Alesandra Lozano
Alesandra Lozano
Name, age, occupation:
Alesandra (Ali) Lozano, 29, Voting Rights Outreach Coordinator at the Texas Civil Rights Project
Why did you select Dolores Huerta as your social justice icon?
Dolores Huerta is a civil rights activist who, with Cesar Chavez, is a co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW). She is also the originator of the phrase, "Sí, se puede." I chose Dolores as my social justice icon not only because of her incredible activism history, but also because she is one of the biggest inspirations for Chicanas (Mexican Americans) like me. I grew up with Dolores as a model of intersectional social justice work (her Foundation includes an Equality Program for LGBTQ* folks) and an example of what strong, determined, ambitious Latinas can accomplish.
Do you have a favorite quote from your social justice icon?
“Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.”
Are there any books, documentaries, films, articles, etc that you would recommend for others to learn more about the work of your social justice icon?
Documentary: Dolores
What social, racial, economic, or political justice issue does your work address?
Voting Rights
When did you first become aware of/interested in working on your social justice issue?
I had always been very passionate about getting people registered to vote, but I became especially interested in the nuance of election administration, election protection, and voting policy during my time working for Dr. Suzanne Pritzker on the GCSW's first-ever Voter Engagement & Political Justice Initiative. It was during this initiative that I decided this was the line of work I wanted to pursue after graduation.
Can you describe the biggest accomplishment/most gratifying moment you've had working on your issue to date?
Just one week after graduating from the GCSW, and just two weeks after starting my new job at Texas Civil Rights Project, I was in Austin at the Capitol fighting to defeat one of the worst anti-voter bills that Texas had ever seen. Not only did we end up defeating and killing this bill, but we also successfully ousted the Texas Secretary of State who had executed a voter purge list that discriminated against naturalized citizens. That was all extremely gratifying.
Who or what gives you the hope and motivation to keep going when you feel fear or doubt about achieving justice?
Dr. Suzanne Pritzker, Aabha Brown, and Dean Alan Dettlaff
What advice do you have for those who care about social justice but don't know how or where to begin?
Volunteer on a political campaign!
What are some of your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
Live music/concerts, hot yoga, trying new restaurants and coffee shops in Houston
What are some of your favorites social justice related things?
Podcast: Healing Justice
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I am Jennifer Lopez's biggest fan.