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Mission and Values

The mission of the Counseling Psychology doctoral program is to foster and maintain an environment in which new knowledge is generated and community-engaged change agents are trained. Collectively, we share a passion for eliminating mental and physical health inequities and ethically engaging in scientific and clinical work with a deep understanding and valuing of social justice and the plurality of worldviews.

Program Values

Climate of Safety: Climate of safety and trust for all that honors all opinions and perspectives. Recognition of strengths and growth potential of all individuals and systems.

Diversity and Social Justice: Respect for diversity and values different from one’s own, including but not limited to issues of age, gender, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, language, religion, faith or no faith, spirituality, sexual orientation, ability status, and socioeconomic status. This respect includes the process of self-examination, a no tolerance policy for bigotry, prejudice, harassment, and discrimination. In addition, this includes a commitment to serving as social change agents through challenging structural inequities to reduce disparities and promote social justice.

Ethics and Professionalism: Ethical behavior and professionalism, including adherence to the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct and all the APA guidelines that address diversity issues.

Science and Practice: Commitment to the scientist-practitioner model, including scientific rigor and highest practice standards in which science informs practice and practice informs science.

Person in Context: Emphasis on context and person-environment fit, i.e., the recognition that an individual’s behavior cannot be understood without considering that person’s environment/context and its impact. This perspective includes dealing with the complexity of both the person and his/her environment, as well as the interaction between the two.