Scholarship & Financial Aid Forms
To apply for financial aid at UH, start by submitting the FAFSA. Here are additional forms you might need:
- Academic Scholarship Appeal/Petition
- Alternative Loan Request Form
- B-On-Time Loan Application for Forgiveness
- College-Specific Scholarships
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- GRE Fee Reduction Certificate
- Learning Abroad
- Federal Parent PLUS Borrower Form
- Federal Perkins Program Loan Exit Interview
- Post-Baccalaureate Certification Statement
- Private Loan Self-Certification
- Revision Request
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal
- Special & Unusual Circumstance Appeal
- State Aid Selective Service Statement of Registration Status
- State Exemption/Waiver Statement of Selective Service Status
- Summer Aid
- TEACH Grant Application
- Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA)
- Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program Eligibility Review Request
- TEXAS Grant Review Form
- Texas Transfer Grant Hardship Form
- Total & Permanent Disability Form
- Transfer Monitor: Spring
- Transfer Monitor: Summer
- Unusual Enrollment History Form
- Unusual Enrollment History Appeal
Academic Scholarship Appeal/Petition
Students may initiate a scholarship petition/appeal form if they have prior knowledge of circumstances that will prohibit them from meeting scholarship renewal requirements. Examples include, but are not limited to: needing to enroll in fewer than the required number of credit hours, participating in a COOP or other sanctioned university program, participating in a study abroad program, or if the student would like to request scholarship funds be applied to a semester outside the traditional award terms (fall/spring). The same form also may be used to appeal the cancellation of a scholarship due to lack of academic progress, including GPA and/or completing the required number of credit hours. Complete the form and submit it with a detailed letter describing the circumstances and provide supporting documentation. This form is to be used for scholarships only.
Alternative Loan Request Form
Required for students who are applying for an alternative loan and declining all other financial aid. Complete this request form only if requested or "initiated" in your myUH To-Do List.
B-On-Time (BOT) Loan Application for Forgiveness
The Texas B-On-Time Loan program has ended, this loan is no longer being offered to new borrowers. Upon graduation, previous borrowers will need to fill out the BOT Loan Application for Forgiveness.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. Schools must have written permission from the student in order to release any information from a student's education record. A student must complete the FERPA form and upload the document to their FERPA to-do list item in order for our office to speak about the student’s account with whom permission has been given. A link to the Authorization to Release Educational Records form and instructions on how to upload this document can be found online.
Visit the below links for additional information on the FERPA:
- University of Houston’s FERPA Explanation
- Student Privacy at the U.S. Department of Education
- Parents’ Guide to the FERPA
- Students’ Guide to the FERPA
Federal Perkins Loan Program Exit Interview
This is completed when a student leaves or graduates from the University or is no longer at least half-time enrollment status. This does not include the summer semester. Students do not have to enroll in summer as long as they resume classes the following fall semester.
GRE Fee Reduction Certificate
The GRE Fee Reduction Certificate is for individuals who demonstrate financial need. The Fee Reduction Certificate may be used for one GRE® revised General Test and/or one Subject Test. Certificate users pay 50% of the regular test fee.
Learning Abroad: 2024-25
Learning Abroad: 2025-26
This form is required for students who are seeking financial aid and are enrolled in a UH Study Abroad program.
2024-25 Federal Parent PLUS Loan Borrower Form
2025-26 Federal Parent PLUS Loan Borrower Form
If you are a parent of a dependent student and have been approved for a Federal Direct Parent, this form is required. Please submit this completed form along with a copy of your Driver’s License or State Identification Card to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. These documents can be uploaded if they are “initiated” in the student’s myUH To-Do List. If Federal Parent PLUS Loan Counseling is required by the U.S. Department of Education, funds will not be credited to a student’s account until this requirement has been met. Complete this requirement online.
Post-Baccalaureate Certification Statement: 2025-26
This form is requested from all students admitted in a post‐baccalaureate program. If you are not in a graduate program, but have a bachelor's degree, you are considered a post‐baccalaureate student for enrollment purposes. Post‐baccalaureate students are not eligible to receive federal or state grants. They may be eligible to receive Federal Direct Loan assistance, pending aggregate and program eligibility. Post‐baccalaureate students must be enrolled in at least six hours to receive loans. This form is required to determine aid eligibility and should be submitted only if it is "initiated" on your To-Do List in your myUH self‐service account.
Private Loan Self-Certification
This form is required from all admitted or enrolled students pursuing a private educational loan. Section 2 of this form will be completed by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (SFA) upon request. The applicant must submit the completed form to his or her lender. UH SFA does not process or track this form. Some lenders may have this requirement included in their private loan application process. The lender cannot submit funds to UH until the form is received. Pursuant to Section 155 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, (HEA) and to satisfy the requirements of Section 128(e)(3) of the Truth in Lending Act, a lender must obtain a self-certification signed by the applicant before disbursing a private education loan. The school is required on request to provide this form or the required information only for students admitted or enrolled at the school. Throughout this Applicant Self-Certification, “you” and “your” refer to the applicant who is applying for the loan. The applicant and the student may be the same person.
Revision Request: 2024-25
Revision Request: 2025-26
This form is used to reinstate funds, to cancel funds or to make adjustments to your financial aid package based on a change in eligibility.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal: Spring 2025
Spring 2025 Final Deadline: Feb. 12, 2025
You are encouraged to submit your FAFSA as soon as possible, so that we may have adequate time to calculate your SAP status. You can upload this form to the SAP To-Do List item listed in your myUH self-service account — view instructions on how to upload documents. Please visit our SAP website for more information on the SAP guidelines. We also have an FAQs section that includes suggestions on how to fill out the appeal statements.
Special & Unusual Circumstance Appeal
A student’s eligibility for financial aid is calculated based on the information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). However, UH recognizes that many families experience changes in income, or have family situations that are not reflected on the FAFSA. This website provides information regarding the types of unusual or extenuating circumstances that can be considered; it is also a guide to understanding the process of submitting a Special Circumstance Appeal.
State Aid Selective Service Statement of Registration Status
Required for male students that are receiving state funds. Complete this statement only if requested or "initiated" in your myUH To-Do List.
State Exemption/Waiver Statement of Selective Service Status
Required for male students that are receiving a state tuition and fee exemption or waiver, and did not complete a FAFSA. Complete this statement only if requested or "initiated" in your myUH To-Do List.
Summer Aid
Summer aid eligibility for Federal funds is determined by any remaining funds that were not utilized during the fall and spring semesters.
TEACH Grant Application 2024-25
TEACH Grant Application 2025-26
This form is for students interested in applying for the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program if they plan to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. Learn more online.
eTASFA - Texas Application for State Financial Aid
2024-25 Priority Deadline: April 15, 2024
2025-26 Priority Deadline: Feb. 15, 2025
University of Houston has an online e-TASFA. Create an account and complete the electronic application online. Students are encouraged to complete the application and upload all requested documentation by the priority deadline each year to be considered for maximum funding. For more information, please visit our TASFA/Senate Bill 1528 webpage.
You will be notified via email to submit any additional documents, which may include tax transcripts, selective service registration and/or additional forms. These documents should be submitted by uploading them to each To-Do List item. View the instructions on how to upload documents.
Students qualifying for state residency under House Bill 1403/Senate Bill 1528 are eligible to apply for state financial aid using the TASFA. In 2001, the Texas Legislature passed a bill that states these students may be eligible for state grants.
Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program Eligibility Review Request: 2024-25
Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program Eligibility Review Request: 2025-26
This form is requested for any student receiving the Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program (TASSP) award. The information on the form is used to determine students' eligibility for the scholarship.
TEXAS Grant Review Form: 2024-25
TEXAS Grant Review Form: 2025-26
This form is used to request a review of eligibility for continuation in the program.
Note: This form is to be completed by previous TEXAS Grant recipients (continuing or transfer students) only.
Texas Grant Hardship Provision Policy:
The state of Texas requires that students who receive the TEXAS Grant must meet and maintain all of the following renewal requirements:
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Enroll in at least nine credit hours per semester of award
- Cumulative GPA of 2.50
- Complete/Pass 24 credit hours in an academic year
Students not currently meeting eligibility requirements may complete and submit the TEXAS Grant Review Form .
- If summer grades are required for review, they are reviewed after summer grades have posted (end of August).
Hardship circumstances which are reviewed include, but not limited to:
- Medical/Illness
- Financial Difficulty
- Emotional/Extreme Stress
- Family Issues
Hardship requests are reviewed and approved by the program coordinator. In the event the coordinator is unable to determine a decision, the hardship is forwarded to the supervisor over TEXAS Grant.
Approved hardships are awarded TEXAS Grant for the upcoming year. The appropriate RY award is placed on their account.
TEXAS Grant Review forms are reviewed in the order received and subject to fund availability.
Texas Transfer Grant Hardship Form: 2024-25
Texas Transfer Grant Hardship Form: 2025-26
This form is used to request a review of eligibility for continuation in the program.
Note: This form is to be completed by current or previous Texas Transfer Grant recipients only.
Texas Transfer Grant Hardship Provision Policy:
Students not currently meeting eligibility requirements may complete and submit the Texas Transfer Grant Hardship.
- If the student is enrolled in fewer semester hours than required
- If the student fails to meet SAP
- If the student requires an extension of the year limits to complete their degree
- If the student receives a grant after attempting more than 135 hours
- However, the total number of hours paid for, at least in part, with Texas Transfer Grant funds may not exceed 150 semester credit hours or the equivalent.
- If the student enrolls beyond the 12th month after the calendar month the student earned an associate degree.
Hardships circumstances which are reviewed include but not limited to:
- Medical/Illness
- Financial Difficulty
- Emotional/Extreme Stress
- Family Issues
Hardship requests are reviewed and approved by the program coordinator in the order in which they are received and are subject to funding availability.
Approved hardships are offered Texas Transfer Grant for the upcoming year.
Total & Permanent Disability Form: 2024-25
Total & Permanent Disability Form: 2025-26
If a student is in the process of applying for a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) discharge, receiving additional federal student aid may affect eligibility for a TPD discharge. If a student has already received a TPD discharge, they must meet additional eligibility requirements to receive further federal student aid. Depending on when a TPD discharge was granted, receiving additional federal student aid may affect ability to keep the discharge. This form is required to determine aid eligibility and should be submitted only if it is "initiated" on your To-Do List in your myUH self-service account.
Transfer Monitor: Spring 2025
Transfer Monitor: Spring 2026
If you are a spring transfer student, we are required to review your student aid history within the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). If you have active federal student aid at another institution within the same academic year in which you are currently enrolled at our institution, you must cancel your pending spring aid at your previous institution and complete and submit this form. Please refer to our Spring Aid website for more information.
Transfer Monitor: Summer 2025
Transfer Monitor: Summer 2026
If you are a summer transfer student, we are required to review your student aid history within the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). If you have active federal student aid at another institution within the same academic year in which you are currently enrolled at our institution, you must cancel your pending summer aid at your previous institution and complete and submit this form. Please refer to our Summer Aid website for more information.
Unusual Enrollment History Form: 2024-25
Unusual Enrollment History Form: 2025-26
This form is to be completed by students who have been flagged for "unusual enrollment history" by the U.S. Department of Education. A student may be flagged as a result of having received Federal Pell Grant Program Funds at multiple institutions in recent years. The University of Houston's Financial Aid Department will determine if a student had a valid reason for having unusual enrollment at multiple institutions.
Unusual Enrollment History Appeal Form: 2025-26
This form is to be completed by students who have been flagged for "unusual enrollment history" by the U.S. Department of Education. A student may be flagged as a result of having received Federal Pell Grant Program Funds at multiple institutions in recent years. The University of Houston's Financial Aid Department will determine if a student had a valid reason for having unusual enrollment at multiple institutions.
College-Specific Scholarship Forms
- C.T. Bauer College of Business
- College of Education
- College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
- College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- College of Optometry
- College of Pharmacy
- College of Social Work
- Conrad N. Hilton College of Global Hospitality Leadership
- Cullen College of Engineering
- Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture
- The Honors College
- University of Houston Law Center