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Fall 2017 - Spring 2018 Speakers


November 14, 2017 at 12:00pm, Student Center South- Heights Room (224) 

Political and Economic Change in the People's Republic of China
William Keech

It is hard to imagine a regime changing as much as did the People’s Republic of China in the last half century.  Economic changes have been most striking.  Since the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, China has changed from a poor country with an authoritarian, if not totalitarian regime to a middle income country that has the second largest economy in the world.  There have been less impressive political changes as well, but in spite of these changes, classifications of political regimes designate China as continuously authoritarian since the People’s Liberation Army defeated the Guomindang in 1949.  This paper reviews and analyzes these changes and raises issues in defining regimes. 

Read a copy of the presentation.


Sue Collins

"War and the Good Life: The Spartan Regime"
Susan Collins
University of Notre Dame

January 19, 2018- 4-6PM
Honors College Commons, 2nd Floor of MD Anderson Library

 Co-sponsored by the Honors College