The Texas Voter ID Law and the 2014 Election: A Study of Texas’s 23rd Congressional District

The on, off and on again photo voter identification law passed in 2011 in Texas was first implemented in November 2014. A new study conducted by the University of Houston Hobby Center for Public Policy and Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy examines the impact of the controversial Texas law in U.S. Congressional District 23 (CD-23).
Fort Worth Star Telegram: He lost after a law changed; can he win now that it’s changing again?
Houston Chronicle: Election Day Bridge
Texas Tribune: Study: Law Discouraged More Than Those Without Voter ID
Texas Tribune: Study: Law Discouraged More Than Those Without Voter ID
Houston Public Radio: Texas Voter ID Law Held Down Turnout In Key 2014 Congressional Race
Weatherford Democrat: Researchers: Voter ID confusion may have turned election
Wichita Eagle:Some say ruling on Texas voter ID law may have implications for Kansas