Doctoral Research Journal

Perspectives on Social Work is a publication of the doctoral students of the Graduate College of Social Work at the University of Houston. The journal was founded in 2003 to provide an opportunity for the college's social work doctoral students to showcase their work. Since that time, the journal has expanded and now accepts submissions from social work doctoral students nationwide and internationally.
The primary mission of Perspectives on Social Work is to provide opportunity to students to enhance scholarly skills in writing, editing, and exposure to the publication process.
The scope of the journal includes empirical, theoretical, and conceptual articles as well as book reviews that are related to social work practice, research, or education. The journal publishes manuscripts that encompass and reflect social work values and ethical principles. Only original work is published.
All inquiries and submissions should be directed to:
Editor: Riya Bhatt, LMSW
Editorial Board:
- Gabbie Aquino-Adriatico, MSW
- Aly Kramer Jacobs, LMSW
- Priscilla Kennedy, LMSW
- Ying Ma, PhD, MSW
Perspectives on Social Work
Graduate College of Social Work
3511 Cullen Blvd Room 117
Houston, TX 77204-4013
PSW Guidelines for Authors (book review)
PSW Call for Reviewers
Current Issue:
Winter 2024