ePortfolio Class

The one-credit, hour-long electronic portfolio course, recommended for juniors and seniors, guides students through the “folio thinking” process of developing an electronic portfolio and assists them in creating their online persona.
Fall 2021 ePortfolio CourseCourse & Class Num: HON 4130
Day & Time: Fridays 12 – 1 p.m.
HON 4130 ePortfolio Course Description
This one-credit, hour-long ePortfolio course is recommended for juniors and seniors who are seeking innovative ways to showcase their undergraduate career and distinguish themselves when applying for graduate school and the workforce. The course guides students through “folio thinking” when developing their professional websites. The class is two-fold in nature. It is a retrospective of a student's education but also prospective — serving as a preview of what’s coming next. The course comprises developing a narrative for the website, a site map and drafts of the ePortfolio. The class is collaborative; there are opportunities for brainstorming and presenting ideas.
Not yet a junior or senior? Contact Rikki Bettinger for more information about taking the ePortfolio course.