Don't Cancel Class - Develop Life Skills

Need to cancel class? We can help! Life Skills workshops are available through the CoogsCARE webpage. We can facilitate workshops during your scheduled class time while you are away.

By utilizing the "Don't Cancel Class Program" you can help students develop the life skills that support students' health and wellbeing.

Please send an email (preferably 2 weeks in advance) to the contact person with the following information: Date, Time, Number of Students, Phone Contact, Location (Room or Virtual link), and Title of workshop requested.

Program Name Program Description Learning Outcomes Department Contact Person
StepUP Mental Health This evidence-based program educates students to effectively and safely intervene in instances of potential harm. This 45-minute skill-building session includes learning how to safely intervene and practice with real-life examples. Participants will be able to identify signs a friend is struggling with their mental healthParticipants will be able to identify the 5 D’s of bystander intervention.Participants will be able to use the 5 D’s of bystander intervention in scenarios. Wellness Center J.R. Rubinsky-
Bystander Intervention- Sexual Assault This evidence-based program educates students to effectively and safely intervene in instances of potential harm. This 45-minute skill-building session includes learning how to safely intervene and practice with real-life examples. Participants will be able to identify signs a friend is struggling with their mental healthParticipants will be able to identify the 5 D’s of bystander intervention.Participants will be able to use the 5 D’s of bystander intervention in scenarios. Wellness Center J.R. Rubinsky-
Consent- SV/Consent Presentation Come learn about consent, rape culture, and sexual violence prevention! Participants will be able to define consent including agency and power.Participants will be able to name different ways of asking for consent.Participants will be able to define rape culture and ways to prevent it. Women and Gender Resource Center
Healthy Relationship- Navigating Relationships Join us for a workshop on navigating relationships. This workshop will explore the relationship spectrum, warning signs of unhealthy relationships, and boundaries. Participants will be able to define a healthy relationship.Participants will be able to identify signs of an unhealthy relationship.Participants will be able to respond when someone crosses a boundary. Wellness Center J.R. Rubinsky-
Conquering Distress: Accept, Cope & Endure This session introduces the terms distress and tolerance and focuses on building skills for being able to tolerate and accept distress. You will:• Define and identify examples of distressing emotional triggers and learn about the concept of tolerance.• Demonstrate the benefits of having skills to access in distressful moments.• Identify a toolkit of skills to accept, cope with, and endure distressing situations. CAPS Marti Trummer-Cabrera-
Communicate with confidence This session will help you communicate more effectively through understanding your communication and boundary styles as well as values around relationships. You will:• Learn to effectively communicate your wants, needs, thoughts, and feelings to others.• Explore relationship values, communication styles, and approaches for creating boundaries with others.• Practice in-the-moment strategies for effective communication. CAPS Marti Trummer-Cabrera-
Emotional Intelligence 101 This workshop will focus on identifying and labeling your emotions, creating awareness about choices/options you have in response to overwhelming emotions, and teaching you specific skills to assist with emotion regulation. You will:• Learn what questions to ask to help identify emotions when starting to feel distressed.• Learn and practice specific skills to help feel more in control of overwhelming emotions.• Create a plan for using these skills in times of distress. CAPS Marti Trummer-Cabrera-
Promoting Resilience/Stress Management/Transition into College: Coping Skills for College Life Workshop is designed to equip students with the essential skills and strategies needed to effectively manage the unique challenges and stressors of college life. This group aims to foster resilience, enhance emotional wellbeing, and promote academic success by teaching practical coping strategies and providing a supportive environment for shared experiences and peer support. Students will be able to identify at least 2 coping strategies that foster resilience, enhance emotional wellbeing, or promote academic success Center for Student Empowerment Juliet Ogbonna - joogbonn@CougarNet.UH.EDU
Social Isolation: Understanding Social Isolation Workshop is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and strategies to recognize, understand, and address social isolation. This group aims to foster awareness about the causes and effects of social isolation, offer coping mechanisms, and promote strategies to build and maintain meaningful social connections. Students will be able to build at least 1 strategy to build meaningful social relationships Center for Student Empowerment Juliet Ogbonna - joogbonn@CougarNet.UH.EDU
Distress Tolerance: Coping With Seasonal Depression Workshop is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and support needed to understand and effectively manage seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This group aims to educate individuals about the nature of seasonal depression, identify its symptoms, and develop personalized coping strategies to improve their mental health and overall wellbeing during seasonal changes. Students ill be able to identify Seasonal Affective Disorder, identify sympoms, develop at least 2 coping stratgies Center for Student Empowerment Juliet Ogbonna - joogbonn@CougarNet.UH.EDU
“You Can Help a Coog” In this training a CAPS clinician helps faculty, staff and students to recognize concerning behaviors. Participants then learn how to respond to person of concern with empathy while maintaining appropriate boundaries. Everyone leaves knowing how to refer students to CAPS office for support. Recognize concerning behaviors. Respond to person of concern with empathy while maintaining appropriate boundaries. Refer students to CAPS office for support. CAPS Marti Trummer-Cabrera-
Suicide Prevention Training: QPR QPR, which stands for "Question, Persuade, Refer", is a nationally recognized suicide prevention program designed to educate persons to recognize and respond to the signs of suicidal thinking or behavior. Research has shown that persons who ultimately attempt suicide often provide numerous direct or indirect clues as to their intentions, and the goal of this training is to recognize these verbal, behavioral, or situational clues and take steps to get the person professional help. The presentation helps persons learn how to ask the suicide question, how to persuade the person to contact appropriate assistance, and how to identify referral options CAPS Marti Trummer-Cabrera-
Strategies for a Great Semester We will review learning strategies for a great semester, including reading, note taking, time management, memory, test prep, etc. Using resources on campus will also be discussed. Students will learn a variety of strategies to improve their grades, including skills, attitudes, and using resources. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
Create a Planner This time management workshop will detail how to create and use a planner/agenda. We will discuss setting up your planner at the beginning of the semester to put in deadlines, break down tasks into pieces, and prioritize school and social tasks. Students will be able to set up and use a planner for the upcoming semester. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
College Level Reading Strategies We will focus on reading strategies for comprehension, speed, and concentration. How to read material for different majors will be discussed. How college-level reading is different, and strategies to get the most out of online reading will be reviewed. Students will be able to read faster, will be able to better concentratate while reading, and will learn reading strategies consistent with their major. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
Note Taking We will discuss useful “note-making” formats, focusing on the Cornell Method. More importantly, we will discuss note-taking as a process that includes the preparation to take notes and what to do with the notes to improve your understanding and retention . Students will be able to take notes using the Cornell method of notetaking and be able to use their notes to recall the class information. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
Test Preparation Students spend much of their time and energy in college preparing for exams. This workshop covers strategies to increase organization, retention, and recall of material as well as helps students create an individualized study plan. Students will be able to prepare for tests using a variety of methods, will understand the concept of self-testing, and will be able to take different types of test questions. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
Procrastination In this workshop we will discuss different types of procrastinators. You will then form small groups with others of your procrastination type for a small group activity. Many strategies for overcoming procrastination will be discussed . Students will understand their own style of procrastination and learn several strategies to use the next time they feel like procrastinating. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
Forming New Study Habits Research on habit forming has been used to help people successfully form eating, exercise, and health habits. Now we can use this same research to form study habits- come learn how cues, the environment, rewards, etc. can be used to form strong study habits Students will understand how to change behaviors and their environment, in order to form new study habits. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
Improving Concentration Learn many strategies for improving concentration, with distractions caused by both external sources in the environment and internal sources (thoughts, etc.). You will be able to focus on your schoolwork more easily. Students will understand the bariers to concentration and how to limit distractions and increase focus. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
Reducing Test Anxiety Some students have test anxiety regardless of how much they prepare for tests. This workshop will review strategies for coping with test anxiety, including diaphragmatic breathing and restructuring “anxious thoughts”. Students will learn the physiology of test anxiety and how to calm themselves and challenge anxious thoughts during tests. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
GRIT: Developing a Growth Mindset Learn key factors for personal, academic and professional success, and how to develop both grit and a growth mindset in order to strengthen your ability to persist through difficult and challenging times. Students will learn how to develop a growth mindset, in order to achieve their academic goals and overcome setbacks. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
Self-Care: You gotta nourish to flourish In order to do well academically, you need to take care of your body and your stress level. Come learn how nutrition, sleep, exercise, and self-care can positively impact your academics. Students will learn strategies for self-care, and how this will improve their academic performance. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -
Time Management for Finals In this workshop we will discuss time management during the final exam period and how to structure your study time for maximum results. Students will create a plan for completing the work during finals. By organizing their tasks and their time, they will decrease stress and improve study methods. LAUNCH Laura Heidel -