MSW Program

The University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work (GCSW), established by the Texas Legislature in 1967, provides master's level education for the practice of professional social work. The social work profession has as its primary goal the enhancement of social functioning of all persons as individuals, family members, community participants, and members of society.
Social work practice is concerned with promoting the well-being of all persons, ameliorating the harmful effects of unhealthy social environments, and striving to achieve social and economic justice. The social worker needs maturity, knowledge, and skill to provide direct services or to develop programs that encourage maximum development of human potential. Thus, the purposes of graduate social work education are to encourage a broad based perspective and value system, to provide knowledge for understanding and positively influencing human behavior and social systems, and to develop advanced skills for professional practice.
Accreditation: The MSW program has been fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education since 1970.
MSW Program Objectives
Our goal is to prepare students for responsible, professional practice. The program:
- Provides a sound base of knowledge and skills for professional practice.
- Socializes students to the social work profession, including its Code of Ethics and values.
- Conveys an understanding of the impact of racism, sexism, ageism, heterosexism, ethnocentrism, and classism on individuals, groups, social policies, and institutions.
- Contributes to the social work profession through knowledge building and research activities aimed toward improving social work practice, policies, and programs.
- Full Program (51 sch)
- Advanced Standing (34 sch for students with a BSW)
There are three enrollment model options for the MSW program:
- Face to Face
- Hybrid
- Online
A minimum of 51 semester credit hours is required for the MSW degree. All students are required to complete the 15 credit hour foundation semester plus 36 credit hours in the student's concentration and electives. Maximum enrollment for spring and fall is 15 semester credit hours and summer is 6 semester credit hours.
Students are admitted into face to face, hybrid, or online enrollment models. Changing from one enrollment plan to another requires prior approval from the advisor. Advanced Standing students receive a waiver for 17 credit hours. They are required to complete 34 credit hours in the student's chosen concentration and electives. Maximum enrollment for spring and fall is 15 semester credit hours and summer is 9 semester credit hours.
The full-time MSW program (face-to-face enrollment option) can be completed in two calendar years of full-time study.
The part-time MSW program (hybrid and online options) can be completed in three calendar years of part-time study.