Lost and Found
If you've lost a personal item, you may report it to the University of Houston Police Department, via our online reporting system (please read the limitations below before submitting a report). You may also report lost items by telephone at 713-743-0620 during our normal business hours Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Please be detailed in describing the item you have lost so we can tell your item from other similar items in our inventory. Details that are helpful include: brand name, color, size, shape, model number, quantity, material (leather, plastic, fabric, metal, etc.), size, special features, tags or labels, etc.
Once your online report has been received by the department, you may be contacted by UHPD lost and found staff if more information is needed. If it is determined that your property has been turned in to us or is turned in to us at a later time, we will contact you to make arrangements to claim your property.
For lost Cougar 1 Cards, please contact the Cougar Card Office at 713 743-CARD.
For lost University of Houston issued keys, please use the Lost or Stolen Key Report Form provided by Access Control Services.
Property Claim is at the UHPD station, 4051 Wheeler, Houston, Tx. 77204. A valid photo ID is required (e.g., UH ID, State ID card, Driver’s License, official passport, etc). Property will not be released to anyone without an ID, unless the lost property includes the above mentioned forms of ID.
Items not accepted:
- Clothing, including coats and jackets
- Cosmetic items
- Pens, pencils and umbrellas
- Food, drinks and containers
- Items that present a sanitation risk (soiled) are also discarded
- Books with no identifiable owner information
- Non-prescription sunglasses and eyeglasses
Items maintained in Lost and Found include:
- Books, notebooks, and planners with identifiable owner information
- Prescription sunglasses, prescription eyewear
- Cell phones
- Personal keys
- Jewelry
- Wallets and Purses
- Driver’s License, State Identification Cards, and Passports
- Backpacks
- Radios, Walkmans, MP3 players
- Computer equipment
- Flash drives
Unclaimed items are maintained for 60 days before final disposition. Unclaimed items may be donated to charitable organizations or disposed of accordingly. Unclaimed data sensitive materials are destroyed.
UH staff members who need to schedule a pickup of lost and found items should call UHPD Lost and Found Division at 713 743-0620 or Police Dispatch at 713 743-3333. Because UHPD does not take clothing items, you may wish to call the Salvation Army or similar organization for donation of those items.
If you find property on campus, call 713-743-0620 to get assistance on what to do. To help prevent theft and help recover stolen property, UHPD has engravers available to mark your property.