UH College of Education Experts to Present at National Higher Education Conference - University of Houston
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UH College of Education Experts to Present at National Higher Education Conference

Posted November 13, 2018 – Higher education experts from the University of Houston College of Education shared their research on pressing issues at the Association for the Study of Higher Education conference in Florida.

College faculty, students and alumni presented on an array of topics, including college reform, minority-serving institutions, the transition to community college and diversity in higher education. The conference took place Nov. 14-17 in Tampa.

"This year’s theme – “Envisioning the ‘Woke’ Academy” – underscores the importance of work being done by our faculty and students,” said Cathy Horn, chair of the College’s Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies and a professor of higher education. “Researchers at the University of Houston are asking critical questions about and providing robust answers for some of the most challenging educational and social issues of our time. The work matters not only because it advances the knowledge base but because it advances the human condition.”

“I’m excited about helping our Ph.D. students practice talking about their research interests and making connections with students and faculty at other universities around the country,” added Assistant Professor Frank Fernandez before the conference, who’s presented on law school admission and women of color, voting among college students, and minority-serving institutions and accreditation.

Explore the list of all the ASHE presentations, seminars and meetings featuring UH members this year:

Wednesday, November 14

Critical Perspectives of Study Abroad Programs for International Education
3 - 4:15 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Grand Salon C
Discussant: Frank Fernandez
Access Programs Implemented by Universities in Chile: How Do Student Perform?
1:30 - 2:45 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Grand Salon D
Presenting Author: Catherine Horn
Thursday, November 15
Breathing in Rare Air: Portraits of Black Women Graduate Students at a Racially Diverse Institution
8 - 9 a.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Florida Salon VI
Presenting Author: Chaunte White
We Built This Joint for Free: (De)Marginalizing Black Contributions to Higher Education History through CRT Counter-Storytelling
9:15 - 10:30 a.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Third, Meeting Room 10
Presenting Authors: Chaunte White and Miranda Wilson
Examining Access to Public University Law Schools for Women of Color
12:45 - 2 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Meeting Room 1
Presenting Author: Frank Fernandez
Does Federal Work Study Work for Students of Color and Low-Income Students?
2:15 - 3:15 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Grand Salon I
Presenting Authors: Vincent Carales, Lyle McKinney and Maria Luna-Torres
College Access Programs: Equity, Empowerment, and Inclusion
2:15 - 3:30 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Meeting Room 1
Discussant: Tiffany J. Davis
A Longitudinal Examination of a Latina College Mentoring Program: Year One Findings
3:45 - 5 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Third, Meeting Room 8
Presenting Authors: Esmeralda Cardenas Valdez, Ruth M. López, Raven Jones, Hope Pacheco, Maria Honey and Justin Bryant
Homegrown Scholars: A Storying Autoethnography on Entering the Professoriate, Giving Back, and Coming Home
3:45 - 5 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Florida Salons I-II
Presenting Author: Vincent Carales
Friday, November 16
Fostering Postsecondary Pathways in PK-12 for Latina/o/x Students: Toward Intersectionality and Contextualizing College Access and Choice
8 - 9:15 a.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Florida Salon VI
Presenters: Ruth M. López, Raven Jones and Hope Pacheco

How Peers Affect College Student Voting Participation: The Case of the 2016 Presidential Election
8 - 9:15 a.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Third, Meeting Room 12
Presenting Author: Frank Fernandez
A Case in the Midwest: Institutional Gatekeepers Perceptions of College Students with Criminal Records
10:45 - 11:30 a.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Grand Salons F-J
Presenting Author: Tiffany J. Davis
Timely Advising During the High School to Community College Transition: Building Social Capital for Student Success
10:45 - 11:30 a.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Grand Salons F-J
Presenting Author: Victoria Doan
Exploring Intercollegiate Athletics for Hispanic/Latino Student-Athletes
10:45 - 11:30 a.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Grand Salons F-J
Presenting Author: Guillermo Ortega
Opening the Black Box: Disentangling the Complex Relationships among Factors that Promote Community College Student Vertical Transfer
12:15 - 1:30 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Grand Salon E
Presenting Author: Lyle McKinney
Liberation through Critical Consciousness: Reflections on Freire and the Promise of Transformation in Refugee Education
12:15 - 1:30 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Third, Meeting Room 12
Presenting Author: Trang Phan
The role of special mission institutions in advancing equity across contexts
1:45 - 3 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Third, Meeting Room 11
Discussant: Vincent Carales
Defining and Prioritizing the Knowledge Base: Perspectives on Social Science Use in the Law
3:15 - 4:30 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Grand Salon E
Presenting Author: Catherine Horn
Do the Poor Get Poorer? HBCUs, Accreditation Sanctions, and Declining Enrollments
3:15 - 4:30 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, First, Waterside Grill Private Dining Room
Presenting Author: Christopher Burnett

Saturday, November 17

Sensemaking, Organizational Learning, and Muted Missions: Understanding How Professionals at Minority Serving Institutions Navigate the Accreditation Process
1:30 - 2:45 p.m., Tampa Marriott Waterside, Second, Grand Salon C
Presenting Authors: Frank Fernandez and Christopher Burnett

–By Kathy Patnaude