MSW Student Standards & Policies
The Graduate College of Social Work (GCSW) faculty and professional staff are responsible for determining whether students demonstrate the required level of classroom, practicum, professional, and ethical achievement appropriate for professional interactions with colleagues, faculty, practicum instructors, administrators, staff, and clients.
The College is committed to the fair treatment of students throughout the program. The MSW Student Standards apply to students’ enrollment in the MSW program at any point in time, from admission to graduation. Each admitted student is required to read, comprehend and complete the Student Standards. Students are required to adhere to MSW program policies, GCSW and University of Houston (UH) policies.
Updated: May 3, 2024
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Professional Standards
Professional Readiness / Professional Commitment & Ethical Conduct / Professional Behavior
Academic Policies
Policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism / GPA Requirement, Academic Warning and Probation / Practicum Policies / No Credit / Automatic Academic Dismissal / Low GPA at Time of Graduation / Incomplete Grades
Degree Plan Policies
Foundation Curriculum / Enrollment Status / Time Limitation on Completion of Degrees / Transfer Credit Policy / Enrollment Limit Policy / Continuous Enrollment & Leave of Absence
Student Opportunities to Provide Feedback and/or Address Concerns
Violations of Student Standards
Three Levels of Review / Direct Referral to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Academic Grievances
Notice of Intent to File a Grievance / Procedure for Filing a Formal Grievance / Grievance Process / Hearing Procedures / Grievance Outcomes / Appeal Process
Section 1 - Student Standards
Due to the professional nature of social work practice, the GCSW has different expectations of students than do non-professional programs. In order to meet its responsibilities to provide quality professional social work education and to ensure that its graduates are able to function in a broad array of professional activities, GCSW faculty evaluates the academic performance of students in five general areas: professional readiness, professional commitment and ethical conduct, professional behavior, scholastic performance, and attendance and punctuality. Meeting the criteria for scholastic performance is necessary, but not sufficient to ensure continued enrollment in the program. Demonstration of professional and ethical behavior, commitment, and readiness is also required. Below are the fundamental requirements for successful completion of a degree from the GCSW.
Students are expected to demonstrate generally accepted standards of personal integrity, health and emotional stability, self-care, stress management, communication skills, interpersonal skills and self-awareness. This includes the following.
- Personal Integrity: Is open to learning and is honest with oneself and colleagues.
- Health & Emotional Stability: Uses thoughtful judgment in professional situations. Responsibly addresses one’s own health and emotional challenges that may interfere with scholastic and professional performance.
- Self-Care & Stress Management: Seeks and effectively practices self-care, uses help, and demonstrates ability to deal with current life stressors through the use of appropriate coping mechanisms.
- Communication Skills: Communicates responsibly, sensitively and with respect toward colleagues, faculty, practicum instructors, administrators, staff, and clients.
- Interpersonal Skills: Expresses ideas and feelings which can be heard and understood by others. Demonstrates willingness and an ability to listen to others.
- Self-Awareness: Exhibits knowledge of how one’s values, attitudes, beliefs, emotions and past experiences affect thinking, behavior and relationships. Accurately assesses one’s own strengths, limitations, and suitability for professional practice on an ongoing basis. Shows a beginning level of self-awareness and of how one is perceived by others. Reflects on one’s own limitations as relate to professional capacities. Is willing to examine and change behavior when it interferes in working with clients and other professionals.
- Exhibits a strong commitment to the essential values of social work and the pursuit of promoting social, economic and political justice:
- Adheres to the NASW Code of Ethics and the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners Code of Conduct.
- Appreciates the value of diversity. Works with and relates to others who are different from oneself, regardless of the student’s own personal, religious, and/or cultural values. Provides service to all persons in need of assistance, regardless of the person’s age, class, race, religious beliefs, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and/or value system.
- Comprehends other individuals’ ways of life and differing values. Uses empathic communication and support of the client as a basis for a productive professional relationship.
- Shows respect for the rights of others. Commits to the clients’ and human rights to freedom of choice and self-determination.
- Maintains the professional standard of confidentiality as it relates to: human service, classroom and research activities, and field placement.
- Demonstrates consistent honesty and integrity by being truthful about one’s own background, experiences, and qualifications.
- Demonstrates clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries. Refrains from sexually harassing others, making verbal or physical threats, being involved in sexual relationships with clients, abusing others in physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual ways, or participating in dual relationships where conflicts of interest may exist.
- Evaluates clients and their situations in a systematic, factual way. Refrains from imposing personal biases during interactions with others.
- Uses technology ethically and appropriately.
- Exhibits behaviors that are in compliance with program policies, institutional policies, and professional ethical standards in classroom, practicum, and community settings.
- Shows appearance and demeanor that are appropriate to the roles and settings encountered during the educational experiences.
- Shows potential for responsible and accountable behavior by knowing and practicing within the scope of social work ethics, respecting others, being punctual and dependable, prioritizing responsibilities, observing deadlines, completing tasks on time, and keeping appointments or making alternate arrangements.
- Works effectively with others, regardless of level of authority or academic position.
- Advocates for one’s self in a constructive manner and first uses established channels for conflict resolution.
- Shows a willingness to acknowledge constructive feedback or supervision, as well as uses such feedback to enhance professional development.
- Takes responsibility in following through with referrals to campus resources to enhance the probability of academic success, professional development and self-care.
- Uses oral, written, and electronic communication professionally.
The full explanation of the UH Academic Honesty Policy and Procedure is available here. “Academic dishonesty” means employing a method or technique or engaging in conduct in an academic endeavor that contravenes the standards of ethical integrity expected at the University of Houston or by a course instructor to fulfill any and all academic requirements.
Process: Students shall have the responsibility of reporting incidents of alleged academic dishonesty to the instructor of record involved or to the appropriate authority if the alleged act is not associated with a specific class within 5 class days of the incident. Faculty or instructor of record shall have the responsibility of reporting incidents of alleged academic dishonesty through their departmental hearing officer within 5 class days of the incident (see Article 5 of the Academic Honesty Policy). The faculty should include the recommended sanction in the report. The departmental hearing officer will notify the student of the report and recommended sanction. The student can accept the sanction and waive a hearing or request a departmental hearing.
If either the student or the instructor wishes to appeal the decision of the departmental hearing officer, they must file a written request for a hearing with the college hearing officer within 10 class days of the departmental hearing officer’s decision. The Academic Honesty panel will consist of two faculty and three students chosen by the college hearing officer.
Students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) and satisfactory performance in all courses, including practicum. If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.00, the student is placed on Academic Warning. When a student is placed on Academic Warning, the student will be notified and will be instructed to contact their academic advisor.
A student regains satisfactory academic standing when their cumulative GPA returns to 3.00 or above.
If the student does not raise the GPA to 3.0 after one long semester on Academic Warning, the student will be placed on Academic Probation. A student on Academic Probation will be dismissed from the program if either of the following occurs:
- the student’s cumulative GPA remains below 3.0 after completing an additional 9 SCH of letter-graded coursework.
- the student has not completed 9 SCH of letter-graded coursework within two long semesters after being placed on academic probation and the student’s cumulative GPA remains below 3.0.
Failure to maintain a 3.00 GPA may also result in loss of financial support.
Students admitted conditionally must earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their first semester of graduate work at the GCSW. Failure to achieve a 3.0 GPA will result in dismissal from the MSW program.
All practicum policies are driven by and in accordance with the Council on Social Work Education 2022 Educational Policies & Accreditation Standards (EPAS 2022).
Practicum Placement Requirements
All practicum courses (Generalist 1 & 2, Macro 1 & 2, Clinical 1 & 2, Practicum Elective) require an approved practicum setting and designation of a practicum instructor who has an MSW and at least two years of post-social work degree practice experience in social work.
At least 900 clock hours in practicum education must be completed for the MSW degree. No practicum hours can be counted or accrued until after full approval of the practicum setting and onboarding of a qualified practicum instructor have been received.
Each practicum course has specific course requirements, such as a minimum number of clock hours, a practicum form, and may include monthly supervision logs, which must be completed in full to receive a course grade.
Practicum Grades
All practicum courses are assessed and graded Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
A Satisfactory grade is earned once sufficient demonstration of the 9 competencies and behaviors is achieved and all course requirements are met. A Satisfactory grade is recommended by a practicum instructor on the Practicum Form during the Evaluation Phase. The student then reviews and signs the form, which indicates agreement with the assessment and recommended grade. The assigned Practicum Faculty will review that all course requirements have been met and then sign the form, indicating approval of the grade and finalization of the form. Final grades are approved and entered by the faculty of record, typically the Director of Practicum Education and/or the Assistant Director of Practicum.
Incomplete grades are assigned for practicum courses when course requirements are not completed by the Evaluation Phase due date. A student must be currently passing the course or have a reasonable chance of passing the course to be assigned an Incomplete. Students should stay in contact with the Practicum Team about an Incomplete status in any practicum course. Policies in the Incomplete Grades section of this policy document are applicable to practicum courses.
An Unsatisfactory grade can be earned for reasons such as, but not limited to, unacceptable progress in demonstration of the 9 competencies and behaviors, documented harmful conduct and/or lack of progression towards course requirements. An Unsatisfactory will be assigned following a review and approval from the Practicum Faculty and Director or Assistant Director. A practicum instructor must discuss unsatisfactory performance with the student and Practicum Faculty prior to the Evaluation Phase. If a student is concerned, they may receive an Unsatisfactory grade recommendation, they should contact their Practicum Faculty immediately.
An Unsatisfactory grade counts as a low grade and is subject to any GCSW Low-Grade Policy. No credit is received for the practicum course with an Unsatisfactory and all requirements must be repeated.
Practicum Stop/Changes
After a placement is confirmed and/or started any change in placement will require student participation in a practicum stop process. A practicum stop may result in a loss of accrued practicum hours and once approved will require participation in a re-placement process. A new/different practicum placement cannot be started without approval by the Practicum Team. The re-placement process may impact the student’s degree plan and graduation timeline.
NOTE: All additional and expanded practicum policies and procedures can be found in the Practicum Education Manual.
Although grades of D+ and lower are included in the computed grade point average, the university awards no credit toward the degree for courses in which the student receives a grade below C-. Students will also not receive credit for courses completed with a U. If such courses are required for the degree, the student will be required to take the courses again.
Whether or not in repeated courses, a student is automatically dismissed from the program based on the Low-Grade Rule as follows:
Receives 3 low grades of D’s, F’s and/or U’s in graduate courses attempted at this college, whether or not in repeated courses.
A student on Academic Probation (see 1.4.2 GPA Requirement, Academic Warning and Probation) will be dismissed from the graduate program if either of the following occurs:
- the student’s cumulative GPA remains below 3.0 after completing an additional 9 SCH of letter-graded coursework.
- the student has not completed 9 SCH of letter-graded coursework within two long semesters after being placed on Academic Probation and the student’s cumulative GPA remains below 3.0.
Students admitted conditionally must earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their first semester of graduate work at the GCSW. Failure to achieve a 3.0 GPA will result in dismissal from the M.S.W. program.
A dismissed student is ineligible for an MSW degree at this College and will not be allowed to re-enroll in the MSW Program.
University of Houston will not award or honor a degree with a cumulative GPA below 3.0, despite successful completion of coursework.
The temporary grade of I (incomplete) is a conditional and temporary grade assigned when students for non-academic reasons beyond their control have not completed a relatively small part of all requirements for a course. The student must:
- be currently passing the course or have a reasonable chance of passing the course, in the judgment of the instructor (which may include the Office of Practicum Education);
- contact the instructor immediately regarding the reasons that prevent the student from completing the course, final assignment and/or final examination, and initiate the request for an I grade as soon as possible, before the end of the term;
- not re-enroll for the courses in which their grade is currently recorded as an I. Even when the conditions for fulfilling the course requirements include participation in all or part of the same course in another semester, the student must not re-enroll for the course;
- make arrangements with the instructor to complete the course requirements, if assigned;
- understand that the only way to have an I grade changed to a passing grade is to fulfill course requirements in accordance with the conditions and timeline specified by the instructor;
- understand that the grade of I (incomplete) must be changed by fulfillment of course requirements within 12 months of the end of the term or session in which the I grade was received, or it will be converted automatically to an F or U (in S-U graded courses); and
- understand that the grade of I may be changed only to another letter grade. If the student does not complete the course requirements in the time allotted (see point f. above) the I grade will convert to an F grade and will be noted as a lapsed incomplete on the student’s transcript. An I grade, once lapsed to an F grade or changed to another letter grade, may not be changed back to an I grade or to a grade of W.
After the course work is completed by the student, the instructor will submit an electronic grade change form to change the I grade to the grade earned. Incomplete grades must be resolved before graduation. In the case of a student enrolled in the graduating semester, a grade of I which has not been changed by the date of graduation will have the effect of an F or U.
The generalist curriculum includes 15-semester credit hours of foundation coursework which serves as the prerequisite for all other GCSW courses. Students must successfully complete the foundation courses listed below (with grades of C or better or grades of S) before they can enroll in advanced or concentration coursework. Failure to complete one or more of the classes listed here may delay students’ progression in the program, and students’ degree plans may be adjusted. In this situation, students can be permitted to enroll in Generalist Practicum 2 and/or open electives.
Foundation courses include:
- Foundation of Social Work Profession (2 SCH)
- Social Work Policy in the Social Work Environment (3 SCH)
- Human Diversity/Human Development (3 SCH)
- Research and Knowledge Building for SW Practice (3 SCH)
- Social Work Practice Skills (3 SCH)
- Generalist Practicum 1 (1 SCH)
Students must register for courses in the specific enrollment model (face to face, hybrid, or online) to which they were admitted. Students who wish to change their enrollment status must submit a Request for Change in Enrollment Model form to the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs. Any student who enrolls in a course outside their enrollment model prior to receiving approval will be dropped from the course/s.
Time Limitation on Completion of Degrees
Students enrolled as graduate students at the University of Houston must complete the MSW program within five years of the enrollment date.
Students admitted to the GCSW who have previous graduate course work or wish to take classes outside the college may discuss transfer of credit with their academic advisor. Six to nine hours of graduate course work may be applied to the MSW degree. Course reviews for previously taken graduate classes will not be initiated until the student has successfully completed foundation. Students who wish to take classes outside the College must have the syllabus preapproved before enrolling in the class. Approval is subject to successful completion of foundation coursework. A grade of B or better is required for any credits to be transferred. The course must be within 5 years at the time of the awarding of the MSW. Work taken while in pursuit of an earned degree cannot be transferred.
The maximum graduate student MSW course load in the Fall or Spring semester is 15 semester credit hours (SCHs) and 6 SCH in the Summer semester with the exception of pre-approved degree plans that allow for 9 SCH in the Summer semester.
- The Assistant Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs can approve a course overload for any one semester under necessary circumstances. A student must complete and submit an overload request form on which they can specify the reason for the course overload request.
- An MSW student’s course load can be limited based on the individual student’s academic program and/or academic performance.
- There is no minimum SCH requirement for course enrollment in a given semester. However, if no courses are taken in a semester, the student must complete and submit a Request for Leave of Absence (LOA) Form to the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs. International students should check with ISSSO for additional enrollment policy information.
Continuous Enrollment & Leave of Absence
Students are expected to maintain continuous enrollment throughout their course of study. A temporary, time limited leave of absence generally up to 12 months may be granted for compelling reasons. To take a leave of absence, students should complete a Request for Leave of Absence (LOA) form. Students who fail to maintain continuous enrollment without initiating an official leave of absence will be considered as having withdrawn from the MSW program. Students may be required to reapply for admission without continuous enrollment or an approved LOA request.
To get a full learning experience at the GCSW, it is expected that students actively engage with all courses, including practicum. Within our program, courses may have a range of expectations around attendance and engagement with course materials and activities. Students are responsible for adhering to attendance and engagement expectations stated in each course syllabus and for understanding and seeking clarification for the expectations for each course in which they enroll. Faculty may contact students and/or the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs to support them if they have concerns about student attendance or engagement.
Section 2 - Student Opportunities to Provide Feedback and/or Address Concerns
Students have the right to provide feedback and offer input regarding academic and student affairs. Opportunities for providing feedback or to address concerns include the following:
- Providing general feedback:
- To provide feedback about a course: Students can complete confidential mid-semester and end of course evaluations. Students can also share concerns with their assigned cohort communicator who meets with administrators once a month during the long semesters.
- To provide feedback about the program: Students can complete the GCSW’s annual end of year survey. Students can also share concerns with their assigned cohort communicator who meets with administrators once a month during the long semesters.
- Addressing concerns:
- To address concerns about a faculty member, advisor, or administrator: Students are encouraged to first attempt to informally resolve issues with the person or office with whom they have a concern prior to moving to more formal channels.
- To submit a complaint about a faculty member, advisor, and/or administrator: Students can contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to share their concerns by email or to set up a meeting.
- To submit a complaint about a practicum instructor or preceptor: Students can contact the Office of Practicum Education to share their concerns
- To seek redress of any grievances related to academic affairs: Students can participate in the grievance process outlined in Section 4 of the Student Standards.
- To confidentially raise and discuss concerns about academic issues, interpersonal difficulties and to receive assistance in identifying options for resolving the conflicts and concerns: Students can seek out Ombuds Services:
- Reporting misconduct or discrimination:
- To report sexual misconduct or discrimination on the basis of race or color, national origin, religion, age over 40, sex or gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, genetic information, or veteran’s status: Students can submit a report form with UH EOS here:
Section 3 - Violation of Student Standards
Three levels of review can occur in reviewing student’s academic performance.
Level 1
When a faculty member or field instructor has a concern in the field or classroom regarding a MSW student’s professional readiness, professional commitment and ethical conduct, professional behavior, scholastic performance and/or attendance and punctuality, a discussion should be held with the student and the faculty member or field instructor expressing the concern. The faculty member or field instructor will:
- Communicate concerns directly with the student and seek to work with the student to resolve the concerns.
- Inform the field liaison or advisor of the concerns in order to identify potential patterns and issues related to the student.
- Document date/s and content of meeting with the student.
Level 2
When a faculty member, field liaison/instructor, advisor or administrator has a concern in field or the classroom regarding a MSW student’s professional readiness, professional commitment and ethical conduct, professional behavior, scholastic performance, and/or attendance and punctuality that has not been resolved with talking with the student, the faculty member or field instructor will meet with the student along with an administrator or advising staff member. The group will:
- Discuss concerns directly with the student and seek to work with the student to resolve the concerns.
- Initiate a student action plan (see description of action plan below), in consultation with one another, if applicable.
- Document date and content of meeting with student.
An Action Plan establishes formal conditions that must be met by the student and can include, but is not limited to: reduced course load; resource or support referrals; delayed enrollment in a field practicum course; or leave of absence. An action plan can be initiated by faculty or staff.
Level 3
Should the student fail to meet the specified outcomes identified and agreed to in the Action Plan or there are serious concerns, the faculty member and the Assistant Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs or Director of Field Education will make a recommendation to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to establish formal conditions for the students’ continuance or to dismiss the student. The Associate Dean will notify the student, the faculty member, the Dean, and other necessary persons, of the decision in writing.
Direct Referral to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
For circumstances that present immediate danger to person/s or property, 911 and/or the campus police will be called.
When the situation does not present an immediate danger or after a dangerous situation has subsided, a direct referral to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will be made. Situations that are reported include but are not limited to racial or sexual harassment, use of firearms or other weapons on University property or in a field placement, damage or destruction of University property, and behavior that threatens health, safety, or wellbeing of any University student or employee or field agency staff or client. Additionally, a UH CART report should be filed.
If a referral is made to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the student will be notified.
The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may establish formal conditions for the student’s continuance or to dismiss the student.
Section 4 - Academic Grievances
Students have the right to seek redress of any grievances related to his or her academic affairs. A grievance is an actual incident, or issue, which can be substantiated, and is regarded by a student as a just cause for protest. Persons against whom a grievance may be submitted include a classroom instructor, academic advisor, administrator, or other staff or faculty member of the Graduate College of Social Work. Students pursue a grievance with a desired outcome within the grievance. For other opportunities to provide feedback or offer input regarding academic and student affairs, see section 2 STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES TO PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND/OR ADDRESS CONCERNS.
Notice of Intent to File a Grievance
Notice of Intent to File a Grievance FormA Notice of Intent to file a grievance can be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs within thirty (30) business days after the date of the incident giving rise to the grievance, or within thirty (30) business days of the time when the student became aware, or should have become aware, that a grievable incident has occurred, whichever occurs first.
When the Notice of Intent is submitted, the student will receive a copy of this policy, together with a Formal Grievance Cover Sheet from the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Acknowledgement of receipt of these items is required.
The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will send the Notice of Intent to the respondent.
After a Notice of Intent has been submitted, the student must attempt to resolve the issue informally before they may file a formal grievance. At a minimum, the student must meet with the respondent to discuss the matter in a good faith effort on both parts and to attempt a resolution.
If the dispute has not been resolved after a discussion between the student and the respondent, the student may request a meeting with the respondent and their academic advisor and/or the Assistant Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs. If the issue is resolved informally, the Notice of Intent will be void.
If the issue is not resolved informally, the student may decide to terminate the process altogether OR proceed to file a formal grievance. If the student decides to terminate the process, this will be considered a final action that cannot be reversed via filing a grievance at a later date. If the time of 60 business days to file a grievance lapses, the Notice of Intent will be void.
Procedure for Filing a Formal Grievance
If the decision is to proceed with a Formal Grievance, a written statement, accompanied by a Grievance Cover Sheet, must be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs within sixty (60) business days from the date of submitting the Intent to File. The statement should include:
- A one-page (maximum) description identifying the grievable issue or incident, including date and place (if applicable).
- The name of the respondent (i.e., against whom the grievance is being filed).
- The names of any witnesses to the incident (if applicable).
- Evidence to support the grievance.
- The outcome desired by the student.
Upon receipt of the formal grievance statement and cover sheet, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, or their designee, will – within 10 business days – appoint an ad hoc Student Grievance Committee (“the Committee”).
The Committee will consist of three (3) full-time GCSW faculty and two (2) GCSW students. Faculty who hold administrative appointments of Associate or Assistant Dean are not eligible to serve.
The Committee will convene within 10 business days from its composition to select a chair, and the chair must be a faculty member.
The Committee chair will identify potential hearing dates with the Committee and the student filing the grievance. Reasonable attempts to schedule the hearing will be made by all parties. However, the hearing must be held within 20 business days from the date the formal grievance was filed.
The chair will inform all parties (including the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs) of the date, time and location of the hearing.
The student has the right to withdraw his/her grievance up to 72 hours (about 6 days) prior to the scheduled hearing, but must do so in writing, to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. In this case, the Associate Dean will notify the Committee and the respondent, and no further action will be taken at the college level.
The hearing will be called to order by the chair who will explain the hearing procedures to the student, the Committee, and the respondent. The hearing is closed; only the Committee, the student, and the respondent are present, unless witnesses have been identified and are called in advance by the chair of the Student Grievance Committee to provide additional information. When the grievance involves the field practicum, the field practicum instructor and/or preceptor will be called by the chair as a witness for the hearing. The student may bring a support person (an attorney or other representative) to the hearing, but this person is not permitted to advocate for or otherwise participate in any part of the discussions. The student must inform the chair of the Student Grievance Committee at least 48 hours (about 4 days) prior to the hearing if an attorney will be present. No persons under age 18 are permitted to be present at a grievance hearing. The University’s Office of General Counsel will be present at the hearing if an attorney is present for the student and further will likewise not permitted to advocate for or otherwise participate in any part of the discussions.
- The student will be given ten (10) minutes in which to make an opening statement and then may present his/her evidence.
- The respondent is given ten (10) minutes to open and then may provide evidence refuting the allegation(s).
- The Committee is given the opportunity to question the parties or to request further evidence/testimony.
- Both the student and the respondent are given an opportunity to make brief closing statements.
- All parties, except Committee members, are dismissed.
- The Committee deliberates, with the Chair presiding.
- No tape or video recording of the hearing will be made without written permission from all parties, and only when the Committee feels it is necessary to do so.
The findings and directives of the Committee are final.
Within 5 business days of the close of the hearing, the Committee chair will transmit a written report to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. The report must include a summary of the grievance, the respondent’s rebuttal, and the Committee’s findings and directives.
The Committee may find in favor of the student and direct the respondent to take appropriate corrective action.
The Committee may find in favor of the respondent and recommend no corrective action.
Within 5 business days of receipt of the Committee’s report, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs transmits the report to the student and the respondent.
Grievance Reports will be held in the Office of Academic Affairs for a period corresponding to the UH Document Retention Policy, after which time they will be destroyed.
If the student is dissatisfied with the decision of the Committee, he or she may appeal in writing to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs within 30 calendar days of when the decision is mailed. The Associate Dean has the authority to reverse the Committee’s decision only if there were serious errors in process or procedure that may have altered the final outcome.
If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the appeal to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, they may petition for a university level review by the UH Graduate School Grievance Committee (GSGC) which is under the purview of the Dean of the UH Graduate School. This petition for appeal must be made in writing and filed with the GCSW Office of Academic Affairs within 30 calendar days of the final disposition in the GCSW.