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ELPS Admissions

Please review information regarding the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies admissions requirements for the K-12, Higher Education, and Special Populations programs.



Executive Ed.D. K-12 Professional Leadership

  • GPA: preferred minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in upper division undergraduate coursework and graduate coursework
  • The GRE is NOT required.
  • Master’s degree earned from an accredited institution of higher education
  • Statement of intent articulating career goals and how they relate to the program
  • Writing sample
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • Three letters of recommendation: You will request recommendations from your recommenders by entering their names and emails directly into the ApplyWeb application; then, recommenders will receive an email with your request and submission instructions.
  • State of Texas Principal’s Certificate (for all candidates seeking superintendent certification): valid copy that clearly shows all borders and the state seal
  • Complete the Formal  Admission to a Superintendent Certification program
  • Please review additional requirements and application instructions via UH College of Education Graduate Admissions.
M.Ed. Administration and Supervision
  • Bachelor’s degree earned from an accredited institution of higher education
  • GPA: preferred minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in upper division undergraduate coursework
  • The GRE is NOT required.
  • Statement of intent articulating career goals and how they relate to the program
  • Three letters of recommendation: You will request recommendations from your recommenders by entering their names and emails directly into the ApplyWeb application; then, recommenders will receive an email with your request and submission instructions.
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • State of Texas Educator’s Certificate (for all candidates seeking principal certification): valid copy that clearly shows all borders and the state seal
  • Complete the Admission to a Principal Certification Program application
  • Teaching experience: two years at the time of acceptance or upon completion of the program of study; a service record from the employer can show this teaching experience
  • Please review additional requirements and application instructions via UH College of Education Graduate Admissions.
Principal Certification Only Program
  • Bachelor’s degree earned from an accredited institution of higher education
  • Master’s degree in an education related field, earned from an accredited institution of higher education
  • GPA: preferred minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in upper division undergraduate coursework
  • The GRE is NOT required.
  • State of Texas Educator’s Certificate: valid copy that clearly shows all borders and the State seal
  • Complete the Admission to a Principal Certification Program application
  • Teaching experience: two years at the time of acceptance or upon completion of the program of study; a service record from the employer can show this teaching experience
  • Please review additional requirements and application instructions via UH College of Education Graduate Admissions.



Ph.D. Higher Education and Policy Studies
  • GPA: preferred minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in upper division undergraduate coursework and graduate coursework
  • Preferred applicants will hold a master’s degree and at least three years of relevant experiences. Please review additional requirements and application instructions via UH College of Education Graduate Admissions.
  • The GRE requirement may be waived for applicants to the program. The applicant must have at least one of the following from an institution accredited by one of the six regionally accrediting associations to qualify for a waiver: a) an overall undergraduate grade point average of 3.00 or higher (on a 4-point scale) or b) a master’s degree or terminal degree.
  • Two letters of recommendation: You will request recommendations from your recommenders by entering their names and emails directly into the  ApplyWeb application; then, recommenders will receive an email with your request and submission instructions. Please direct recommenders to speak specifically to the following areas: academic and/or professional performance; examples of your leadership; and your relevant experiences that demonstrate ability to excel in doctoral studies.
  • A two-three single spaced page (12-pt font, one inch margins) personal statement that addresses the following:
    • Describe your a) relevant research (areas/topics of interest), b) professional experiences, and c) future goals that motivate you to pursue a Ph.D. in higher education, leadership and policy studies and explain why the program is the best place for you to pursue these goals.
    • Identify two or three higher education faculty members among our core faculty and a) describe how their work aligns with your professional and/or scholarly interests and b) why you feel they would make a good faculty advisor.
    • Discuss where you want to be professionally ten years from now and how this program will help you reach this goal.
  • A writing sample of no more than 15 double spaced pages. The applicant must be the first or solo author of the work.
    • Reviewers will consider the following aspects when reading your submission: demonstrates critical thinking; clearly articulates an argument and/or position; substantiates arguments through the use of rigorous resources; utilizes an effective organizational strategy to communicate logical progression; and uses nearly error free mechanics and conventions. Common examples of writing samples include: an academic or research paper; a substantive report or paper prepared as part of one’s professional role; a scholarly paper from a class assignment; or a policy brief or report.
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Other Materials and Considerations: Applicants may submit up to two additional pieces of documentation they believe uniquely strengthen their admissions packet (e.g., a story or news article featuring work you have done in the community; published paper/conference proceedings; GRE scores; video documenting public scholarship or advocacy with which you have been involved). Any other additional evidence (ie., educational, personal, familial, cultural, economic, or social experiences, not described in your personal statement) that have shaped your professional or academic journey to the Ph.D.
M.Ed. Higher Education
  • GPA: preferred minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in  undergraduate coursework
  • The GRE is NOT required.
  • Three letters of recommendation: You will request recommendations from your recommenders by entering their names and emails directly into the ApplyWeb application; then, recommenders will receive an email with your request and submission instructions.
  • Statement of intent articulating career goals and how they relate to the program: Write a statement of intent (max of 3 double-spaced pages) articulating your career goals and how the program at UH is the right fit.
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • Please review additional requirements and application instructions via UH College of Education Graduate Admissions.



Ed.D. Professional Leadership – Special Populations
  • Master’s degree earned from an accredited institution of higher education
  • GPA: preferred minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in upper division undergraduate coursework and graduate coursework
  • GRE is NOT required.
  • Three letters of recommendation: You will request recommendations from your recommenders by entering their names and emails directly into the ApplyWeb application; then, recommenders will receive an email with your request and submission instructions.
  • Statement of intent articulating career goals and how they relate to the program
  • Writing sample
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • Please review additional requirements and application instructions via UH College of Education Graduate Admissions.
M.Ed. Special Populations
  • Bachelor’s degree earned from an accredited institution of higher education
  • Three letters of recommendation: You will request recommendations from your recommenders by entering their names and emails directly into the ApplyWeb application; then, recommenders will receive an email with your request and submission instructions.
  • GPA: preferred minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in upper division undergraduate coursework. . For certification, TEA requires a minimum GPA of 2.5.  
  • The GRE is NOT required.
  • Statement of intent articulating career goals and how they relate to the program (see specific directions for all M.Ed. in Special Populations tracks).
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • State of Texas Educator’s Certificate showing a currently valid teaching certificate (for Educational Diagnostician concentration only; submitted via Educator Certificates)
  • Educational Diagnostician concentration: Formal Admissions Application
  • Special Education Certification applicants must also follow the UH Teacher Education Admissions Interview Process
  • Please review additional requirements and application instructions via UH College of Education Graduate Admissions.
Educational Diagnostician Certification
  • Master’s degree earned from an accredited institution of higher education
  • GPA: preferred minimum of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in upper division undergraduate coursework and graduate coursework. TEA requires a minimum GPA of 2.5. 
  • The GRE is NOT required.
  • Formal Admissions Application
  • State of Texas Educator’s Certificate showing a currently valid teaching certificate (submitted via Educator Certificates)
  • Three years creditable teaching service:
    • Service record with signature from HR representative demonstrating three years of teaching experience either at the time of acceptance (submitted via Service Records), or
    • Evidence that the applicant will have three years of service by program completion
  • Three letters of recommendation: You will request recommendations from your recommenders by entering their names and emails directly into the ApplyWeb application; then, recommenders will receive an email with your request and submission instructions.
  • Statement of intent articulating career goals and how they relate to the program (see specific directions here).
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
  • Please review additional requirements and application instructions via UH College of Education Graduate Admissions.