Dr. Michael Harold, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department
Cullen College of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Areas of expertise
- Chemical reaction engineering
- Reaction separation devices
- Conversion of microalgae to liquid fuels
- Clean engines, emissions, and fuels
2010–Present: Member, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research Editorial Board
2010: Honda Initiation Grant Award, Honda Research Institute, “Enhancing Liquid Fuel Yield During Algae Pyrolysis in Structured Catalytic Reactors, “ (5 awarded out of 261) (2010).
2010: Fluor-Daniel Faculty Excellence Award, Cullen College of Engineering
2010: Outstanding Teaching Award, Cullen College of Engineering (2010).
2010: Abraham Dukler Distinguished Faculty Award, University of Houston, Engineering Alumni Association (2009).
2009-Present: Member, AIChE Chemical Technology Operating Council
2009-Present: Member, AIChE Journal Consulting Editor
2008: ACS Fuel Division Richard A. Glenn Award for the Best Paper presented at ACS 2007 National Meeting in Division of Fuel Chemistry (first out of 285 papers); Paper: “Hydrogen Generation and Purification in Pd Nanopore Hollow Fiber Membrane Reactor,” Authors: M. P. Harold and S. H. Israni
2008: Senior Faculty Research Excellence Award, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston
2007: Best Applied Paper Award – Southwest Section of AIChE: Lattner, J.R., and M.P. Harold, “Autothermal Reforming of Methanol: Experiments and Modeling, Catalysis Today, 120, 78-89 (2007).
2005–2008: Chair, AIChE Publication Committee
1999: Best Applied Paper award, Southwest Section of AIChE
1999: Chair, Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division of AIChE
1999: Invited Participant in National Academy of Engineerin “Frontiers of Engineering Symposium”
1997–2000: Research Management, DuPont Company
1991: Visiting Research Fellow, University of Twente, The Netherlands
1990: Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, College of Engineering, University of Massachusetts
Bugosh, G., V. Easterling, and M.P. Harold, “Anomalous Steady-State and Spatio-Temporal Features of Methane Oxidation on Pt/Pd/Al2O3 Monolith Spanning Lean and Rich Conditions,” Applied Catalysis B. Environmental, 165, 68-78, 2015
Shrestha, S., M.P. Harold, and K. Kamasamudram, “Experimental and Modeling Study of Selective Ammonia Oxidation on Multi-Functional Washcoated Monolith Catalysts,” Chem. Eng. Journal, 278, 24-35, 2015
Perng, C., V. Easterling, and M.P. Harold, “Fast Lean-Rich Cycling for Enhanced NOx Conversion on Storage and Reduction Catalysts,” Catalysis Today, 231, 125-134, 2014
Metkar, P.S., M.P. Harold, and V. Balakotaiah, “Kinetic Model of NH3-Based Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx on Fe-ZSM-5 and Cu-Chabazite, and Dual Layer Fe/Cu Zeolitic Monolithic Catalysts,” Chem. Engin. Sci., 87, 51–66, 2013
Shrestha, S., M.P. Harold, K. Kamasamudram, and A. Yezerets, “Ammonia Oxidation on Structured Composite Catalysts,” Topics in Catalysis, DOI 10.1007/s11244-013-9949-9, 2013
Campanella, A., and M.P. Harold, “Pyrolysis of Microalgae and Duckweed in a Falling Solids Reactor: Effects of Process Variables and Zeolite Catalysts,” J. Biomass and Bioenergy, 46, 218-232, 2012
Bugosh, G. S.; Muncrief, R. L.; Harold, M. P., Emission Analysis of Alternative Diesel Fuels Using a Compression Ignition Benchtop Engine Generator. Energy & Fuels 2011, 25 (10), 4704-4712., 2011
Israni, S. H.; Harold, M. P., Methanol steam reforming in single-fiber packed bed Pd-Ag membrane reactor: Experiments and modeling. Journal of Membrane Science 2011, 369 (1-2), 375-387., 2011
Joshi, S. Y.; Ren, Y. J.; Harold, M. P.; Balakotaiah, V., Determination of kinetics and controlling regimes for H(2) oxidation on Pt/Al(2)O(3) monolithic catalyst using high space velocity experiments. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2011, 102 (3-4), 484-495., 2011
Kumar, A.; Zheng, X. L.; Harold, M. P.; Balakotaiah, V., Microkinetic modeling of the NO + H(2) system on Pt/Al(2)O(3) catalyst using temporal analysis of products. Journal of Catalysis 2011, 279 (1), 12-26., 2011
More publications available in faculty website above.
- Harold, Michael P, and Balamurali Krishna R Nair. Pd Nanopore and Palladium Encapsulated Membranes. 20 Apr. 2010. Patent number: 7700184
Grants and Funded Research
- Principal investigator in $2.1 million project to find new catalytic materials that work at low exhaust temperatures, allowing automakers to build vehicles that operate more efficiently while retaining the ability to clean emissions before they leave the tailpipe. 2017.
- $1 million grant to test technology on diesel-powered school buses.
Curriculum Vitae
- Not available.
Contact information