2018 Leland Fellows Sponsors
University of Houston Hobby School of Public Affairs
Thanks the 2018 Leland Fellows Sponsors

Alice L. Aanstoos
Ramona Adams
Melissa Carolina Allala
Aruba Al-Zibdeh
Bill Baldwin
Tammy Betancourt
Michelle Bouchard
Kellie Buchanan
Katy Caldwell
Bob Collie
Stan and Renée Cross
John Cryer
June Deadrich
Nancy S. Dunlap
Truman Edminster
Dr. Jim Granato and Dr. Mary Bange
Deborah Hance
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison
Harry Hayes
Teneshia E. Hudspeth
The Honorable and Mrs. Dwight Jefferson
Judge Elaine Jefferson
Dr. Melissa F. and Steven Kean
Beau King
Mercedes Leal
Alison Leland
Linda Lorelle
Marion McCollam
Kathryn McNiel
Trey Monsour
Catherine Mosbacher
Tyler Nelson
Mark Nitcholas
Francisco Pedraza
Ambriance Phillips
Steven S. Reilley
Beth Robertson
The Honorable Ashley Smith
Mr. Mustafa Tameez
Saralee O. Tiede
Dr. Kwok Wai Wan
Isaiah Warner
Clinton Wells
Mark Yzaguirre