Students enjoy a ten-day trip exploring Egypt from its pharaonic past to present day. Sights include Karnak and Luxor temples, Giza, Valley of the Kings, and many others throughout Cairo, Alexandria, and Luxor.
Students and staff spent eight days exploring ancient Carthaginian and Roman ruins in Tunis and its surrounding countryside. The trip also included a day in Istanbul, where students got to tour the bustling bazaars, the Blue Mosque, and the Hagia Sophia.
This award-winning learning abroad contains four weeks of research on the ecological health of the Galapagos islands, along with an exploration of the scenic landscape through hikes, dives, and time on the island’s many beaches.
This ten-day excursion brought students to Rome, Florence, and Siena where they engaged in on-site study, urban exploration, and in-depth discussion of major historical and cultural sites in some of the most treasured and world-renowned places in Europe.
Students and faculty journeyed to the Mediterranean, where they began their trek in Greece before heading to Israel, on this trip that explored the land of the Bible.