Funding Guidelines

AFB will consider cost, overall impact on the UH community, target audience, and mission of the organization.

AFB shall abide by all SFAC, Student Life, and Student Centers policies regarding use of facilities and the distribution of student service fees as well as local, state, and federal laws.

All requests for funding must observe the following constraints:

  1. Programs funded by AFB must be open to the entire University of Houston community.
  2. Programs funded by AFB must occur on the University of Houston campus. Property independently operated on the University of Houston campus will not be considered for AFB funding purposes.
  3. Expenditures shall be consistent with established policies and procedures of the university and with local, state, or federal Law.
  4. Expenditures shall be consistent with general university policy regarding use of physical facilities or use of services.
  5. No recipient shall make a gift of, an award of, or lend funds generated by any student service fee.
  6. Funds from student service fees may not be used to support a candidate for public office, the outcome of legislation, or any group acting as a "front" for either (groups or individuals participating in information exchange, presentations, or forums are not considered "fronts").
  7. Funds from student service fees may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.
  8. Funds will not go towards tailgating, general meetings (with the exception of organization’s first general meeting of the Fall and Spring Semesters) or informational and/or outreach tabling
  9. AFB will not fund general organizational promotional items and materials.
  10. Donations, both monetary and non-monetary, cannot be accepted at any AFB sponsored, partial, or fully funded event.
  11. AFB shall not fund the purchase of office supplies, stationery, office telephones, personalized gifts, equipment, or off-campus advertising.
  12. AFB will not provide funds for charities, scholarships, awards, or philanthropic efforts, or any form of personal or organizational gain. Gain is defined as income generated in excess of program expenses. Note: The only exception to this policy is the support of events associated with and coordinating with the student organizations overseeing major campus traditions (Homecoming Board and Frontier Fiesta Association).
  13. AFB will not fund organizational banquets or end-of-the-year award gatherings.
  14. International conference expenditures outside of the U.S, Canada, or Mexico will not be funded.
  15. AFB will not fund travel to competitions, tournaments, or any conference that gives the organizations a significant monetary award, which is defined as greater than the registration fee for one team or individual of competing students.

Funding Limits

  • Organizations may request a maximum of $3000 per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer) for programs and conferences.
  • There is a cap of $1000 for conference funding.
    • This cap is included as part of the $3000 maximum allocation that may be approved.
      • Ex 1., If $1000 is used for a conference, only $2000 is left for programs for the year.
  • Organizations are not automatically given $3000 a year, it is simply the amount that may be requested and allocated. Allocations are accepted only for events taking place during the current academic year.

AFB shall consider the overall benefit that particular items requested for funding contribute to the success of the program. AFB also encourages student groups to seek other funds and/or fundraise on their own.