Marianne LeBreton

Marianne LeBreton graduated from the University of Ottawa with a bachelor’s in psychology and a minor in lettres françaises (French). Her B.A. thesis examined the effects of acute and chronic REM sleep deprivation on the cognitive processes of rats. She completed a summer internship at the sex reassignment unit at les Hospices Civils de Lyon in France to collect data for her master’s in sexology. Her M.A. thesis focused on the post-surgical genital sensitivity of trans women and its relationship with various psychosocial variables. She started working for the Coping and Resilience (CORE) Research Team at McGill University in February 2012. She’s the project coordinator for “Bisexual Identity: Implications for the Mental and Sexual Health of Men”.
In her spare time, Marianne enjoys drinking ridiculous amounts of tea, reading fantasy and science-fiction novels, and playing with her adorable cat.