Kenneth L. Brown

Professor emeritus
Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
Department of Anthropology
Old Science Building, Suite 230
University of Houston
Houston, Texas 77204-5020
(713) 743-3789
Biographical Summary
Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 1975 (Anthropology with a specialization in archaeology) Dissertation Title: “The Valley of Guatemala: A Highland Port of Trade,” dissertation advisor: William T. Sanders.
M.A., The Pennsylvania State University, 1972 (Anthropology with a specialization in archaeology) Thesis Title: “The B-III-5 Complex, Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala,” thesis advisor: William T. Sanders.
B.A., Western Michigan University, 1969 (Anthropology major, Biology and Sociology minors) Graduated with University and Departmental Honors in Anthropology.
Research Interests
Archaeological Method and Theory
Historical Archaeological Method and Theory
African American Archaeology, History, and Oral History
Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory
Urban Archaeology
2000 Outstanding Professor, College of Social Sciences Alumni Association, University of Houston
2000-06 Elected Social Science/CLASS Member, University of Houston Faculty
2009-Present Senate
2003 “Slavery: Another Voice.” Invited seminar taught for the Houston Teachers Institute and the Houston Independent School District, Spring Semester.
2003-Present Member, Faculty Advisory Council, Houston Teachers Institute, University of Houston.
2004-Present Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology and Director of the Archaeological Research Laboratory, University of Houston.
2007 Recipient of the University of Houston’s Provost’s Faculty Award for Mentoring Undergraduate Research.
2010-Present Member of the Advisory Board, and Member of the Program Committee of the Archaeological Institute of America-Houston Chapter.
Selected Publications
2008 “Adapting Christianity: 19th Century African American Resistance and Cultural Development.” Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, within the symposium entitled Archaeologies of Resistance: The Underground Railroad, Maroonage, Armed Struggle, and Beyond. Albuquerque
2008 “Giving Respect: An Archaeological Interpretation of African American Culture in the Plantation South.” Invited presentation in the Symposium entitled What Are We Saying: Discovering How People of African Descent Are Interpreted On Louisiana Plantations sponsored by the Cane River Creole National Historical Park, the National Park Service and the Louisiana Office of State Parks, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, State of Louisiana. Baton Rouge
2009 “BaKongo Cosmograms, Christian Crosses, Or None Of The Above: An Archaeology of African American Spiritual Adaptations into the 1920s.” Invited presentation in the Symposium “The Archaeology of the Recent African American Past” sponsored by the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Columbia.
2010 “Looking Back, a Legacy of Belief.” Invited presentation in “Voyages of the Middle Passage: Africa, the Americas, and Slavery” sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America-Houston Chapter and the Houston Museum of African-American Culture, Houston.