Dr. Gino Lim, R. Larry and Gerlene (Gerri) R. Snider Endowed Chair | Professor & Chair, Department of Industrial Engineering
Cullen College of Engineering, Department of Industrial Department
Areas of expertise
- Large Scale Optimization
- Models under Uncertainty
- Decomposition Algorithms
- Parallel Computation
Best Paper Award, Energy Systems Division, ISERC, IISE, Pittsburgh, PA 2017
Fellow, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE), 2017
Volunteer Service Award at the Meritorious level, INFORMS, Nashville, TN, 2016
Outstanding Asian & Pacific Islander American (APIA) Award, OCA-Greater Houston Chapter, September 19, 2014
Outstanding Teacher Award, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston, 2007 and 2010
Outstanding Teacher Award, IE Department, University of Houston, 2005, 2006, and 2009
Moving Spirit Award, INFORMS, Pittsburgh, PA, 2006
Who's who in engineering education, 2005
Travel Award, FASEB/MARC, Tucson, AZ, 2004
Travel Grant Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002-2003
Vilas Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002-2003
Pierskalla Best Paper Award, INFORMS, San Jose, CA, 2002
M. Zaghian, G.J. Lim, and A. Khabazian, A Chance-Constrained Programming Framework to Handle Uncertainties in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning, accepted for publication, European Journal of Operational Research, October 2017.
S. Kim, G. J. Lim, J. Cho, and M. Cote, “ Drone-aided Healthcare Services for Patients with Chronic Diseases in Rural Areas,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 88(1), 163-180, September, 2017.
M. Zaghian, W. Cao, W. Liu, L. Kardar, K. S. Randeniya, R. Mohan, G. Lim, “Comparison of linear and nonlinear programming approaches for "worst case dose" and "minmax" robust optimization of intensity-modulated proton therapy dose distributions," Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 18 (2), pp15-25, 2017
L. Liao, G. J. Lim, Y. Li, J. Yu, N. Sahoo, H. Li, M. Gillin, X. Zhu, A. Mahajan, S. J. Frank, D.R. Grosshans, Q. Nguyen, D. Gomez, and X. Zhang, “Robust optimization for intensity modulated proton therapy treatment plans with multi-isocenter large fields,” International Journal of Particle Therapy, vol 3, no. 2, pp305-311, 2016. DOI: 0.14338/IJPT-16-00012.1
G.J. Lim, G.J. Lim, A. Mobasher, J.F. Bard, A. Najjarbashi, “ Nurse Scheduling with Lunch Break Assignments in Operating Suites,” vol. 10, pp 35-48, DOI:10.1016/j.orhc.2016.07.001, September, 2016.
S. Lin, G. Lim, and J. Bard, “ Benders Decomposition and an IP-based Heuristic for Selecting IMRT Treatment Beam Angles,” European Journal of Operational Research, 251(3), pp715-726, June 2016.
Xiang W*, Yin J, Lim G, , “An ant colony optimization approach for solving an operating room surgery scheduling problem,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 85, pp. 335-345, July 2015.
W. Cao*, G. Lim, Y. Li, X. Zhu, and X. Zhang, “ Improved beam angle arrangement in intensity modulated proton therapy treatment planning for localized prostate cancer,” Special issue “Proton Therapy for Cancer”, Cancers, 7(2), pp574-584, June 2015
Xiang W, Yin J, Lim G, “ A short-term operating room surgery scheduling problem integrating multiple nurses roster constraints,” Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 63(2), pp. 91-106, February 2015.
W. Xiang and G. Lim, , "Pareto Set-based Ant Colony Optimization for Multi-Objective Surgery Scheduling Problem," The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal, 8(1), pp. 1211-1218, December 2014.
More publications on faculty website above.
None available.
Grants and Funded Research
- $879,362 Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas grant to optimize clinical effectiveness of proton therapy for cancer patients in collaboration with Dr. Wenhua Cao.
Curriculum Vitae
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