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Stephen Barth Professor, Attorney

B.A. in Economics, M.A. in Communications, J.D. (Law), Texas Tech University.

Expertise & Research Interests
  • Hotel Law
  • Restaurant Law
  • Hotel Security and Loss Prevention
  • Restaurant Security and Loss Prevention
  • Responsible Service of Alcohol/Dram Shop Liability
  • Travel Risk Management
  • Leadership
  • Customer Care
  • Positive Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
Career Highlights
Stephen Barth is an American lawyer, award-winning professor, author, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. In his 30+ years to date at the Conrad Hilton College, University of Houston, where he has focused on hospitality law and leadership, Stephen has taught 15,000+ students, published 150+ articles, and delivered 500+ presentations to business travel, hotel, restaurant, club, and meeting industry audiences. He is a regular industry speaker whose insights and perspectives have been featured on the CBS Morning Show and in the New York Times, Washington Post, and more.
In 2000, Stephen founded along with the annual Hospitality Law Conferences. In 2011, he founded the Global Travel Risk Management Summit Series. He is also the author of Intelligent Emotions: On Self Responsibility, Owning Our Emotional Power, and Changing Our Reactions and the co-author of Hospitality Law 5th Edition and Restaurant Law Basics.
Stephen has over 20k followers on his personal Twitter account (@stephenbarth) and spearheaded the publication of 6 curated newsletters that focus on Travel Safety, Hotel Development, Human Resources, Hospitality Law, Food & Beverage, and Hospitality Insurance & Loss Prevention, which have a combined monthly readership of over 37k subscribers.
Stephen also keeps the conversation going and shares valuable information in several welcoming LinkedIn groups, such as the Global Travel Coalition; the Hospitality Owner & Management Coalition; the Hospitality Legal, Risk, Safety and Security Coalition; and the Emotional Energy group.
Stephen has been and continues to be designated frequently as an expert in litigation involving the responsible service of alcohol (Dram Shop Expert) as well as safety and security aspects in the hospitality industry, including high profile cases such as Andrews v. Marriott International, Inc., 2016 IL APP (1ST) 12273 and the Melissa Blaylock v. Schwartz Brothers Restaurants/SBR Holdings, L.L.C./WAS, Inc., and Bruce Greene, No. 16-2-07043-4-SEA. 
Stephen has also been interviewed in podcasts such as Optimal Self with Jeremy Herider, Wake Up With KC, and The Legal Mastermind Podcast.