Marc Hanke
Honors College Faculty
Phone: 713.743.0823
My research is broadly focused within how the spatial context of various marine habitats can influence the abundance, distribution and interactions for the organisms found in these systems. One major facet of my work has focused on the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) and how the size, shape and arrangement of natural and restored reefs can influence populations of oysters and other reef associated fauna. I also have a strong interest in restoring oyster reefs, and I have worked on restoration projects in North Carolina, New York and Texas. These varied projects have focused on how differing reef designs and placement can facilitate colonization and long-term success of the restoration effort. I generally seek one UH undergraduate student that is interested in working with restored oyster reefs in Galveston Bay to conduct a mentored research project each summer. Since coming to UH, my colleagues and I have been studying how habitat and community structure can allow for resource partitioning between two damselfish species in the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. This research is conducted along with the GalapaGO! Research-Based Learning Abroad program, and students can participate in this research through the learning abroad trip.
Ph.D., Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, 2014
M.S., Biology, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, 2009
B.S., Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston, Galveston, TX, 2006
Hanke, M.H., Posey, M.H. and Alphin, T.D. 2017. "The effects of intertidal oyster reef habitat characteristics on faunal utilization". Marine Ecology Progress Series. 581:57-70.
Hanke, M.H., Posey, M.H. and Alphin, T.D. 2017. "The influence of habitat characteristics on intertidal oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations". Marine Ecology Progress Series. 571:121-138.
Cahoon, L.B. and Hanke, M.H. 2017. "Rainfall effects on inflow and infiltration in wastewater treatment systems in a coastal plain region". Water Science & Technology. 75(8):1909-1921.
Hanke, M.H., Hargrove, J.M., Alphin, T.D. and Posey, M.H. 2015. "Oyster utilization and host variation of the oyster pea crab (Zaops ostreum)". Journal of Shellfish Research. 34 (2):281-287.
Hanke, M.H., Lambert, J.D. and Smith, K.J. 2014. "Utilization of a multicriteria least cost path model in an aquatic environment". International Journal of Geographic Information Science. 28(8):1642-1657.