforce Commission), Education and Training Initiative for the Biotechnology
Life Sciences Industry Cluster, November 1, 2005-December 31, 2006 - Principal Investigator, Texas Education Agency, Educational Excellence for Technology
Education, Jan
1, 2005-December 31, 2005 - Principal Investigator, University of Texas-Arlington (subcontract on US Department
of Commerce,
NIST), Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center, 9/01/05-8/31/06 - Principal Investigator, University of Texas-Arlington (subcontract on US Department
of Commerce,
NIST), Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center, 9/01/06-8/31/07
William E. Fitzgibbon, III - Principal Investigator, University of Texas-Arlington (subcontract on US Department
of Commerce,
NIST), Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center, 9/01/07-8/31/08
Curriculum Vitae
Content here
Contact information